BootitBM and UEFI?

User discussion and information resource forum for BootIt Bare Metal and BootIt UEFI
TeraByte Support
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Re: BootitBM and UEFI?

Post by TeraByte Support »

There is something more coming down the pipe (no more VGA, including its
text modes) which could be a show stopper for older OSes, need to see how it

"DrTeeth" wrote in message news:5776@public.bootitbm...

On Wed, 3 Jul 2013 17:43:34 PDT, just as I was about to take a herb,

disturbed my reverie and wrote:

>No, rather, I prefer you do a minimal amount of research to find out why
>it's a bit
>unlikely to see TB coming into compliance with their BiBM & MS licensing.

It's all a great mish mash of GPT, UEFI and secure booting.

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Re: BootitBM and UEFI?

Post by a1pcfixer »


> AIUI all BIOSs can be made to boot with secure boot off - so no
> licence fee to MSoft.

Two errors there, first is mine as in license, which should have been complance & certification. Second is yours, as the OP

> I am purchasing a new computer with windows 8 which uses UEFI as the boot process - can I use BootitBM as my boot manager?

Ignoring the UEFI (since that's not a big issue), focus on Win 8 + secure boot + protection of the kernel + prevention of
infections via root kits (etc) and you'll end up with a rough draft of why BiBM (actually most boot managers) are not now in
compliance, nor will be anytime soon for MS + Win 8>>.

> A "minimal" amount of
> research will not cut through that fog screen - I have tried.

First you need to aim at the correct target.

> So often it is best to defer to those who seem to know better, and
> hoping that they are in a brotherly rather than otherwise mood, for a
> quick and clear answer.

Unfortunately such upper echilons are of a mindset to clam up and reveal nothing:-(

Jim L.
Using - Virtual Access(OLR) Windows Vista Service Pack 2 build 6002

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Re: BootitBM and UEFI?

Post by a1pcfixer »


> There is something more coming down the pipe (no more VGA, including its
> text modes) which could be a show stopper for older OSes, need to see how it
> progresses...

With the dramatic decline of sales of PC's in favor of tablets & smart phones,
and the partial roll-back of Win 8.1 over Win 8, I'd say future Windows x.xx
won't be too willing to shoot themselves in their own foot too quickly.

To do so would nicely please the Linux community to no end.

Jim L.
Using - Virtual Access(OLR) Windows Vista Service Pack 2 build 6002

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Re: BootitBM and UEFI?

Post by npderi »

I would agree with StephenNickell, definitely something a paid customer looks for in a product. Sorry you had to deal with a troll answer to your post.

Like I've said before, I think many people would easily be willing to pay double or more for BootIT(whatever version) if they were to announce some of their plans (not trade secrets) and got people excited about their product.

Personally, I think it's exciting software and find it has an easy learning curve to top it off. Just needs more like StephenNickell asked about, for a bigger part of the market.
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