Uninstalling Bootitbm

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Uninstalling Bootitbm

Post by computrdummy »

I have decided to remove Bootitbm from my HD as per:


Question: Has anyone had any complications using the method given above by TB? Which is better to use manual or auto uninstall as per the article?

If I uninstall it I will still be able to use partition work from the install usb. THat is resize, delete, format, slide partitions using work with partitions from the usb?

Thx for any helpful replies.
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: Uninstalling Bootitbm

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

Either method should work. If you use the normal uninstall you can always check through things with the manual steps if something else needs changed. Afterwards, make sure the correct partition is set active and set the MBR boot code, if necessary (these steps are in the KB article).

You can still use the BIBM boot media for partition work. If that's the primary mode you're going to use you can select it when creating the boot media and avoid having to cancel the install prompt every time it's booted.
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Re: Uninstalling Bootitbm

Post by computrdummy »

ok thx tb support. One of the instructions is to move up or down the boot partition in the list "if needed". So this means the boot partition should be at the top of the list correct?
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: Uninstalling Bootitbm

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

Not necessarily. Some older operating systems have issues if the partition order or slot position changes (might fail to boot or be unable to find a partition, for example). In that case you might need to move to retain the position required. However, most newer operating systems don't have an issue with it and you could move them or leave them.
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Re: Uninstalling Bootitbm

Post by computrdummy »

I followed the instructions in the Knowledge Base to the letter for the manual uninstall. In fact I hand wrote down the instructions step by step to make sure I did it correctly.

Guess what? Once the EMBR was deleted and I rebooted. I lost my mouse function on the usb 3.0 port that was working before. When I reinstalled the EMBR, the mouse function came back. This program is full of traps and bad actions. Also the other imaging program that is SUPPOSEDLY compatible with BIBM if only four primaries are allow, NONE of it's images will restore because I get "missing EMBR" when I boot them.

I will be happy if I can get rid of this BIBM. It acts like a virus.
Bob Coleman
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Re: Uninstalling Bootitbm

Post by Bob Coleman »

What does "mouse function on the usb 3.0 port" mean?

It would probably be useful to identify what program you are using rather than refer to it as "the other imaging program that is SUPPOSEDLY compatible with BIBM".

I understand that you are frustrated but statements like "It acts like a virus" probably won't result in a lot of sympathy for your situation.

Again, I understand that you are frustrated, but your overall hostile attitude will probably soon wear out the patience of everyone else here if it hasn't already.
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Re: Uninstalling Bootitbm

Post by computrdummy »

Exactly what I said: the mouse no longer works after deleting bibm as per instructions from TB support. Have to reinstall BIBM to get the mouse function back. No idea why a program like bibm would do that, do you?

I did not identify the other program because I thought it impolite to advertise a free competitor that so far seems much better than bibm without all the problems. After all this is a tb forum you want me to advertise competitor products?

Other imaging program works fine except you have to have the embr on your drive or system restore failures result due to the error message from bibm embr missing which result in the halt of the boot process. Apparently the other image program images the embr and when it's not found during the restore the boot process is terminated with the tb message: missing embr.

So that means if I ever succeed in getting rid of bibm and still have the mouse work, I will have to reimage the system without the embr for the images to restore properly.

If you look at the history of this forum it's almost nothing but problems from users who cannot get it to work right or have some other disaster when using it. Nothing hostile about it, that's a fact.
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: Uninstalling Bootitbm

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

The EMBR being present or not does not affect USB. Was the mouse working from the BIBM boot media when you reinstalled BIBM? If it was then it was working with no EMBR present on the drive. Also, it's not clear what you mean by "reinstalled the EMBR" (I assume you mean you reinstalled BIBM).

The issue with the "EMBR missing" is likely caused by the MBR code still being set for BIBM. Boot to the BIBM boot media and go into Partition Work. Select the booting drive. Click on the "View MBR" button. Click on the "Win7 MBR" button to reset to standard MBR code. Click OK on the message and then OK again to close the dialog and apply the changes.

Regarding any third-party image restores, if the MBR is saved in the image and it contains BIBM MBR then you would need to select not to restore the MBR when restoring or to restore a standard MBR (if there are such options). Otherwise, if the BIBM MBR is restored you would need to reset it back to standard (as above or any other available method). The other case is that the BIBM MBR code still exists on the drive and when you restore it's only the partition (the MBR code isn't changed) and the boot error still shows. This would be expected because the issue would be present prior to restoring the image and the restore did nothing to affect it.
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Re: Uninstalling Bootitbm

Post by computrdummy »

****Ok I will reply inline below:

The EMBR being present or not does not affect USB. Was the mouse working from the BIBM boot media when you reinstalled BIBM? If it was then it was working with no EMBR present on the drive. Also, it's not clear what you mean by "reinstalled the EMBR" (I assume you mean you reinstalled BIBM).

***I can only repeat what I told you in my previous posts. I followed the uninstall procedure to the letter and deleted the embr. The mouse stopped working on the next boot. WHen I then reinstalled bibm with the embr-standard install, the mouse miraculously starts working again. Again I have no idea why your program is effecting the mouse function, but it does and apparently it does not uninstall clean. I had the mouse function on the win7 boot but once I uninstalled BIBM the mouse was gone.

The issue with the "EMBR missing" is likely caused by the MBR code still being set for BIBM. Boot to the BIBM boot media and go into Partition Work. Select the booting drive. Click on the "View MBR" button. Click on the "Win7 MBR" button to reset to standard MBR code. Click OK on the message and then OK again to close the dialog and apply the changes.

***Is the above NEW instructions not contained in your KB article on how to uninstall? Because I followed the procedure TB gives to the letter so was there something missing in their article on how to uninstall? The uninstall SHOULD have resulted in a boot by windows 7, same as if there was not BIBM to begin with. But it did not. So please tell me are these new additional instructions not given in the article by TB or what?

Regarding any third-party image restores, if the MBR is saved in the image and it contains BIBM MBR then you would need to select not to restore the MBR when restoring or to restore a standard MBR (if there are such options). Otherwise, if the BIBM MBR is restored you would need to reset it back to standard (as above or any other available method). The other case is that the BIBM MBR code still exists on the drive and when you restore it's only the partition (the MBR code isn't changed) and the boot error still shows. This would be expected because the issue would be present prior to restoring the image and the restore did nothing to affect it.

**The other program whose images pre-uninstall of bibm worked, no longer work once bibm is "uninstalled" due to the "missing EMBR exiting" error This program restores the "system" which I am guessing includes everything in the boot C: mbr0 partition. Apparently it looks for the embr which is no longer there and I get that message which SHOULD be a message from BIBM. I cannot imagine another company would have the SAME exact error message that BIBM gives when the EMBR is missing. So now If I ever actually fully get rid of BIBM (thank God) I will have to reimage the drive using the other program over again.

I will check to see if the mouse is working after I uninstall BIBM when I boot from the install USB, but I imagine the mouse driver code is contained in the BIBM usb install usb, so I don't know what that proves. Point is the program is messing with the mouse drivers or usb port where it should not be since I have supposedly already installed it.Or, Probably not a clean uninstall, fault of BIBM.

I will try your procedure you suggest above. At this point I just want to get rid of bibm as it has caused too many problems. I have backed up my data partitions with the new program and I may have to wipe the drive to get rid of bibm, another huge time consumer.
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Re: Uninstalling Bootitbm

Post by computrdummy »

2nd to last paragraph should read:

"since I have supposedly already uninstalled it"

Also the forum logged me out without my input. Second time this has occurred, good thing I saved my reply.
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