TBWinPE/RE Builder Settings

This tutorial covers the options and settings available in the TBWinPE/RE Builder program which is used to create the TBWinRE and TBWinPE boot media as well as update the installed Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE).

When TBWinPE/RE Builder is run for the first time it will import any existing TBWinPE.cmd or TBWinRE.cmd script settings found in the same folder. Saved settings will be imported if they were enabled for the script.

Program settings can be accessed by either clicking the Settings button on the Project Type screen or from the File menu.

To quickly jump to a Settings tab, click one of the following links:



General program options for TBWinPE/RE Builder.


Skip license step if license format appears valid: Enable this option to skip the wizard step asking for the Image for Windows license information if format of the imported or previously entered information appears valid.

Ignore warnings when checking requirements: Enable this option to ignore warnings issued when checking the build requirements. The wizard will automatically proceed to the next step. When disabled you will need to click Next to continue when there are warnings.

Allow MakeDisk to use USB drives larger than 64GB: By default, MakeDisk will not display USB drives larger than 64GB. Enable this option to allow their use. Important: Be extra careful to select the correct drive.

Download and include USB 3 drivers in Windows 7 RE/PE builds: Enable this option to have TBWinPE/RE Builder download commonly used USB 3 drivers for use in Windows 7 based builds (Windows 7 WinRE and Windows 7 AIK). If this option is disabled, you will not be prompted to download the drivers and they will not be included in the build (even if they were previously downloaded).

Skip installed WinRE status check: Enable to check the installed WinRE status and content when supported. Status shows if normal WinRE or TBWinRE and version of Image for Windows that's included. Note: Details may not be available in WIM files created using older versions of TBWinPE/RE Builder or TBWinPE.cmd/TBWinRE.cmd scripts. Requires Windows 8 or later.

Keep WinRE WIM backups when updating: Enable this option to keep a backup of the existing WinRE WIM source file when updating to a newer WIM. The backup will be in the WinRE_Backup folder and named with the version details of the WIM. This allows you to easily switch back to the previous WIM if there are any issues with the newer version.

Boot WIM

These options are specific to booting a WIM file and apply to booting the WIM using the GUI (these options will not be used for /bootwim command line operations).

Prompt for restart: Will prompt to restart the system after the system has been configured to boot the selected WIM file.

Force restart: Forces the system to restart. This may cause data loss if you have unsaved files.

Ignore drive type: Ignores the drive type (allow unsupported drive types). Unsupported drive types may not boot the WIM successfully.

Match Windows drive letters: Attempts to match the Windows drive letter assignments during initialization after booting the WIM. Note that some drives, especially non-fixed types, may still be assigned different letters. Additionally, some drives may not be assigned if the Windows partition is not accessible after booting (e.g. encrypted) and may require manually assigning letters. This option requires a TBWinRE/PE WIM configured to use TBLauncher v1.21+ (TBLauncher is used by default in these builds).


Use DISM API if supported: Enable to use the DISM API on supported systems (Windows 7 or higher). Using the API usually reduces the build time. Functionality is the same whether enabled or disabled.

Use installed DISM: When this option is enabled the installed version of DISM will be used instead of the DISM included with the WinPE AIK/ADK files. This option only affects TBWinPE builds (TBWinRE always uses the installed DISM) and may be helpful in cases where a TBWinRE build can be created successfully, but there are DISM issues or errors when trying to create a TBWinPE build.

Use x64 DISM: Will use the x64 (64-bit) version of DISM instead of the x86 (32-bit version) on supported systems. Use of the DISM API will be disabled when this option is enabled. This option may be helpful in cases where a successful build can be created using the TBWinRE.cmd (or TBWinPE.cmd) script, but there are DISM issues or errors when trying to create a build with TBWinPE/RE Builder.

Force unsigned drivers: Enable to allow unsigned drivers to be added to builds.

Save log in build folder (DISM.log): Enable to save the DISM log output to the DISM.log file in the build folder (the DISM log output will not be saved to the default log used by Windows). For example, if the log is requested by support this option can be used to obtain it for a single build without needing to extract the desired entries from the default log. If this option is disabled the log entries will be saved to the default log.

Reset (clear) log on startup: Enable to clear the DISM log file when the program is started. This option applies only to the DISM.log file in the build folder (the default Windows DISM log file will not be reset). If this option is disabled the new log entries will be appended.


Create log file: Enable to have the program create the TBWinPE.log file.

Reset (clear) log when program starts: Enable to clear the log file when the program is started. If this option is disabled the new log entries will be appended.

To edit the TBWinPE.ini file directly click the Edit TBWinPE.ini link. The Settings dialog will close and the file will be opened in Notepad. If you would like the Settings dialog to reopen after closing Notepad, hold the Shift button down when you click the link.

Program Paths

Configure paths to the TeraByte programs, the Windows AIK/ADK source for TBWinPE builds, and the WinRE source for TBWinRE builds.

In most cases, it's not necessary to specify the installation paths. However, if a program (or source) is not automatically found or if you wish to specify a different location you can do so here. An example would be if you have the files from multiple AIK/ADK installations on the computer without them being installed.

Image for Windows

The Image for Windows version detected will be shown.

TeraByte OS Deployment Tool Suite (TBOSDT)

The TBOSDT version detected will be shown. If you are using the "Professional for BootIt" version you may need to enter your license details on the BootIt tab.

Windows AIK or ADK (TBWinPE only)

The Windows AIK/ADK source detected will be shown. Leave blank to use the default/installation path. If you type in a path you can check it by clicking the Check path link.

WinRE Source (TBWinRE only)

The WinRE source version will be shown (if found) as well as the current source selection (installed or user selected WIM). You can click the View details link to view the WIM details for the currently selected source. Using the installed source is recommended as that is usually the most current and offers the best support. However, if the installed WinRE wasn't found or a different version is required, you can browse and select an alternate WIM to use. You can also search the system for the WIM by selecting the File menu and then the Search for WinRE... item. Any WIM selected will be checked and warnings or errors will be displayed.

Installed WinRE (recommended): Select to use the installed WinRE as the source.

Use selected WinRE WIM file: Select to use the selected WinRE WIM file as the source. The Browse... button drop-down can be used, if available, to force the browse dialog to open in a specific build folder, otherwise, it opens in the last used location.

Important: When using an alternate WIM, depending on the version and architecture (both for Windows and the WIM), some files may not be available. If you create this type of build it is recommended to verify it boots properly and the functionality you require is supported.

Boot files: By default, the boot files to use are automatically selected by the program. However, if there are booting issues, you can use this option to select an alternative. In situations where the selected boot files are missing or would be invalid, the program will select from the available valid files.

Allow user selected WIM to replace installed WinRE: When this option is enabled and a user selected WinRE WIM is being used, operations that update or restore the installed WinRE will replace it with the selected WIM. A confirmation message will be displayed when enabling this option.

Important: This option is intended for troubleshooting and repair purposes and should only be enabled if required. Care should be taken to avoid unintentionally replacing the installed WinRE WIM.

Build Options


Pause build before unmounting WIM file: Enabling this option will pause the script after the TeraByte modifications have completed, but before the WIM file has been unmounted. This allows the user to browse the mount sub-folder to verify the contents or to add content to the build.

Use startnet.cmd to control program startup: Use this option to make the build use the startnet.cmd file to control program startup instead of the default (winpeshl.ini). The Command Prompt window will be the shell instead of TBLauncher. You can click the Edit link to edit the file. The startnet.cmd file used is saved in the config folder.

Enable "Press any key..." prompt when booting disc: This option only applies to TBWinPE builds. When enabled, this option will cause the TBWinPE CD to prompt the user to press an key before booting (just like the Windows installer CD/DVD does). If a key isn't pressed within a few seconds, the computer will boot normally from the hard drive.

Add drivers from "Drivers" folder: Enable this option to include any drivers in the Drivers folder. If disabled, drivers in the Drivers folder will not be included in the build.

Add installed storage and network drivers: Enable to add installed storage and network drivers to the build. (Some standard drivers will be skipped.) Using this option may allow you to avoid needing to manually place the necessary drivers into the "Drivers" folder. In some cases, the installed drivers may not be supported in the WinPE/RE environments and may still need to be added manually. Note that the build being created should be the same as the version of Windows (e.g. creating a TBWinRE build, creating a TBWinPE build using Windows 10 ADK on Windows 10, etc.).

Optimize WIM file: Enable this option to optimize/repack the build's WIM file after it's created. This can result in a reduced size if the source WIM file has been previously modified.

Add BitLocker support: Includes the WinPE packages to add support for BitLocker. This option only applies to TBWinPE builds using a Windows ADK source (TBWinRE builds include BitLocker support by default).


You can select one of the standard resolutions or enter any ChgRes parameters directly. Note that only 32bpp resolutions are supported on Windows 8 or higher. The default is to use 1024x768 (it's recommended to use 1024x768 or higher).

Important: Be aware that supported resolutions when booted into WinPE differ from those in Windows. Some systems may only support a very limited number of resolutions (UEFI systems often support only one) and some systems may not actually support all resolutions listed. Before specifying an alternate resolution you can verify the resolution you want to use is valid in WinPE by testing it with TBLauncher or ChgRes while booted to TBWinPE or TBWinRE (running ChgRes without any options will display usage information).

The screen DPI can be set to use the default, 96, 120, 144, or 192. This can be helpful when using FHD/QHD/QFHD displays that are not automatically detected correctly.

Time Zone

Select the desired time zone from the list.


Export Wi-Fi profiles: Enable to export the Wi-Profiles for use in the build. The profiles contain the required information to connect to a specific Wi-Fi network. For system profiles, only those that are currently connected or those that have been previously connected and are still retained by the system will be exported. Be aware that advanced/enterprise profile types may not be supported or function correctly in the TBWinRE environment. You can select to export both system profiles and Wi-Fi*.xml profile files, system profiles only, or Wi-Fi*.xml profile files only.

If you wish to manually include a profile, export it to an .xml file, place it into the build's folder, and name it to comply with the following mask: Wi-Fi*.xml (e.g. Wi-Fi-Profile1.xml). This can be helpful when you need to include profiles that are not on the system creating the build. Profiles can be exported using an Administrator Command Prompt by running the following command (substitute the correct profile name for ProfileName): netsh wlan export profile name="ProfileName" key=clear

Note: Wi-Fi options and features are only supported in Windows 10 TBWinRE builds (using the latest version of Windows 10 is recommended for best support). Additionally, the appropriate driver for the Wi-Fi device used will need to be in included in the build. Some drivers are included by default, but many are not (again, using the latest version of Windows 10 is recommended for the most current built-in drivers). If using the option to include installed drivers doesn't work, you will need to manually add the drivers to the build. Some devices may not have drivers that install and function properly in the WinRE environment.

Export profile passwords as clear text: Select this option to export the profiles using a clear text password. This allows the profile to connect without needing to prompt for the password. If this option is not used the profile will be exported with an encrypted password, which will be cleared during Wi-Fi initialization.

Auto-connect connected profile(s) during Wi-Fi initialization: When enabled, TBLauncher's Wi-Fi initialization will attempt to connect to the exported profile(s) that were connected at the time the build was created. Profiles are available to connect manually regardless of this option's state.


Pointer speed: Select the desired point speed from the allowable range.

Enhance pointer precision: Select to enable enhanced precision and acceleration.

Switch primary and secondary buttons: Select to swap the mouse buttons.

Note: The above options correspond to the standard Windows mouse settings and may not apply to all pointer devices. Pointer speed may be different in TBWinPE/RE than in Windows even with same setting. These settings are also available from TBLauncher's Tools menu (Mouse Settings...) and can be adjusted after booting.

Cursor type: Select the mouse cursor type to use (default will be used if not available). Choices are Default, Aero, Aero (XL), Black, and Black (L). Cursor types available in the build can also be selected in TBLauncher after booting. By default, Aero cursors will be included in the build and used for larger Default sizes.

Size: Select the cursor size. Cursor size can also be selected in TBLauncher after booting.


Language Pack

Use this option to install a language pack. You can enter the language pack name or use the drop-down to select one. Note that a valid AIK/ADK source path must be specified for the list to be populated. The selected language pack will be installed and set as the default. This option only applies to TBWinPE builds.

Add language font support package, if available: Several languages have an additional font support package available (e.g. ja-jp). Enable this option to include the package if it's available.

Input Locale

Use this option to set the input locale to an alternate value. The locale selected must be supported by the current language pack being used.


Custom initialization, run and build scripts.

These scripts can be enabled in the build to more easily handle custom build, initialization and automation tasks. InitScript and RunScript are run from TBLauncher on start-up and provide an alternative to using the startnet.cmd script. Note: Custom builds using startnet.cmd that do not run TBLauncher can still use these scripts by calling them directly from startnet.cmd.

To use any of these scripts, enable the associated option. Click the Edit links to edit the files (these files are saved in the config folder). The InitScript and RunScript files will be copied into the \Windows\System32 folder of the build (X:\Windows\System32 when booted).


This script will be run before TBLauncher is displayed and just prior to whichever program is configured to auto-launch (e.g. Image for Windows). Note: If this script must not be run until after the standard WinPE initialization has completed, make sure to disable the TBLauncher Run initialization programs in the background option.


This script will be run on start-up (immediately after InitScript.cmd, if used) and will take the place of whichever program was configured to auto-launch (e.g. Image for Windows). Note: Custom builds using autorun.cmd will need to call it directly from RunScript.cmd to use it since it will not be run automatically (e.g. call %TBDrive%\TBData\autorun.cmd).


This script will be run during the build process, allowing custom build operations to be automated. When this option is enabled you can select to have the Command Prompt window hidden while the script runs by enabling the Hide Window option (commands that require user interaction should not be used in the script if the window is hidden as there will be no way to respond). If you select to hide the window you can also select to have the script output logged by enabling the Log output option. For an example of using BuildScript and details on the available environment variables, please see the following KB article: Adding Programs to TBWinPE/RE Builds.


Configuration options for TBLauncher.


This option controls which program is automatically launched when TBLauncher runs. Valid modes are:

WinPE - Image for Windows will be run. This is the default.

WinRE - The System Recovery Options program is run, if found. Otherwise, Image for Windows.

IFW - Image for Windows is run using the parameters specified. This mode is useful if you want to configure the build to auto-run Image for Windows and perform a specific task (e.g. create a backup or restore an image). Note: Starting with TBLauncher v1.17, environment variables specified in the parameters will be expanded.


Run WinPE initialization: When enabled, TBLauncher runs the WinPE initialization program (wpeinit) on startup. When disabled, you can run it manually from TBLauncher's File menu, if necessary. Disabling this option can speed up startup.

Run network initialization: When enabled, TBLauncher runs the network initialization on startup. When disabled, you can run it manually from TBLauncher's File menu, if necessary. This needs to be run if network access is required. Disabling this option can speed up startup.

Run Wi-Fi initialization: When enabled, TBLauncher runs Wi-Fi initialization on startup. This is only supported in Windows 10 TBWinRE builds. If the build option to auto-connect connected profiles was enabled, TBLauncher will attempt to connect the applicable profile(s). If the profile password was not exported as clear text you will be prompted for it when the connection is attempted. Note: There may be a delay of up to two minutes (more usually around one minute) during the initialization and first connection attempt.

Exported profiles are available via TBLauncher's Tools menu if you need to reconnect or switch to a different profile. Running the initialization again, if necessary, can be done from TBLauncher's File menu (connected profiles will be disconnected during this process).

Disable firewall: Enable this option to disable the Windows firewall. This is required to use multicasting with Image for Windows.

Run initialization programs in the background: Enable this option to make TBLauncher run the initialization programs in the background instead of waiting for them to finish before running Image for Windows or the System Recovery Options program. Depending on the system, there may still be a delay before Image for Windows or the System Recovery Options program is run. For example, if you have Image for Windows set to run automatically and it requires network access, you would want to disable this option so the network would be available when Image for Windows runs.


Search for TBWinRE/PE boot media drive after booting: When enabled, TBLauncher will search for the TBWinRE/TBWinPE boot media drive after booting. If found, the following applies:

  • The %TBDrive% environment variable will be set to the drive letter of the boot media and can be used in scripts, menu items, etc.

  • If the \TBData\TBLauncher.ini file exists on the drive it will be used instead of the built-in INI file. Note that the initialization options in the replacement file won't be used since initialization has already occurred. However, the Mode option and menu items will be used.

  • If the \TBData\autorun.cmd file exists on the drive it will be run, overriding the Mode setting. This allows easy configuration and use of an auto-run script without needing to recreate the build. Click Edit autorun.cmd to edit the file. Important: Care should be taken when using an auto-run script. Depending on the script, having it run on the wrong system or when not applicable may have undesirable consequences.

Starting with TBWinPE/RE Builder v1.15 and TBLauncher v1.17, each build is assigned a unique Build ID (a GUID, by default) and this ID is matched when searching for the boot media. Previously, it was recommended to have only one TBWinRE/TBWinPE boot media connected to the system (the one being booted) when using this option since searching would stop when the first match is found. This is still recommended if booting when multiple drives using the same ID are connected. If you need to revert to the old searching method you can add the MatchBuildID=0 option to the [Options] section of TBLauncher.ini. If you would like to specify a custom Build ID value you can add the BuildID option to the [Options] section of TBWinPE.ini (e.g. BuildID=Office 2018-09). Note that the Build ID value is case sensitive.

Searching for the boot media drive may slow down TBLauncher start-up by a few seconds due to time required by WinPE to initialize connected devices. If necessary, you can specify the maximum number of seconds (up to 20) to search for the boot drive (the default is 8 seconds). If the search time is not long enough the drive may not be found or it may only be found sporadically.

The actual boot drive will not be able to be found when booting to a boot file (TBWinRE.bin or TBWinPE.bin). This is because it no longer exists as a drive by the time the search takes place. However, if other matching TBWinRE/TBWinPE boot media is connected it will be found. For example, if you boot to a boot file and have your matching customized TBWinRE UFD connected it will be found and the TBLauncher.ini and autorun.cmd on it will be used.

Search for updated versions of the TeraByte programs: Enable to search for updated versions of the TeraByte programs. After booting, if enabled, TBLauncher will search the specified build paths and the default installation paths for the TeraByte programs (Image for Windows, TBIView, TBIMount, TBIHD, and TBOSDT). If a newer version is found it will be used instead of the version included in the build (user will be asked first if that option is selected). Important: It is recommended to update the boot media when you update Image for Windows. If you rely on this option and the drive containing the updated versions is not accessible (e.g. blank, corrupted, etc.) the search will fail and you may not be able to access your backups using the older version included in the build. Note: This search can be performed manually from the Tools menu of TBLauncher.

Run Narrator: Runs the Narrator accessibility program on startup. This is only supported in TBWinRE builds based on Windows 10 1703 or later. Narrator can also be run from TBLauncher's Tools menu or by using the standard Windows shortcut (Ctrl+WinKey+Enter).

Run On-Screen Keyboard: Runs the On-Screen Keyboard accessibility program on startup. This is only supported in TBWinRE and requires Windows 8.x/10. The On-Screen Keyboard can also be run from TBLauncher's Tools menu.


Create log file: Creates TBLauncher log file (log file is not created if TBLauncher is run in normal Windows).

Always on top: Keeps the TBLauncher window on top of other Windows. It is recommended to enable this option.

Open on mouse over: Opens TBLauncher when mouse is moved over its closed state window (no need to click on window). Note: Enabling this option will also enable Always on top.

Close on mouse leave: Closes TBLauncher when mouse leaves its open state window. Note: This option only applies when Open on mouse over is enabled.

The default delay before closing is 1.5 seconds. However, TBLauncher will still close normally when another window is clicked on or made active, regardless of the delay. If necessary, the delay can be adjusted by setting a value for MouseLeaveDelay in the [Options] section of TBLauncher.ini. Valid values are 1 to 40, each adding 250ms (default is 6). For example, if you need a 3 second delay you would use MouseLeaveDelay=12.

Transparency when closed: Allows the TBLauncher window to be transparent when closed (inactive). This can be helpful on smaller screens where output from other programs would normally be hidden by TBLauncher. Default is no transparency (slider all the way to the left).

Style: Sets the style used for the TBLauncher window. Selecting Small will make TBLauncher close to a much smaller window.

Maximum number of launch menu items to display: Set the maximum number of launch menu items displayed in TBLauncher. Valid values are 6 (default) to 24. Values greater than 6 will adjust on startup and resolution changes to display the greater of the following up to the maximum specified: minimum count, actual number of menu items, what fits in vertical resolution. This setting can also be changed in TBLauncher after booting.

Manually edit TBLauncher.ini

To edit the TBLauncher.ini file directly click the Edit TBLauncher.ini link. The program will refresh the options after Notepad is closed.

Custom Menu Items

Menu entries can be added by manually editing the TBLauncher.ini file (saved in the config folder). Update the ItemCount variable (in the [Menu] section) and add a section for the new item (e.g. [Menu_Item_11]). Specify the Name, Path, WorkingDir (if applicable), Parameters (if applicable), and the Icon index value (usually 0). You can also use a custom icon by specifying the path to the file (supported file types: .ico, .exe, .dll). Note that, while specified, the icon index value is not applicable to .ico files. Examples:
Icon=0,%TBDrive%\my icons\custom.ico
Icon=6,X:\Custom Program\program.dll

Environment strings will be expanded (e.g. %ProgramFiles%). Please note that X: is the drive letter assigned to the booted WinPE ram drive (if you need to hard code it).

If the Search for TBWinRE/PE boot media drive after booting (FindBootDrive) option is used you can also use the %TBDrive% environment variable in the menu item paths to specify the boot media. This allows adding portable apps to the drive when the letter is unknown until booted.

For examples, please refer to the existing menu items in the file. There are also examples in the KB article Adding Programs to TBWinPE/RE Builds.

Screenshot Options

Screenshots can be taken by pressing F12 while in the main TBLauncher window or by using the Capture Screenshot item in the Tools menu (by default, there is a five second delay). A global hotkey (Ctrl-PrnScr) can also be used to take a screenshot with no delay. Files are saved to the X:\Screenshots folder (copy them to another location prior to rebooting to save them).

If necessary, screenshot options can be added manually by editing the TBLauncher.ini file (saved in the config folder). Options must be in the [Screenshot] section.

Delay=n     - Delay in seconds (2 - 10) prior to taking screenshot (default is 5). For example: Delay=7
RemoveLayered=0     - By default, layered window styles are removed for some builds prior to taking the screenshot as they will not capture layered/transparent windows. If this causes issues, it can be disabled using this option.
Bmp=1     - Save screenshots as bitmap (.bmp) files. Default is PNG (.png) files, which are considerably smaller.
Folder=path     - Path to folder to save screenshots. Environment variables can be used (e.g. %TBDrive%). Specified path should exist.
Hotkey=n     - The default global hotkey is Ctrl-PrnScr. If this conflicts with something else, several other choices are available: 0=Ctrl-PrnScr, 1=PrnScr, 2=F9, 3=Ctrl-F9, 4=F11, 5=Ctrl-F11, 6=Ctrl-F12, 7=Ctrl-Alt-P. Alternatively, a specific key combination can be used by specifying the modifier and virtual key code (Hotkey=mod,code). Only Ctrl, Alt, and Shift modifiers are supported. For example, Alt-F8: Hotkey=0x1,0x77

Displaying Background Image

As a workaround to an issue where TBWinRE builds based on Windows 11 don't properly update the background image, TBLauncher will display the background image (the winpe.bmp file is used). If needed, the image can be closed by holding Ctrl and clicking the left mouse button (Ctrl-LMouse) on the image or by disabling the option in TBLauncher's Program Settings. To disable this option completely, manually edit the TBLauncher.ini file (saved in the config folder) and add the BackgroundImage=0 option to the [Options] section.


License information for BootIt. The license should be imported automatically if the installed TBOSDT is activated.

Using BootIt Collection V2

Using BootIt Collection V1 or BootIt BM

BootIt License

Enter your BootIt Collection or BootIt Bare Metal product key. This is used when TBOSDT Pro for BootIt is included in the build. If the name or product key is missing or not valid you may be prompted for it when you run TBOSDT.

If BootIt Collection V2 is used (or TBOSDT is not found), there will only be fields for that license. Otherwise, for the BootIt Collection V1 or BootIt Bare Metal versions, you only need to enter one license. For example, if you have purchased the BootIt Collection enter that license and leave the BootIt Bare Metal fields blank.

If you are not including TBOSDT Pro for BootIt you can leave these fields blank.

If the Warn if TBOSDT Pro for BootIt is included in build and license appears invalid option is not enabled the program will not warn if the license appears invalid when checking the build requirements.


Configuration options for IFW WinRE and IFW BootWIM builds.

IFW WinRE and IFW BootWIM are custom TBWinRE builds designed to be booted directly from Image for Windows to perform an automated operation outside of Windows. For example, when trying to restore the running Windows partition, Image for Windows will not be able to obtain a lock on the partition. In this case, if the user chooses to reboot, Image for Windows will create (or update, necessary) the custom TBWinRE build and boot into it to perform the restore. These builds require Windows 7 or later, Image for Windows 3.48+, TBWinPE/RE Builder 1.25+, TBLauncher 1.24+. Using current versions is recommended (may have higher minimum version requirements than those listed here).

IFW WinRE updates the installed WinRE to a TBWinRE build (may be minimal if free space is low), while IFW BootWIM is a full TBWinRE build saved in Builder's folder. Due to the nature of these builds, a few program and build settings are forced to desired states. The remaining settings will be used as in a normal build.


Use IFW BootWIM mode: Enable to use IFW BootWIM mode even when IFW WinRE mode is specified. This can be helpful in cases where the installed WinRE is broken, IFW WinRE fails to build, or the IFW WinRE WIM is too large to fit on the WinRE partition.

Add installed drivers: Enable to include installed network and storage drivers in the build. This option will override the equivalent build setting and is enabled by default. Note: Depending on the amount of free space available on the WinRE partition, adding drivers to IFW WinRE builds may result in a WIM too large to fit. In those cases, the option can be disabled (if the drivers aren't required) or IFW BootWIM can be used instead.

Run WinPE initialization: When enabled, TBLauncher runs the WinPE initialization program (wpeinit) on startup. This option will override the equivalent TBLauncher setting and is enabled by default.

Run network initialization: When enabled, TBLauncher runs the network initialization on startup. This option will override the equivalent TBLauncher setting and is enabled by default. This option should not be disabled if network access is (or may be) required for any automated IFW WinRE or IFW BootWIM operation.

Allow InitScript to run: For customized builds, enable to allow InitScript to run during boot-up initialization. By default, this option is disabled because custom content may interfere with performing the automated Image for Windows operation. When disabled, the script will still be included in the build, but will not be run by TBLauncher during initialization.

Allow BuildScript to run: For customized builds, enable to allow BuildScript to run during the build process. By default, this option is disabled because custom content may interfere with performing the automated Image for Windows operation. If used, the script should not require user interaction so the build can be created unattended.

Always rebuild for newer program versions (IFW/TBOSDT): When enabled (the default), IFW WinRE and IFW BootWIM will be rebuilt if a newer version of Image for Windows or TBOSDT is found. It is recommended to leave this option enabled, ensuring the current versions are included in the build prior to booting it. Disabling this option will prevent a rebuild in these cases and instead search for newer program versions after booting. If found, they will be copied in and replace the older versions. If not found, or the partition with the newer version(s) is inaccessible (e.g. encrypted), the existing versions will be used. Note: Disabling this option will not prevent rebuilds due to minimum program version requirements.

Rebuild for newer WinRE (IFW BootWIM only): Enable to force a rebuild of IFW BootWIM if a newer version of WinRE is found.

Match Windows drive letters: Attempts to match the Windows drive letter assignments during initialization after booting the WIM. Note that some drives, especially non-fixed types, may still be assigned different letters. Additionally, some drives may not be assigned if the Windows partition is not accessible after booting (e.g. encrypted) and may require manually assigning letters.

Ignore drive type: Ignores the drive type (allow unsupported drive types). Unsupported drive types may not boot the WIM successfully.


A backup of the build can be saved to an alternate location. For automated builds, the backup can automatically be restored for use, if found and valid, instead of rebuilding. This can be helpful on systems with slow build times or those where restoring will lose the current build files (e.g. WinRE is on the Windows partition). Note: If you restore the partition with Builder's files (e.g. you restore the Windows partition), you may need to enable the option and set the backup folder after updating Image for Windows and Builder current in order for the backup to be found.

Enable backup/restore of WIM files: Enable to use the backup/restore feature. A backup folder must also be specified. For example, you might use a folder on the drive where you save your Image for Windows backup images or other backup files.


Configuration options for plugins. For more detailed information on using, creating, and testing plugins, refer to the TBWinPE/RE Builder Plugins Manual. The manual can also be opened from the program's Help menu.

Plugins provide a method for easily including files, WinPE packages, drivers, and even compatible programs into supported build types. When plugins are included, selected plugins will be run during the build process.

Enabling Developer Mode provides additional support for creating, testing, and modifying plugins during the build process. Refer to the Plugin Manual for information on using Developer Mode.

The Open Plugins folder button will open the build's Plugins folder. This folder contains the plugins that can be used by the build. Multiple plugins can exist in the main folder, but sub-folders are recommended for plugins that require multiple files to keep things better organized and prevent issues where mutliple plugins use files with the same names. To delete a plugin, delete the plugin's files (or folder) and reload the plugins. Plugins can also be deleted using the context menu of the list.

The Reload plugins button will reload plugins from the Plugins folder. This is useful if changes have been made (files edited, added, removed, etc.).

The Create plugin button will bring up a dialog to enter basic information for the plugin (name, filename, description) and select the build modes/types/architectures supported. Other details/settings, required versions, etc., would need to be added to the plugin file by editing it.

The Download plugins (or Install plugins) button will allowing downloading (if enabled) and installing plugins from TeraByte's website. Plugins already installed can be updated if a new version is found.

General Options

Include plugins in build: Enable to include selected plugins in the build. Selected plugins will not be included in the build if this option is not enabled.

Ignore warnings: Enable to ignore warnings when checking requirements for plugins. Warnings include errors and unsupported plugins. Basically, if the plugin doesn't complete the requirements check successfully it will trigger a warning (the plugin will be disabled and not used if the build is continued). Note: This option is automatically enabled for unattended builds.

Save settings before reloading plugins: Enable to have the current plugin settings automatically saved before plugins are reloaded. Applies to both manual and automatic reloads. Note: Saved settings will not revert if the settings dialog is canceled.

View text files in editor: Enable to view text files (such as logs, ReadMe files, etc.) in the text editor instead of the built-in viewer. By default, Notepad is used as the editor.

Disable downloading plugins: Disables downloading plugins from TeraByte's website. When downloading is disabled, only plugins already downloaded or included with the program will be available to install.

Enable Developer Mode (DevMode): Enables developer mode. This allows pausing the requirements and build steps to manage plugins during the build process. Additionally, test plugins can be used to aid in developing plugins. At least one plugin must be enabled for the build to enter developer mode. This option would normally only be enabled when developing or testing plugins. For information on using Developer Mode refer to the Plugin Manual. Note: This option will be disabled for unattended builds.

Pause on requirements check success (DevMode): Enable to have the build pause when a requirements check is successful. By default, the build will pause only when there is an error/warning. Pausing on success can be helpful to access the test plugin as well as allowing stepping through the plugins one at a time.

Pause on build success (DevMode): Enable to have the build pause when the plugin's build step is successful. By default, the build will pause only when there is an error. Pausing on success can be helpful to access the test plugin as well as allowing stepping through the plugins one at a time.

Allow TestReq plugin (DevMode): Enable to allow access to the TestReq plugin during the plugin requirements check step. This plugin can be used for testing requirements and code to aid in developing plugins. Since the build is not mounted at the time this plugin is run, test folders and registry hives are used to allow most operations to be tested.

Allow TestBuild plugin (DevMode): Enable to allow access to the TestBuild plugin during the build step. This plugin can be used for testing build code and has full access to the current build like a normal plugin (this includes the mounted WIM and the WIM's registry hives).

Reset TestReq registry hive (DevMode): Enable to reset/clear the registry hives used by the TestReq plugin on each build run. This can be helpful for testing registry commands in a known/clear state. The reset takes place each time the plugin requirements step is started.

Reset TestReq folders (DevMode): Enable to reset/clear the test folders used by the TestReq plugin on each build run. This can be helpful for testing file/folder commands in a known/clear state. The reset takes place each time the plugin requirements step is started.

Show log after running test plugin (DevMode): Enable to automatically show the test plugin's log (applicable for both TestReq and TestBuild) after it's run. This can be helpful to quickly see the results while testing without needing to click the button to view the log every time. Note: This option does not apply if the View text files in editor option is enabled.


Select (check) the plugins in the list to include them in the build. Selected plugins will only be included if the Include plugins in build option is enabled. Additional options are available by right-clicking on a plugin (e.g. move up/down in list, etc.). Drag & drop can also be used to order the plugins. Plugins will be processed in the order they appear in the list.

Individual Plugin Options / Options for Selected Plugin

Allow developer mode: Enable to allow developer mode for the plugin. If this is disabled, developer mode will be ignored for the plugin even if the global option is enabled.

Exclude from installed WinRE builds: Enable to exclude the plugin from builds that modify the installed WinRE (UpdateWinRE, IFWWinRE). This option will override the plugin's internal setting allowing you to prevent individual plugins from being included in those build types (for example, if they prevent the build from completing successfully due to increased WIM size).

Ignore warnings: Enable to ignore warnings for the plugin. If enabled, errors and warnings will be ignored for the plugin regardless of the global option (warnings are still logged). For example, if a particular plugin isn't supported, you can enable the option to ignore the warning while leaving the global option enabled.

The Open folder button will open the plugin's folder.

The Edit plugin button will open the plugin in the editor (by default, Notepad is used).

Creating Plugins

This dialog is accessible by clicking the Create plugin button and provides an easy way to create a new plugin with basic options set. Once created, the plugin will be added to the installed list and can be edited as needed.

Name: Enter the name for the plugin.

Plugin File: Enter the filename for the plugin. By default it will be saved in the Plugins folder. You can also click Browse... to select the sub-folder and filename.

Description: Enter a short description for the plugin.

Support Options: Select the Build Modes, Architectures, and Build Types that will be supported by the plugin.

Note: All of the above settings (along with more advanced settings) can be modified when editing the plugin file if necessary.

When ready, click the Create button to create the plugin or Cancel to abort.

Downloading and Installing Plugins

This dialog is accessible by clicking the Download plugins (or Install plugins) button. If downloading is enabled, the current list of available plugins from TeraByte's website will be downloaded. Plugins can be then be installed or updated as desired. If downloading is disabled you will only be able to install already existing plugins (those previously downloaded or included with the program).

Update installed plugins: This option will be available if updated versions are available to install. The currently installed versions will be replaced with the newer versions.

Install selected plugins: Select to install just the the selected plugins (those checked in the list). If an installed plugin is selected it will be replaced.

Install all plugins: Select to install all available plugins. Currently installed plugins will be replaced.

Note: The downloaded and installed plugins are separate from custom/user plugins. If you wish to modify one of these plugins you should copy it to the Plugins folder or a sub-folder so it won't be replaced when updating.

If a plugin has a long description or ReadMe file, it can be viewed by right-clicking on the plugin and selecting the desired action.

When selections are made, click the Install plugins (or Update plugins) button to install (or update) the plugins.