Any way to get my laptop's trackpad to work in BIBM?

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Any way to get my laptop's trackpad to work in BIBM?

Post by Ambertus »

It's much more annoying than I had expected to be forced to use my Dell laptop's keyboard to navigate and operate BIBM in Maintenance Mode rather than use it's built-in trackpad (Dell / Alps Touchpad). Is there ANY way I can get that to work?

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Re: Any way to get my laptop's trackpad to work in BIBM?

Post by mashedmitten »

Same issue with my Dell laptop, tried everything suggested here with no joy. Problem with the keyboard nav is that if you click the mouse and then try to nav BIBM, keyboard becomes non-functional. TB blames others, but the wife's Dell laptop works with mouse and tracpad. I get it that it's hard to repro an issue that can't be seen on all systems, but TB has known there's an issue for a long time not to have a definitive answer as to cause.

Search my threads to find what TB suggested in my case, might work for you.
TeraByte Support
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Re: Any way to get my laptop's trackpad to work in BIBM?

Post by TeraByte Support »

It relies on the system BIOS. If the BIOS doesn't provide the support
properly, it won't work so best to not even load the mouse driver.

"Ambertus" wrote in message news:13306@public.bootitbm...

It's much more annoying than I had expected to be forced to use my Dell
laptop's keyboard to navigate and operate BIBM in Maintenance Mode rather
than use it's built-in trackpad (Dell / Alps Touchpad). Is there ANY way I
can get that to work?


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Re: Any way to get my laptop's trackpad to work in BIBM?

Post by DrTeeth »

On Sun, 26 Feb 2017 21:08:35 PST, just as I was about to take a herb,
Ambertus disturbed my reverie and wrote:

>Is there ANY way I can get that to work?

In similar situations to this one, people have had success with really
cheap ps/2 or USB cabled mice.


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