2Tb to 4Tb solution

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Re: 2Tb to 4Tb solution

Post by atomeromu »

I`m sorry if I wasn`t clear enough. So BSOD is a blue screen of death. It happens only after a made a copy of my existing 2Tb SSD. System shows the copy was successful. So I removed the original 2TB SSd from my laptop and put the freshly copied 2TB SSD in it and facing issues with some of the partitions on my multiboot system. And only the Windows 7 x86 systems are affected by this. The rest of the partitions like Win10 x64 and Win7 x64 are working just fine. I just made a copy so I can have two fully working system if one of the ssd fails. But it doesn`t seems to be working for some reason and that`s what we try to figure out. Here you see the partition layout of the 2Tb ssd and the blue screen fault I`m getting:
About the chkdsk /f I`m not sure where to start it or how. Sorry I`m no expert, that`s why I ask these questions. I know in windows recovery I have an option to open cmd and I could do the chkdsk /f there but it multiboot system I`m not sure how I can open cmd or where? If I boot into one of the windows and open cmd there it gives me a message like the partition is not locked or something like that.
My main question is if I make a full SSD copy than why the two systems are not the same? If they would be than the fresh copy ssd should boot into all systems like the original but is not what is happening!
Brian K
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Re: 2Tb to 4Tb solution

Post by Brian K »

atomeromu wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 9:06 pm
About the chkdsk /f I`m not sure where to start it or how.
atomeromu, using your original SSD, boot into Win7, open an Administrator Command Prompt and enter...

chkdsk /f C:

You will see...
Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another
process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be
checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)
Type Y and restart your computer into Win7.

chkdsk will run before you get to the Win7 desktop. Then create another Win7 image and restore it to the "copied" SSD.

What is the name of the Win7 partition you will be using? Is it "Tuning"?
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Re: 2Tb to 4Tb solution

Post by atomeromu »

I`ll test it out tomorrow so. There are 3 different partitions which gives me the same bsod after copy. Renault, JLR and ToVoHo. It maybe stupid question but why only the Win7 x86 systems are affected? Also I presume the original system has no issues as they work perfectly so why they won`t work after the copy? Here you can see all the partitions which shows what windows they are running on: https://ibb.co/dGT9qTb
Brian K
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Re: 2Tb to 4Tb solution

Post by Brian K »

Your situation is a mystery. Try this. Only run chkdsk on Renault. Create an image of Renault. Swap SSDs. Restore the image to the Renault partition and also to the Free Space at the end of the drive. Boot into BIBM and create a Boot Item for the Renault partition at the end of the drive. Do both OS boot?
TeraByte Support
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Re: 2Tb to 4Tb solution

Post by TeraByte Support »

You would chkdsk d: /f the partitions with issues where d: is its drive letter. It may be the x86 systems have some driver or something else installed that is locked to a S/N or something like that. Try booting in safe mode, if it's not a core driver being loaded, it may help. If copying the entire drive use the image tools rather than copying one by one, also consider setting number of first track sectors to 0 which means all of them.
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Re: 2Tb to 4Tb solution

Post by atomeromu »

I`ve tried the above you mentioned Brian and both system fail to boot the same way. Chkdsk showed no bad sectors. I ran it on all three win7 x86 partitions just in case with same results. No problem there.
As for the Support team the safe mode didn`t work either. BSOD on all three systems. You guys are right about some of the drivers and software are locked to the Motherboard but not to the SSD as far as I know anyway. But the question is still the same. Why only on Win7 x86 systems? Similar drivers and software are installed on the other systems and they are working perfectly.
I think I reached my limitations and I guess I just have to reinstall these Win 7 x86 systems and hope my SSD`s won`t fail. I have to reinstall them once a year or every two years to keep my system up to date so hopefully they will survive till than.

Guys I really appreciate all the help you have given me! Happy New Year to all of you!
TeraByte Support
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Re: 2Tb to 4Tb solution

Post by TeraByte Support »

When SSD's first came out there were some you had to apply a firmware update to or Windows x86 would BSOD, but wouldn't expect it now. You may want to try a different ssd as well.
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Re: 2Tb to 4Tb solution

Post by atomeromu »

I just could not sleep well till it`s got sorted. Getting closer to a solution. It is definitely a driver issue! So what I did was. Format all three Win7x86 partition and tried to install a fresh copy of win 7 x86 but at installation is always fails because of a missing driver which I have no idea why it isn`t built into the win 7. Anyway I put this ssd into my quick swap Dell laptop and installed the win 7 through this laptop. After a few successful restart I put it back to my Panasonic and boot it up successfully. After that I recovered my BIBM to have my multiboot option again. I copied this working partition onto the other formatted ex Win7x86 partition and tested them out. All 3 booting up normally no issue at all. Obviously many drivers are missing so I had downloaded the driver bundle for this laptop from official Panasonic website and installed them. It installed all the drivers automatically. After the first restart the system booted and BSOD! I`ve tried the other two partitions too and all 3 has failed to boot now. It seems one of the driver has compatibility issues and cause BSOD. I`ll reinstall win 7 again and install the drivers one by one and will report back.
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Re: 2Tb to 4Tb solution

Post by atomeromu »

So straight after installed the "appropriate" Intel Rapid Storage driver run into BSOD! Since it doesn`t boot up neither to safe mode. Somehow I have to uninstall it but don`t know yet how. If you have any thoughts will be appreciated
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Re: 2Tb to 4Tb solution

Post by atomeromu »

Finally found the SOLUTION!!! So in order to install Win7x86 to a Panasonic CF53 MK4 the BIOS has to be on specific setting and the Win install has to have a special driver injected into. I didn`t want to go through all this I just installed the Win7x86 while using my DELL laptop as it was straight forward there. Put the SSD back to the Panasonic and started to install all the drivers one by one until I got to the Intel Rapid Storage Manager driver. In order to install this driver the Windows has to be fully updated first otherwise BSOD. It is stated in the Panasonic drivers installation guide. After the Win fully updated I installed that driver and success! No more BSOD. Did a backup from that partition and restored it without any issue. Most probably the guy who pre installed all the software didn`t fully updated the Windows and I wasn`t aware of it. Still not sure how did it affect the restore process earlier but everything is working great now!
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