How restore image without delet all HD?

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How restore image without delet all HD?

Post by Underfon »

When I try to restore an image to a partitioned hd (C:) Windows and D: (Data) but I just want the C: drive to be erased, the following message appears: " The targert drive cannot be used because other partitions already occupy one or more of the target locations or the drive is not large enough". In this case I can only play the image if I erase all the drives (C: and D:), on some pc's unchecking the option "microsoft reserved partition (16 MiB) works, but in others the message I mentioned appears. How to proceed in these cases ??
TeraByte Support
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Re: How restore image without delet all HD?

Post by TeraByte Support »

A multi-partition restore (not an entire drive restore) to a drive that already has partitions requires those going back exactly where they were when backed up. If you just restore the C: partition (or individual partitions), you can restore wherever you like if enough room (of course from a boot disk and not the C: in use to run Windows). Use scale to fit if it has to fit a smaller size or fill in a large size.
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