BOOTNOW shows "EMBR" error on Win8

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BOOTNOW shows "EMBR" error on Win8

Post by marcelser »


I just upgraded from Win7 64 bit to win8 64 bit. On Win7 BOOTNOW worked fine, in Win8 I get the error message "EMBR not found". I already tried creating a BOOTNOW.INI with HD0=0 and HD0=1 entry in it but with no success.

Do you know why Bootnow is unable to detect EMBR in Win8 or how to fix it?

Thanks for any help

TeraByte Support
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Re: BOOTNOW shows "EMBR" error on Win8

Post by TeraByte Support »

has to run at highest priority. check that setting again (that it's

"marcelser" wrote in message news:4564@public.bootitbm...


I just upgraded from Win7 64 bit to win8 64 bit. On Win7 BOOTNOW worked
fine, in Win8 I get the error message "EMBR not found". I already tried
creating a BOOTNOW.INI with HD0=0 and HD0=1 entry in it but with no success.

Do you know why Bootnow is unable to detect EMBR in Win8 or how to fix it?

Thanks for any help


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Re: BOOTNOW shows "EMBR" error on Win8

Post by marcelser »

What Do you mean be 'elevating'. I set bootnow.exe to run as administrator. In the settings I see that "System","Administrator Group" and "Marc Elser" (which is my user on the domain which is in the Administrators Group) have Full Access and I'm the owner of the program and it resides in C:\BOOTNOW. Als UAC asks me if I want to grant access to bootnow when I run it. But I don't know what you mean by running at highest priority, what priority and what do you mean be "it's elevating"? How can I check this?
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Re: BOOTNOW shows "EMBR" error on Win8

Post by mjnelson99 »

Doesn't UAC check pretty automatically even if an Adm?

On 1/31/2013 1:07 PM, marcelser wrote:
> What Do you mean be 'elevating'. I set bootnow.exe to run as administrator. In the settings I see that "System","Administrator Group" and "Marc Elser" (which is my user on the domain which is in the Administrators Group) have Full Access and I'm the owner of the program and it resides in C:\BOOTNOW. Als UAC asks me if I want to grant access to bootnow when I run it. But I don't know what you mean by running at highest priority, what priority and what do you mean be "it's elevating"? How can I check this?
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Re: BOOTNOW shows "EMBR" error on Win8

Post by marcelser »

Yes UAC asks me if I want to run program as administrator even if I'm in the administrators group, so I don't see what permissions should be missing as told by the support (which did not answer my post anymore which is sad). So I think this is an issue with win8 which blocks bootnow from writing to the bootnow partition for whatever reason. Maybe it can not detect HD0 correctly or something as it reports no EMBR error. I really would appreciate if the support would check this issue or tell me exactly what else I need to set, but so far they were not helpful.
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: BOOTNOW shows "EMBR" error on Win8

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

How many drives are in the system and how are they numbered in Disk Management?

When you tried using the BOOTNOW.INI file was it located in the Windows folder (e.g. C:\Windows\BOOTNOW.INI)?
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[SOLVED] Re: BOOTNOW shows "EMBR" error on Win8

Post by marcelser »

There are 3 drives in the system. A SSD with the partitions in question (there are 2 separate windows 8 partitions on the SSD), then there are 2 raid disks via Marvel Hardware Raid and a Backup Disk Western Digital Green.

They are lebelled as follow:
Disk 0 - Raid Disks
Disk 1 - SSD (with the two Windows 8 partitions)
Disk 2 - Backup Disk

So I guess the BOOTNOW.ini should be as follows:

Had an error in the BOOTNOW.INI I wrote

I don't know here I got that from but that apparently does not worked. I changed it to hd=1 and now it works. Thanks for having me check that again.
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