Partitions ID Not In Order

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Partitions ID Not In Order

Post by Hadron »

If I use TeraByte OS Deployment Tool Suite and list HD 0, it shows all the partitions, but the partition ID is not in ascending order.
Instead of 01 02 03 04, it's 02 01 03 04.
I get the same result with Diskpart. Diskpart calls it Partition #.

Does this matter? If so, can it be changed?

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Re: Partitions ID Not In Order

Post by Eric »

No, it doesn't matter (it's a GPT drive, and GPT drives use GUID$).
Yon can still reorder them using "set part num": "set part num 0 2 0"
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Re: Partitions ID Not In Order

Post by Hadron »

Hi Eric.
Thanks for your reply.

Before reading your reply, I fixed it with BootIt UEFI and Reorder GPT.
Thanks, Brian for the tip.


Eric, I would be interested to know a bit more about "set part num": "set part num 0 2 0".
Last edited by Hadron on Sat Aug 21, 2021 11:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Brian K
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Re: Partitions ID Not In Order

Post by Brian K »


David helped me with...
set part num
...last year. I had a computer that didn't support BIU. I can't recall using "entrynum". I thought it was oldID, newID.

I assume the entrynum is the GPT number (partition slot) in Reorder GPT. How do you find this number if you can't use BIU?
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Re: Partitions ID Not In Order

Post by Eric »

set part num hdnum partid entrynum
It works only for MBR and GPT drives (not for EMBR), and entrynum is the partid minus 1.
In fact, the partid is the entry slot plus 1.
Brian K
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Re: Partitions ID Not In Order

Post by Brian K »

Thanks Eric. I was over-thinking it and making it seem more complicated.
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Re: Partitions ID Not In Order

Post by Hadron »

Exactly how would I have used set part num to reorder my partitions?
Can someone please give an example to help me understand how to use it?
Brian K
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Re: Partitions ID Not In Order

Post by Brian K »

The line will be...

(HD number) (current ID) (desired ID minus 1)

So if your current partition had an ID of 0x08 and you desire it to be 0x03....

0 0x08 2

In your case you have two solutions...

0 0x02 0
0 0x01 1

It's like Reorder GPT. If you change one ID, you change the adjacent ID.

Edit... Remember, the physical partition order you see in "list hd 0" might not be the order of partitions in the partition table. The GPT slots.
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Re: Partitions ID Not In Order

Post by Hadron »

So, for the (Current ID), you append 0x before the ID.
And for (Desired ID), you drop the 0.
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Re: Partitions ID Not In Order

Post by nemesis »

Hi Hadron,

I had a similar issues and the interface is a bit wierd in my opinion.

The third parameter isn't the ID, it's the num. Which is basicly the same thing however it's 0 based instead of 1.

So let's say you want to switch 1 and 2 you'd do the following:

// Since your working with single digits there is no need to use the hex notation
// First move 1 away
// Disk 0, partitionId 1 To partitionId 11
// As you can see for partitionId 11, I actually used num 10 (num = ID - 1)
set part num 0 1 10
// Now we move 2 to 1
// Disk 0, partitionId 2 To partitionId 1, I actually used num 0 (num = ID - 1)
set part num 0 2 0
// Now we move 11 to 2
// Keep in mind the temporary num 10 is ID 11
// Disk 0, partitionId 11 To partitionId 2, I actually used num 1 (num = ID - 1)
set part num 0 11 1

Hope this clarify it a bit. The TeraByte tools are a bit quirky but in my experience they work well in a consistant manner.

Regards, Davy
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