Running any script freezes computer

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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by odos »


I tried an older version of BootIt that made no difference.

I re-downloaded the current version and tried that same result, no difference.
TeraByte Support
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by TeraByte Support »

That message is normal.

It would be before windows starts to load.
TeraByte Support
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by TeraByte Support »

Gigabyte is probably the one that could get it working. What mobo is it? A workaround if you have to run scripts right now is to launch bootnow (UEFI version) with reboot from the script to continue the boot.
Brian K
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by Brian K »

I'm noticing similar on my two computers with Gigabyte motherboards. If I create a backup with IFU in BIU or just open and close IFU I see the problem. On then trying to boot a Windows or a Linux OS from the Boot Menu I just see a black screen. I'm sure I've seen this in the past and ignored it. I only occasionally use IFU.

How do you use Bootnow in BIU?
TeraByte Support
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by TeraByte Support »

bootnowu.efi runs under efi so you'd copy it to the partition and use exec() under tbs to run it.
Brian K
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by Brian K »

I get an error 0016 when these are run (bootnowu.tbs). Unable to execute "bootnowu".

sub main()
end sub

sub main()
exec("C:\EFI\BOOTIT\bootnowu.efi win11")
end sub

bootnowu.efi has been copied to C:\EFI\BOOTIT

I tried
exec bootnowu.efi win11
This worked in 2018 but now gives Error 0016.
Last edited by Brian K on Sat Jun 25, 2022 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by odos »

Hi and thanks everyone for the replies, before I respond to them I think I’d better explain what I’m trying to do as it is rather frivolous actually. I have an exceedingly simple script that changes the BootIt background image each day according to the date. It worked perfectly when I was using BootIt BM and BIOS but I wanted the higher resolution images available in UEFI so I switched to BootItUI and hence this thread. Anyway to respond to your replies.

TeraByte Support
Memtest86+,,,, I downloaded the Windows USB Installer from and ran it to create a flash drive on a USB 3 stick. Tried to boot to it and the machine doesn’t even see it in the UEFI boot list, windows says it’s not bootable, tried it on a friends machine, same thing, not bootable. Next he downloaded the installer and made a USB2 stick on his machine. Guess what it wouldn’t boot on his or my machine. So finally I downloaded the ISO and tried to use Rufus to make a bootable stick. Rufus wouldn’t accept the ISO, errored out with “Unrecognisable file system” So I have no idea what’s happening with that.

My system is
Gigabyte Z590 Aorus Pro AX : Motherboard
Intel Core I5 10600K : CPU
4 x CT16G4DFRA266 16GB DDR4 : Memory
2 x 1TB Samsung Evo 970 NVME : Drives
2 x 500GB Samsung Evo 970 NVME : Drives

As all I am wanting to do is change the background image in the BootIt boot menu, I could do that manually a lot quicker than having to spend the time waiting for the machine to reboot after using Bootnowu. Just changing the background image manually takes seconds and doesn’t require a reboot. I’ll have a look at Bootnowu though, just out of interest.

Brian K
I know what you mean about ignoring it, I didn’t even notice it until I actually wanted to run a script then boot an OS. If your noticing similar with a couple of other Gigabyte boarded machines perhaps it’s a hardware issue with their boards. Who Knows.

I think I’m about out of patience with this problem now so I’ll have to decide if to continue with UEFI and manually change the High Res images or switch back to BIOS where my script works but has crappy resolution images but at least I don’t have to remember to change the image because the script runs no problem in BIOS, or try using UEFI and Bootnowu and putting up with the reboot. :? :?
Brian K
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by Brian K »

I tried...

sub main()
exec("C:\EFI\BOOTIT\abcde.efi win11")
end sub

...and got the same error. 0016
TeraByte Support
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by TeraByte Support »

If you have secure boot enabled, it may have the old certificate...
Brian K
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by Brian K »

Secure boot was disabled. Bootnowu.efi works. My bootnowu.efi was downloaded 4 years ago so I downloaded a fresh file and copied it to BOOTIT folder. It works too.

Secure boot was enabled. Bootnowu.efi no longer works. Error 0016.

The same result on both computers. I have the latest firmware.
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