Can TBlauncher button open path to LAN?

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Can TBlauncher button open path to LAN?

Post by Yottabytes »

Can I create a TBlauncher button to open the path to my LAN in explorer, like this

Name=Home Directory
Path=%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe \\Mynetwork\home

Or maybe script a similar action that can be executed from TBlauncher?
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: Can TBlauncher button open path to LAN?

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

Windows File Explorer isn't available in TBWinPE/RE. However, for a program that is, you would need to put the share path in Parameters instead of at the end of Path. You might also need to log into the share first. Another option would be to map the share to a drive and use the drive letter ( ... bwinpe-re/).

For example:

Code: Select all

Name=Home Directory
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Re: Can TBlauncher button open path to LAN?

Post by Yottabytes »

Thank you for the quick response. It seems using the parameter only works, as you indicated, if I first manually map a drive with a username and password. I'll dig into optin #2, "InitScript ".
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Re: Can TBlauncher button open path to LAN?

Post by Yottabytes »

I'm trying to implement the "InitScript.cmd" and I am not sure I'm doing it right.
So, inside the \IFW\tbwinre\config folder I've created the InitScript.cmd file with the command:

Code: Select all

net use y: \\MYNETWORK\home Password1234 /user:admin
I created the TBWinRE Iso and booted but TBlauncher starts up very slow and the network
never seems to initialize. Should I set RunNetworkInit=1 to 0 instead?
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: Can TBlauncher button open path to LAN?

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

Assuming there is network access after booting and you can successfully map the drive, it should work during initialization if the options are configured correctly. Make sure BackgroundInit=1 and RunNetworkInit=1.

I assume you had it set to do the network initialization before. If not, and it worked okay, you could try with it set to 0. But normally, that has to be completed prior to trying to map a drive or access the network.

Also, if manually editing TBLauncher.ini, make sure you're editing the correct one. For Builder, it's the one in the config folder.
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Re: Can TBlauncher button open path to LAN?

Post by Yottabytes »

There should be network access. But at startup TBWinRE stays stuck on "Searching for Boot Drive" for about 10 seconds or more. There is a black rectangle in the middle of the interface and along the top of the TBWinRE windows. Finally, TBlauncher displays but executing the network path does not open it. I also don't see InitScript.cmd anywhere on the ISO. Should I?

I any event, I don't want to take up all your time on this forum when other users have questions, so I'll just leave this issue be and manually map the network drive, going forward.
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: Can TBlauncher button open path to LAN?

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

What boot media are you using? If it's a CD/DVD or flash drive then it should be able to find it. If it's a WIM or ISO file then it wouldn't be able to. From a Command Prompt you could run "set" and see if the TBDrive variable is being set. The TBLauncher.log file should also show if the boot drive was found or not (if the log is enabled). You may need to include the program/files in the build instead of trying to access from the boot media.

The InitScript.cmd file is located in the X:\Windows\System32 folder when booted. Make sure it's there and that the contents are correct.

For troubleshooting, what I would suggest is have a normal boot-up (like before where you map manually), then create a .cmd file in the booted TBWinRE and get the "net use..." command working when you run it. Then proceed with trying it in InitScript.cmd. Perhaps the network isn't quite ready even though the initialization finishes and needs a delay prior to mapping.
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Re: Can TBlauncher button open path to LAN?

Post by Yottabytes »

OK. Will test further. I'm using a USB flash drive. Works fine without InitScript.cmd . But with it, I get that delay and no network connectivity.
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