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TBWinRE not working

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 3:59 am
by Bob Coleman
This is mostly an academic issue for me because I never actually use TBWinRE, but I do build a new UFD from each new version of the suite.

The one I had built when 3.60 was released booted OK.

The one I built today after installing the suite version 3.61 doesn't boot properly.

I get some kind of Recovery screen saying the PC needs to be repaired and that the kernel is missing or contains errors.

File: \windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
Error code:0xc000a004

However, a 360 based TBWinRE created now has the same problem, so I guess something must have happened to Windows since April.

I just wanted to mention this in case anyone else encounters it. I probably won't spend much time or effort on it since I never actually use TBWinRE.

Re: TBWinRE not working

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:31 am
by TeraByte Support
It appears to be caused by an update Windows has introduced on some machines. We'll look in to it...

We've identified the cause and will release an update for those people that have the updated files (not everyone has them yet).

Re: TBWinRE not working

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 2:45 am
by TeraByte Support
This issue is fixed in the 3.61a update.

The June 2023 Win10 update isn't deployed to everyone yet, but you'll need the 3.61a update for TBWinPE if you create an IFW recovery disk.

Re: TBWinRE not working

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 3:06 am
by Bob Coleman
Confirmed: 3.61a resolves the issue.