Running any script freezes computer

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Running any script freezes computer

Post by odos »

I was having problems running any script on my machine so I bought a new Motherboard, processor and memory which cured a lot of the problems I was having, however I now have a big one to replace those others.

Booting into BootItUI and just selecting and booting an OS from the Boot Menu works perfectly but the problems start if I do anything with scripting. If after booting into BootItUI I go into Maintenance mode and select Scripting without actually doing anything with it except opening it and shutting it down I get the problem. Alternatively if I try running any script directly, even those that came with BootITUI, then the script runs perfectly but when it completes and I drop back into Maintenance mode and click on Resume the problem appears.

After being in Maintenance Mode and click Resume to go into Boot Mode the Boot Menu appears as normal BUT selecting any of the boot options and clicking to start that OS is when the trouble starts.

I can select and click any OS to boot and it clears the screen and starts to boot the OS as normal then the machine simply freezes and the only way out is to do a physical reset of the computer with the reset button or turning the power off at the wall switch. For example suppose I selected Windows 10 to boot, the screen clears then the windows 10 loading logo appears but then the machine freezes and will not respond to anything I do except a physical reset.

This only happens if I run scripting from the Maintenance desktop or run any TBS script whilst in Maintenance. All other functions, Settings, Partition Work, Boot Edit, Disk Imaging etc work fine with no problems.

I have a feeling that I may be missing something somewhere but don’t have a clue what it is, do you have any ideas I can try please?
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

Is this a clean/new install of BIU on the new system or is it still configured for the old one?
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by odos »

It's all a clean/new install of BootItUI and all the OS's which consist of Windows 11 Home, Windows 10 Home, Windows 10 Pro and Linux Mint.
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by odos »

So I have been doing some more testing/experimenting by doing clean installs of OS’s and of BootItUI, trying different combinations of which partitions are used and also tried putting the actual boot data on different partitions to BootItUI.

It made no difference at all, everything works fine until I do anything with scripting whilst in BootItUI, then the same problem appears.

One thing I did notice a few times was the error message of something like “ Bilateralisation on line,,,,, “ but the message only appears for a fraction of a second so I don’t know what line or even if I’ve remembered the error name correctly.

Don’t know if this helps or confuses things even more or simply doesn't make any sense.
:? :? :? :?
TeraByte Support
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by TeraByte Support »

first step is to ensure firmware is up to date, usually with a new mobo comes with older firmware. next step to try is to launch disk imaging and exit and see if same thing, if so it has something to do with launching efi apps multiple times.
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by odos »

I flashed the latest BIOS as soon as I had the motherboard connected and running. The one I'm running at the moment is from 24th Jan 2022. I just checked on the motherboards ( Gigabyte ) website and there is no new updated Bios yet.

Just tested with disk imaging 3 times and as you suspected starting disk imaging and then exiting even without doing anything has exactly the same problem, i.e needing to restart the machine before I can boot any OS.

So please tell me you suspect what it is and there is something I can do about it to get it to work without needing a reset?
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

I assume you're not using the UEFINoRemount option on the new system.
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by odos »

You are correct in your assumption, I am not using UEFINoRemount with this motherboard but with you mentioning it I thought I’d try it just to see what, if anything, was different if I did use it. The answer was nothing at all as regards my problem having to reboot, but it did cut down a lot of the functionality of a BootItUI so I soon removed it again.

So can you think of anything I can try to solve/get around my having to reboot problem
TeraByte Support
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by TeraByte Support »

What is the "Bilateralisation.." message that you see pop up? Since it's already loading windows and windows has already taken over, you may want to wait longer to see if it reports anything (what is on the screen when you think it froze?). It would have to be a complete guess the firmware doesn't expect to load and unload additional apps and something is not right at some point of some protocol windows uses or perhaps memory in use someone didn't clear but expected to be clear (either in windows or the UEFI). But always start with running something like memtest86+ from overnight because weird issues can happen when something is up with the hardware. You may also want to reach out to Gigabyte, in the past they have been good responding to customers and fixing firmware issue they can reproduce. Another test may be to disable secure boot.
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Re: Running any script freezes computer

Post by odos »

I only caught a glimpse of that "Bilateralisation.." message a couple of times and couldn’t read it properly because it only stayed on screen for a fraction of a second.

As you suggested I left the machine hanging with just the windows four blue boot screen squares showing for 10 minutes to see if anything happened but nothing did.

After checking I found that the Firmware I flashed, although the latest is actually a ‘Beta’ so I re-flashed with the last stable release but that made no difference at all.

I have continued testing different configurations and I always get a message that usually flashes on screen just before everything stops and hangs. The message appears and disappears to fast to see anything except a white flash so I recorded the screen with my phone and then single frame stepped through the video until I could actually read the message.

It said
”WARNING Unable to point UEFI to current Boot item”

I don’t know but to me that sounds like a message from BootIt as it implies BootIt doesn’t know the location of the current boot item it set to start.

Maybe it’s a problem with my copy of BootItUI. Thinking about it that’s what I’ll try next, an earlier version of BootIt and I’ll also re-download the current version and try that in case I have a corrupted copy.
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