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Creating "Restore Disc" with IFL?

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:32 am
by highend

I've followed the tutorial here:

After writing the ifl-custom.iso back to a bootable USB stick I don't get the expected "Restore Menu" with 2 items, that I've configured during the process but the normal menu, that the standard IFL boot disk / image presents by default. The only difference: Apart from the missing restore menu, configured features like keyboard setup (de-latin1-nodeadkeys/quertz) or kernel parameters, etc.) are working fine.

All steps in the tutorial went fine, I didn't get any errors or unexpected behavior anywhere.

If I use these menu entries within the new bootable stick I can see my previously configured 2 lines menu, so the general modifications went through:
Auxiliary Menu - Restore Disc Configuration - Confugre Restore Commands/Menu
1: --r --d:l1@0x1 --f:l0@0x2:"/testwin" --rb:4
2: --b --d:l1@0x1 --f:l0@0x2:"/testwin" --log:0 --rb:4
(and of cause, "Restore Disc Menu:" is "Enabled")

Any hints available?


Re: Creating "Restore Disc" with IFL?

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:27 pm
by TeraByte Support(TP)
Those items that you were working with under the "Restore Disc Settings" menu item are only for customizing the actual restore disc that you create when you save an image to an optical disc (CD/DVD). In other words, the menu that you created would show up when you boot from a restore disc that you create from that customized IFL boot disk.

If you want to add custom IFL command lines to the IFL boot disk itself, you can do that by adding one or more shell scripts to the 'scripts' directory when creating a custom boot disk. Those scripts will then be included on the boot disk (in /tbu/scripts). Each shell script can contain one or more IFL command lines (as well as other Linux commands if needed).

An outline of how to do this is available in this KB article (see item 3)

A way to add IFL commands to a menu (similar to how the restore disc menu works) will be available at some point - but it's not there yet.