IFL install to Ubuntu Grub

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IFL install to Ubuntu Grub

Post by timg11 »

I installed IFL as a Grub Boot option in Ubuntu 20.04.
I found the KB on this topic https://www.terabyteunlimited.com/kb/article.php?id=586 and followed it.

The procedure references this KB on IFL install: https://www.terabyteunlimited.com/howto ... _linux.htm

One issue is the window for entering User and Product Key. My experience this window did not accept pasting that data. I tried CTRL-C, and nothing happened. I tried right-click like I would do in the terminal to paste, and the installer proceeded without any user or key. I had to start over.

I was installing 64 bit IFL to 64 bit Ubuntu. The IFL install KB links to another KB about 32 bit libraries: https://www.terabyteunlimited.com/kb/article.php?id=566
I found the instructions in this article didn't quite match what actually happened in the terminal, but the information from the terminal was sufficient to get it installed.

One gap in the KB is explanation of the relationship of IFL 64 bit and 32 bit. I suspect at the time the KB was written (unsure - no date is shown), the 64 bit IFL didn't exist. But now with the 64 bit IFL, the installer still prompts for the 32 bit libraries when installing IFL 64 on 64 bit Ubuntu. Doesn't seem to hurt anything but is curious....

Final question - when I save defaults from IFL in the grub boot, they are not retained for the next run. How do I capture those settings and retain them in the IFL in the Grub boot?
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: IFL install to Ubuntu Grub

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

timg11 wrote:
> I was installing 64 bit IFL to 64 bit Ubuntu. The IFL install KB links to
> another KB about 32 bit libraries:
> https://www.terabyteunlimited.com/kb/article.php?id=566
> I found the instructions in this article didn't quite match what actually
> happened in the terminal, but the information from the terminal was
> sufficient to get it installed.

IFL is still 32-bit, even in the IFL 64-bit build, and requires the 32-bit libs. The Ubuntu 20.04 commands are the ones you should use. Can you elaborate on what you found that didn't match? Normally, a copy and paste of the commands from the KB article to the terminal (with 'sudo' added where needed) is easiest.

> Final question - when I save defaults from IFL in the grub boot, they are
> not retained for the next run. How do I capture those settings and retain
> them in the IFL in the Grub boot?

If you need to set any custom settings for IFL you will need to do it before you create the makeGRUB build by editing the ifl-custom.ini file. This can be done by manually editing the file with gedit/nano/etc. or by using the iflbuild script and selecting the "View/Modify ifl-custom.ini for custom versions" option prior to running makeGRUB (which is also a choice from the iflbuild menu).

If you are unsure of the setting names/values you want, you can boot into IFL and make the settings changes and then look at the ifl.ini file contents (or copy the file out to look at in Ubuntu). Note that you don't need to copy the [License] section to ifl-custom.ini as the makeGRUB script takes care of copying that when it creates the build.
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Re: IFL install to Ubuntu Grub

Post by timg11 »

As I come back to this system a year later, I'd like to update the grub IFL boot to the latest version of IFL.
Is there any update procedure, or does the entire installation process have to be repeated for every IFL update?

Also, the KB from my OP is now 404: https://www.terabyteunlimited.com/kb/article.php?id=586
I searched for Grub and found this: https://www.terabyteunlimited.com/kb/kb ... -makegrub/
Maybe the KBs have been re-organized with full names rather than article IDs?
I'm not sure if its the same KB - it would be helpful to put redirects on the article.php KB pages for a while.
TeraByte Support
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Re: IFL install to Ubuntu Grub

Post by TeraByte Support »

The redirects were there on the original move, and updated when the kb moved again, but it needed to go somewhere else, they are working again.
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Re: IFL install to Ubuntu Grub

Post by timg11 »

Thanks for fixing the KB links!

I reviewed that KB, but didn't find anything about updating IFL in an existing IFL grub boot installation.

Is there any way to update an existing installation with a newer version of IFL?
Is it as simple as just unzipping the downloaded ifl_en_gui_x64.zip to the ~/ifl_en_gui directory that IFL was originally installed to?
Or does the setup script have to be run again? If it has to be run again, will the previously entered options, settings, and keys be retained?
Would the existing grub menu automatically reference the updated IFL installation?
If if makegrub is required again, will it respect existing entries in the grub configuration? (I did some cleanup of the grub menu text with grub-customizer)
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Re: IFL install to Ubuntu Grub

Post by timg11 »

I ran ./imagel and saw that it was not updated after unzipping the update.
I ran ./setup and now I can run v3.50 from within the Ubuntu environment.
Of course that is not useful since there is nothing like PHYLOCK for IFL.

The setup script was well-written and preserved my information (thanks Terabyte!), so I had confidence the makeGRUB script would also "just do the right thing". Unfortunately it reports "Grub version/configuration not identified" and won't run.

I rebooted and selected IFL off the Grub menu, but unfortunately it still runs the old version of IFL.
So I guess I have to debug the makeGRUB script and discover why it won't run, or perform the essential steps manually.
Last edited by timg11 on Sun Mar 13, 2022 8:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: IFL install to Ubuntu Grub

Post by timg11 »

In the makeGRUB script, the error is caused by:

Code: Select all

elif [ "$grubversion" = "0" ]; then
so I checked the environment first:

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tim@Tethys-Lx64:~/IFL$ printenv | grep -i grub
Nothing present. The script calls get_grubversion. Maybe it sets $grubversion - let's try:

Code: Select all

tim@Tethys-Lx64:~/IFL$ get_grubversion
get_grubversion: command not found
Nope. No script by name of get_grubversion either. What is get_grubversion? A google search for "get_grubversion" gives "It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search" so I'm guessing it's not a standard Linux function.
So what is the grub version? AskUbuntu suggests this:

Code: Select all

tim@Tethys-Lx64:~/IFL$ grub-probe --version
grub-probe (GRUB) 2.04-1ubuntu26.13
OK so we have grub2. Why is the script not detecting it? How to fix the missing get_grubversion?
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