error 03

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error 03

Post by tas3086 »

Error code 03 with an err:64h
Can you help explain? (Sure would be nice to have some documentation on all these error codes)

[12/27/2015 9:59:26 am] Image for DOS (GUI) 2.98
[12/27/2015 9:59:26 am] Starting ...
IMAGE.EXE /b /d:d3 /f:d2@0x201:"\Backup-d3-$~YYYY$-$~MM$-$~DD$-$~HHMM$" /max:4GiB /v /comp:12
[12/27/2015 9:59:26 am] Backup: Drive 3 (SATA) Win7(SSD32) Partition (01) 60000 MiB HPFS/NTF
[12/27/2015 9:59:26 am] To: d2@0x201:\Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.TBI
[12/27/2015 10:17:32 am] INFO: Total Sectors:122880384 Total Allocated:110282112
[12/27/2015 10:17:32 am] INFO: 110282112 Sector(s) backed up
[12/27/2015 10:17:32 am] Backup: Drive 3 (SATA) Win10(SSD32) Partition (02) 60000 MiB HPFS/NT
[12/27/2015 10:17:32 am] To: d2@0x201:\Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.7
[12/27/2015 10:33:13 am] INFO: Total Sectors:122879678 Total Allocated:91800624
[12/27/2015 10:33:13 am] INFO: 89160752 Sector(s) backed up
[12/27/2015 10:33:13 am] Backup: Drive 3 (SATA) Win10(SSD64) Partition (5E) 60000 MiB HPFS/NT
[12/27/2015 10:33:13 am] To: d2@0x201:\Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.13
[12/27/2015 10:42:45 am] INFO: Total Sectors:122880000 Total Allocated:55409552
[12/27/2015 10:42:45 am] INFO: 54885264 Sector(s) backed up
[12/27/2015 10:42:45 am] Backup: Drive 3 (SATA) empty Partition (03) 48934 MiB Linux Native
[12/27/2015 10:42:45 am] To: d2@0x201:\Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.17
[12/27/2015 10:47:47 am] INFO: Total Sectors:100216832 Total Allocated:100216832
[12/27/2015 10:47:47 am] INFO: 100216832 Sector(s) backed up
[12/27/2015 10:47:47 am] Validating: Win7(SSD32) Partition (01) 60000 MiB HPFS/NTFS
[12/27/2015 10:47:47 am] From: d2@0x201:\Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.TBI
[12/27/2015 10:49:55 am] Error reading from \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.2 (Buf:010c0038 CurFP:1793032704 Bytes:45056 Err:64h)
[12/27/2015 10:49:55 am] Error 3 occurred while processing file \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.2
[12/27/2015 10:49:55 am] Deleting incomplete or failed backup.
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.1
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.10
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.11
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.12
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.13
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.14
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.15
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.16
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.17
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.18
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.2
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.3
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.4
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.5
[12/27/2015 10:49:56 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.6
[12/27/2015 10:49:57 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.7
[12/27/2015 10:49:57 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.8
[12/27/2015 10:49:57 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.9
[12/27/2015 10:49:57 am] Deleting \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.TBI
[12/27/2015 10:49:57 am] Operation Completed with Error Code 3
[12/27/2015 10:49:57 am] Unable to read data from file!
[12/27/2015 1:05:30 pm] Stop
TeraByte Support
Posts: 3650
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: error 03

Post by TeraByte Support »

Here's the reason from the log:

Error reading from \Backup-d3-2015-12-27-0958.2 (Buf:010c0038 CurFP:1793032704 Bytes:45056 Err:64h)

Error 64h is the error code Windows reported. You'd look at Windows codes and you're looking at 0x64 ... 85%29.aspx

This is a Windows reported error. You may want to use the event log as well.

Error 3 is the generic TeraByte Read Error code, you can't tell much from it
which is why it outputs the Windows error code since Windows is the one
reporting the error.
Posts: 321
Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:15 pm

Re: error 03

Post by tas3086 »

This was run under BIBM and I assume TBOS by selecting Image... in the BIBM maintenance screen.

Dows the WINDOWS error information apply to this situation when the error was running under your OS?
TeraByte Support
Posts: 3650
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: error 03

Post by TeraByte Support »

In general it's the OS error code reported by the OS.

Under DOS it would apply to a file using (File). However when using BIOS or BIOS (direct) it's the BIOS or ATA error code.

So basically, there was a read error.

"tas3086" wrote in message news:10755@public.image...

This was run under BIBM and I assume TBOS by selecting Image... in the BIBM
maintenance screen.

Dows the WINDOWS error information apply to this situation when the error
was running under your OS?
Posts: 321
Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:15 pm

Re: error 03

Post by tas3086 »

I would appreciate a little more information. Your created the error message. It has some information in it. Namely: (Buf:010c0038 CurFP:1793032704 Bytes:45056 Err:64h) Can you tell me what each field means, and what instruction was being executed at the time the error was returned.
Please be as detailed as you can, as I understand Intel machine language, assembly language, and many compiled languages.

I am using sata drives configured through BIOS with AHCI. As Image for DOS includes low level support for SATA when the SATA controller is configured in AHCI mode, is it possible that I may need to set "DISABLE SATA" mode? (Although it would seem unlikely having written may files, and verified a number of them, without error.) I'm just trying to find out who created the 64h error. My machines BIOS, your low level support, Some unknown DOS, your TBOS, etc.
TeraByte Support
Posts: 3650
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: error 03

Post by TeraByte Support »

buffer is the buffer, cur fp is the file position, bytes is number of bytes,
err 64h is the error reported as explained. Since you're using bios direct,
that would be the error register reporting that an unrecoverable error
occurred on the read command.

"tas3086" wrote in message news:10766@public.image...

I would appreciate a little more information. Your created the error
message. It has some information in it. Namely: (Buf:010c0038
CurFP:1793032704 Bytes:45056 Err:64h) Can you tell me what each field
means, and what instruction was being executed at the time the error was
Please be as detailed as you can, as I understand Intel machine language,
assembly language, and many compiled languages.

I am using sata drives configured through BIOS with AHCI. As Image for DOS
includes low level support for SATA when the SATA controller is configured
in AHCI mode, is it possible that I may need to set "DISABLE SATA" mode?
(Although it would seem unlikely having written may files, and verified a
number of them, without error.) I'm just trying to find out who created the
64h error. My machines BIOS, your low level support, Some unknown DOS,
your TBOS, etc.

Posts: 321
Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:15 pm

Re: error 03

Post by tas3086 »

Thank you. Dead sectors found on hard drive.
Problem resolved.
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