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Why isn't 1MiB partition alignment default ?

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 11:40 pm
by Mrx
Particularly given SSD's are pretty much standard, and 1Mib partition alignment is the current de-facto standard to get optmimum performance, and it doesn't harm HDD performance, with only a tiny loss is diskspace, due to alignment.

I know it can be tweaked, which is what I like about TBU's product's, but I think 1MiB alignment should be default, to give best option, by default, unless there's a good reason not to ?

Re: Why isn't 1MiB partition alignment default ?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 5:35 pm
by Mrx
Likewise for "Disable TRIM" option - why isn't that also enabled by default ?

Enabling it doesn't affect HDD's, and most modern system are moving to SSD's.

Again, trying to understand why it's not default enabled ?

Re: Why isn't 1MiB partition alignment default ?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 6:55 pm
by TeraByte Support
The default alignment depends on the partitioning type or the existing partitioning.

The disable trim is a special option.

Re: Why isn't 1MiB partition alignment default ?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 8:25 pm
by Mrx
Re. alignment, whenever I launch TBEXPLO, the 1MiB option is always disabled. I'm suggesting the default should always be to have it enabled, given it does no harm to have it enabled (apart from maybe losing a few MiB's space due to alignment when creating/resizing partition), but has gains when used on SSD's (and, even HDD's) due to the OS file system sector/cluster sizes.

Re. Trim - I get it's a special option, but what are the downsides to having it enabled, by default ? The pro's are it should avoid cache over-flowing, resulting in backup being aborted.

Re: Why isn't 1MiB partition alignment default ?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 5:37 pm
by Eric
True, in TBEXPLO, the 1MiB option is always disabled on opening, and when it is disable, it is using the default alignment which depends on the partitioning type. Thus, on GPT disk, it will always use the 1MiB option, even if the option is disabled.