SSD would not Boot

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Re: SSD would not Boot

Post by major4579 »


I may have not been clear - I know better then to take an image from one system and use it on a different system. The Images were all taken from a Compaq CQ57 Laptop and written to an SSD that was going back into the same Compaq laptop. At one point I used a different system to restore an Image File (made from the Compaq) to the SSD to go back into the Compaq.
So the last page options - Scale to Fit is needed because the drives are slightly different sizes.
Should I try without "Align to Target" and "Write Standard MBR Code"?
From the manual "Align to Target" is overridden by "Align Partitions on 1 MiB Boundaries".
From the manual it does look like I shouldn't use "Write Standard MBR Code".
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Re: SSD would not Boot

Post by mashedmitten »

Ah, you were probably clear, it was most likely me.

You don't want standard MBR with W7.

I'll read back through and make sure I've got a good grasp on this before I put my foot in my mouth again. Something's nagging at me, but I can't recall what it is.
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Re: SSD would not Boot

Post by mashedmitten »

The quote function is beyond belief, tried to quote a few lines from the OP and it doesn't appear in the history.

Ok, I'm a little confused.

You flashed BIOS, removed old HDD, installed new SSD, connected old via USB (here's where you lose me) you set the new SDD as the destination for what you thought would install the OS on the new drive from the old? Am I correct so far? If so, the new drive just has the image file, no OS has been applied. I want to make sure I've got it so far before saying what you did wrong in this instance. If so, it's easy to explain.
Brian K
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Re: SSD would not Boot

Post by Brian K »


Your first example was a different hardware situation. You need to use TBOSDT to make that work with Win7.

In your second example you used Options which weren't necessary. But that shouldn't have mattered. Can you try the method I suggested?
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Re: SSD would not Boot

Post by mashedmitten »

He can't, laptop's in another state ATM it seems. He's trying to get instructions for next time he's there.

Sorry for being daft and appreciate any lesson. Does TBOSDT have to do with the image not being applied to the disk from where it originated? Thanks for any input.
Brian K
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Re: SSD would not Boot

Post by Brian K »

mashedmitten wrote:
> He can't, laptop's in another state ATM it seems. He's trying to get
> instructions for next time he's there.

OK. I'm happy he has good instructions.

> Sorry for being daft and appreciate any lesson. Does TBOSDT have to do with
> the image not being applied to the disk from where it originated?

Your earlier comment was correct. It is a driver issue. Please see...

... the section on "Restoring to Dissimilar Hardware".
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Re: SSD would not Boot

Post by major4579 »

mashedmitten & Brian K,

I used the wrong terminology, so that's why it was confusing.

mashed - when I had the SSD installed and the original HDD attached via USB I did a full drive COPY from the HDD to the SSD. I still have the SSD and I can see all the partitions and files on it, that are also on the original HDD. There was no Image file made during this process.

Brian - on the first try (or example) I did a BACKUP of the original HDD to an Image file on a separate USB 1TB HD. I then used my laptop (because of the faster USB 3.0 connections) to RESTORE the Image from the USD 1TB HD to the new SSD. I then installed the SSD in place of the original HDD.
In both cases I ended up with an SSD in place of the original HDD which looked like it was an exact copy, but would hang during boot.

Maybe the next thing I should investigate is if the Compaq even supports SSDs.

I've used Image for Windows/DOS for years and the process I followed was correct, the options may not have been, but the process was. I don't live near my father so I will not be able to try this again until I go to visit him (not sure when). I'm just trying to figure out a fool-proof way to accomplish this. I spent hours there last weekend when I was there trying to figure this out and I didn't get anywhere. It shouldn't be this hard, but then again I've been working with computers for the past 40 years (actually longer - wrote my first programs on punch cards) so I know that it can be this hard until I figure out what the problem is. I'm even thinking of trying a program like Macrim Reflect which has a dedicated option for copying from HDD to SSD. It's not as powerful as IFW, but if it gets the job done, I'll be happy.

Brian K
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Re: SSD would not Boot

Post by Brian K »


Do you have a laptop/desktop? What is the OS partition size? What is the HD size? Which OS?
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Re: SSD would not Boot

Post by mashedmitten »

Brian K wrote:
> mashedmitten wrote:
> > He can't, laptop's in another state ATM it seems. He's trying to get
> > instructions for next time he's there.
> >
> OK. I'm happy he has good instructions.
> > Sorry for being daft and appreciate any lesson. Does TBOSDT have to do with
> > the image not being applied to the disk from where it originated?
> Your earlier comment was correct. It is a driver issue. Please see...
> ... the section on "Restoring to Dissimilar Hardware".

Thanks for that Brian, still coming to grips with the abbreviations. :oops: I will follow the link to get the full grasp.

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Re: SSD would not Boot

Post by major4579 »

My father's laptop is a Compaq Presario CQ57-439WM. It's running Windows 7 HOME SP1 - 64 bit. With an AMD processor and 8 GBs RAM (matched 2x4GB). The original HDD is 250GB in 4 partitions. The first is labeled SYSTEM and does not have a drive letter. The Windows partition (C:) is 209GB with 100GB free space. I was trying to install a SanDisk Ultra II SSD with 240GB. Am I missing anything?

It appears that the CQ57 will take a SSD. At least Crucial and others will sell you one. HP is silent on this issue.
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