Cloning a Hard Drive

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Cloning a Hard Drive

Post by jamespedersen »


I would like to follow up with TeraByte Support about their response to the following question:


In this question a user asks whether they can clone a hard drive without any specific partition scheme. And the response of the TeraByte support team is yes, it is possible, which is great.

Now, supposing I follow TeraByte support's instructions as listed in that post. Namely, suppose I run the following commands

IFW: /copy /sd:w1 /td:w2 /raw

to clone the hard drive. This command will produce some output file as a result. Call it output.TBI

Now, what I'd like to ask is, will the file output.TBI contain additional metadata generated by the Terabyte Image for Windows program, or will the file output.TBI contain only the raw bytes of the cloned hard drive, similar to the way that the unix dd if=<TARGET_DISK> of=<EXTERNAL_DISK>/MyImage.img command works?

Thank you and I look forward to your response,
James Pedersen
TeraByte Support
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Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: Cloning a Hard Drive

Post by TeraByte Support »

that copies hard drive to hard drive, doesn't create a file, if you want to copy to a file you can create a raw virtual hard drive and copy to it, or use tbosdt copy sectors command.
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