Terabyte products and Intel 2012 Responsiveness Technologies

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Terabyte products and Intel 2012 Responsiveness Technologies

Post by TAC109 »

Computer manufacturers are now releasing computers with the new "Intel
2012 Responsiveness Technologies" chipsets implemented.

Has Terabyte tested BiBM and its imaging products on computers
containing these new chipsets?

Does Terabyte have any recommendations to make regarding using their
products on these new computers?

(Needless to say, I have an interest in this topic because I've just
bought a new laptop containing these chipsets!)
TeraByte Support
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Re: Terabyte products and Intel 2012 Responsiveness Technologies

Post by TeraByte Support »

The chipset itself doesn't matter. If you're referring to SRT and the
drive caching option ... That's old and was pretty much DOA as the low cost
of SSD, the new hybrid hard drives, and limited support made the desired to
do that obsolete so not sure why they are wanting to bring it back. No
specific testing was done, but It's going to depend on how well it's
implemented on the system; first you have to be in RAID mode so when you
boot Windows you'll need the Intel driver, you'd hope that driver would
honor the configuration . The RAID BIOS is responsible for providing the
BIOS interface to it (BIBM/IFD). Image for Linux wouldn't support updating
of the cache because there is currently no linux driver/support (dmraid) for
that mode, if it sees the drive it just sees the drives as individual
drives. Then the question is if you update the main drive in some
implementation that doesn't update the cache, how well can the
implementation detect it's out of sync and recover or at least not use the
cache until rebuilt? Worse case you'd have to disable the RAID set and then
reestablish it.

The system I'm on now could support SRT caching, but not implemented,
however in a couple days will have a notebook with one implemented to test
mainly for process.

"Tom Cole" wrote in message news:3243@public.image...

Computer manufacturers are now releasing computers with the new "Intel
2012 Responsiveness Technologies" chipsets implemented.

Has Terabyte tested BiBM and its imaging products on computers
containing these new chipsets?

Does Terabyte have any recommendations to make regarding using their
products on these new computers?

(Needless to say, I have an interest in this topic because I've just
bought a new laptop containing these chipsets!)

marven cate
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:49 am

Re: Terabyte products and Intel 2012 Responsiveness Technolo

Post by marven cate »

Worked. Getting all the tokens etc was what I had mixed up.
Thanks a lot.
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