New 3.6.4 imagew64 /L /ALL /F Incorrect

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New 3.6.4 imagew64 /L /ALL /F Incorrect

Post by tas3086 »

The imagew64 new version shows crazy information;
Drive names, drive letters and partitions on drives are not all correct.
All this information seems to come from my drive configurations from years ago, and is no longer valid.
Any Ideas why this information is not even close?
Windows Diskmgmt and TBOS HDINFO are absolutely correct.
I'm worried that future imagew64 backups may be corrupt and not backing up the correct disk's, files, or sectors.
See the three outputs below:
[b]imagew64 /L /ALL /F : [/b]

HD0 (0x80) (D1EB1C88)

Dr Name Size Typ ID File System
-- ---------------- ----------- --- ------ ------------------
WinXP(32) 51206MiB Pri (01) FAT-32
Win7(64) 60000MiB Pri (02) Hidden NTFS
Win7(32) 60000MiB Pri (03) NTFS
Extended 1736519MiB Pri (04) Extended
Win10(32) 60000MiB Vol (0401) Hidden NTFS
D_Drive(fat) 57000MiB Vol (0407) Hidden FAT-32
D: D_DRIVE 60000MiB Vol (0402) NTFS
E: E_DRIVE 210000MiB Vol (0403) NTFS
F_DRIVE 132407MiB Vol (0404) Hidden FAT-32
Win10(64) 70000MiB Vol (0405) Hidden NTFS
E_DRIVE(W11) 200000MiB Vol (0406) Hidden NTFS
H: H_DRIVE 100000MiB Vol (0408) NTFS

HD1 (0x81) (BE7364B4)

Dr Name Size Typ ID File System
-- ---------------- ----------- --- ------ ------------------
I: I_DRIVE 2861058MiB Pri (01) NTFS

HD2 (0x82) (E2A03D99)

Dr Name Size Typ ID File System
-- ---------------- ----------- --- ------ ------------------
Z: Z-Drive 1907727MiB Pri (01) NTFS

HD3 (0x83) (607EE52B)

Dr Name Size Typ ID File System
-- ---------------- ----------- --- ------ ------------------
Mint20(SSD) 60000MiB Pri (01) Ext 2/3/4
Win10(SSD32) 60000MiB Pri (02) NTFS
C: Win10(SSD64) 70000MiB Pri (05) NTFS
WinRE-3 May Not 476MiB Pri (A2) Windows RE (NTFS)

Windows Disk Management Output:
Windows Diskmgmt Output (Small).jpg
Windows Diskmgmt Output (Small).jpg (90.9 KiB) Viewed 3775 times
TB Script HDINFO script output:

0 HDNum1:0-1-0 Name:I_DRIVE Id:0 @ 0x1 DrvLtr: I BUS:SATA PEFlag:0
1 HDNum1:1-1-0 Name:BIBM Id:1 @ 0x2 DrvLtr: BUS:SATA PEFlag:6000
2 HDNum1:1-2-0 Name:Z-Drive Id:1 @ 0x1 DrvLtr: Z BUS:SATA PEFlag:2000
3 HDNum1:1-3-0 Name:H_DRIVE Id:1 @ 0x4 DrvLtr: H BUS:SATA PEFlag:0
4 HDNum1:2-1-0 Name:Win10(SSD64G) Id:2 @ 0x1 DrvLtr: C BUS:NVMe PEFlag:0
5 HDNum1:2-2-0 Name:Recovery Id:2 @ 0x2 DrvLtr: BUS:NVMe PEFlag:8000000000000001
6 HDNum1:2-3-0 Name:EFI_System Id:2 @ 0x3 DrvLtr: BUS:NVMe PEFlag:8000000000000000
7 HDNum1:2-4-0 Name:D_DRIVEG Id:2 @ 0x4 DrvLtr: D BUS:NVMe PEFlag:0
8 HDNum1:2-5-0 Name:E_DRIVEG Id:2 @ 0x5 DrvLtr: E BUS:NVMe PEFlag:0
9 HDNum1:4-1-0 Name:PortableBaseLayer Id:4 @ 0x1 DrvLtr: BUS: PEFlag:0
10 Drive C: SerNum:8C9B8250 Name:Win10(SSD64G) FSystem:NTFS Cluster Sz:4096 SectSz:512
11 Drive D: SerNum:E7FD3760 Name:D_DRIVEG FSystem:NTFS Cluster Sz:4096 SectSz:512
12 Drive E: SerNum:50BDF810 Name:E_DRIVEG FSystem:NTFS Cluster Sz:4096 SectSz:512
13 Drive H: SerNum:1846D91B Name:H_DRIVE FSystem:NTFS Cluster Sz:4096 SectSz:512
14 Drive I: SerNum:3456E5CB Name:I_DRIVE FSystem:NTFS Cluster Sz:4096 SectSz:512
15 Drive Q: SerNum:526C4C24 Name:56d5p2M FSystem:NTFS Cluster Sz:4096 SectSz:512
16 Drive R: SerNum:526C4C24 Name:56d5p2M FSystem:NTFS Cluster Sz:4096 SectSz:512
17 Drive T: FSINFO Failed
18 Drive U: FSINFO Failed
19 Drive V: FSINFO Failed
20 Drive X: SerNum:7DB5128 Name:2 FSystem:NTFS Cluster Sz:1024 SectSz:512
21 Drive Y: SerNum:EF6B433F Name:56d2p2N FSystem:NTFS Cluster Sz:4096 SectSz:512
22 Drive Z: SerNum:FF4AB080 Name:Z-Drive FSystem:NTFS Cluster Sz:4096 SectSz:512
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Re: New 3.6.4 imagew64 /L /ALL /F Incorrect

Post by OldNavyGuy »

From the 3.64 release notes -

"Changed /L output format. The main change is that the first line is no longer the description but a header (the description follows). Be sure to test your scripts that parse the output." ... r-windows/
TeraByte Support
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Re: New 3.6.4 imagew64 /L /ALL /F Incorrect

Post by TeraByte Support »

You have an EMBR from BootIt. If you're not using it, you should boot to it and check partition work to ensure all the way it should be, then change disk type to mbr.
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Re: New 3.6.4 imagew64 /L /ALL /F Incorrect

Post by tas3086 »

Yes, I have an EMBR drive, it is the first hidden partition on Windows Disk #1. It is not visable in any of your /L , or Windows reports. My operating system, however, allows using the F11 key at boot time, will allow me to select that partition, and boot into BIBM to seletct the partition management function so I can easily deal with my partitions, hiding, moving, expanding, etc.

The information that you are currently showing in the /L /All /F command does not bear any resembelance to the Windows system configuration that the command is running on. I would not mind if it showed all my hidden disks and partitions, But not showing the active booted operating system C: drive is not acceptable. ( Unfortunately, my UEFI BIOS will not allow me to use BIU, as it does not support the 'UEFI Rename' function. Which you could easily fix by using the copy, delete, copy back, delete sequence. )

Luckily today, IMAGEW64 Backs up the current C: drive and not not TOUCH the C: drive that the /L command shows. AND IT BETTER NOT EVER CORRUPT MY DRIVE BACKUPS IN THE FUTURE.

I'm just letting others know that the command has some crazy output and to be carefull if you, or Terabyte, uses it's information. Outside of this oddity, and the BIU problem that is not theirs, I Have never had any problems with Terabyte's products. Compared to other products, IT IS UNIQUE in the field for reliability.
TeraByte Support
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Re: New 3.6.4 imagew64 /L /ALL /F Incorrect

Post by TeraByte Support »

Your EMBR won't sync until you boot in to BootIt. Typically in the UI you'll see an out of sync message. If you want to see the current partitions you'd use /L without the /F .. /F is showing what is in that file at the time that file was created.
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