Win 2003 SBS/Dynamic Disks/Exchange Sever

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Win 2003 SBS/Dynamic Disks/Exchange Sever

Post by hmonroe »

I want to move a very old server to a newer computer.

The system has
a. Windows 2003 SBS (Small Business Server)
b. Exchange Server
c. Dynamic Disks (a Basic disk converted to a Microsoft Dynamic Disk)

1. Which program(s) will I need to purchase to move this to the new hardware?
2. Can I get rid of the "Dynamic" disk in this process and just have regular "Basic" disk?
3. Will I need to re-activate Windows 2003 SBS?
4. Do you think I will need to purchase a new Windows 2003 SBS license to do this?

TeraByte Support
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Re: Win 2003 SBS/Dynamic Disks/Exchange Sever

Post by TeraByte Support »

You'd have to get rid of the dynamic drive if possible (break mirror or just
convert, if it's spanned or stripped you can't break it).

After that, you can use Image for DOS/Linux/Windows if you like. You'll
have to check with your legal department to determine your licensing

"hmonroe" wrote in message news:391@public.image...

I want to move a very old server to a newer computer.

The system has
a. Windows 2003 SBS (Small Business Server)
b. Exchange Server
c. [b:1esxr97n]Dynamic Disks [/b:1esxr97n](a Basic disk converted to a
Microsoft Dynamic Disk)

1. Which program(s) will I need to purchase to move this to the new
2. Can I get rid of the "Dynamic" disk in this process and just
have regular "Basic" disk?
3. Will I need to re-activate Windows 2003 SBS?
4. Do you think I will need to purchase a new Windows 2003 SBS license to do


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