ifwbatv3 not making space?

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ifwbatv3 not making space?

Post by Beau »

Hi All
I am using ifwbatv3 script but old files do not delete it is running as admin

:: ########################################################################################################
:: Last Modified: February 26, 2008
:: Please refer to ProfileHelp.txt for an explanation of each option specified in this file.
@echo off & cls & setlocal enableextensions
ver | find "Version 5." >nul
set VerCheck1=%ErrorLevel%
ver | find "Version 6." >nul
set VerCheck2=%ErrorLevel%
ver | find "Version 10." >nul
set VerCheck3=%ErrorLevel%
set VerCheck=%VerCheck1%%VerCheck2%%VerCheck3%
set VerCheck1=
set VerCheck2=
set VerCheck3=
if "%VerCheck%"=="111" (echo These scripts run only on Windows 2000 or later.) & (MsgBox "These scripts run only on Windows 2000 or later." "Image for Windows Scripts" 4 1) & (goto :EOF)
:: Do not make routine changes above this line.
:: ########################################################################################################

:: <---- START OF PROFILE ---->

:: ########################################################################################################
:: The settings in the following section are required, regardless of where images are to be saved.
:: ########################################################################################################

set IFWPath=D:\Program Files (x86)\TeraByte Drive Image Backup and Restore Suite\imagew64.exe
set IFWParms=/b /uy /um /d:w1 /v
set ImageName=D

:: ########################################################################################################
:: The settings in the following section are only applicable if you are saving images to a hard drive.
:: When saving images to a hard drive, each of the options listed in this section are required.
:: ########################################################################################################

set BackupParentDir=E:\TeraByte_TBI_Backups\D
set Space=oldest

:: ########################################################################################################
:: When saving images to an optical drive, the TargetOpticalDrive setting below is required.
:: It must be left blank if is not used.
:: ########################################################################################################

set TargetOpticalDrive=

:: ########################################################################################################
:: The settings in the following section are optional. However, they are still important, and should be
:: reviewed. Refer to ProfileHelp.txt for more information.
:: ########################################################################################################

set IFWScriptPath=

set IFWLogPath=

set AppendToLog=

set PromptBeforeRun=0
set PromptText=Do you want to run the Image for Windows batch process?
set PromptTimeout=

set NotifyComplete=0
set NotifyNormalTimeout=
set NotifyErrorTimeout=

set RunPrior01=::nircmd.exe emptybin
set RunPrior02=
set RunPrior03=
set RunPrior04=
set RunPrior05=
set RunPrior06=
set RunPrior07=
set RunPrior08=
set RunPrior09=
set RunPrior10=
set RunPrior11=
set RunPrior12=
set RunPrior13=
set RunPrior14=
set RunPrior15=

set RunAfterAlways01=::start "" Notepad.exe "%IFWLogPath%"
set RunAfterAlways02=
set RunAfterAlways03=
set RunAfterAlways04=
set RunAfterAlways05=
set RunAfterAlways06=
set RunAfterAlways07=
set RunAfterAlways08=
set RunAfterAlways09=
set RunAfterAlways10=
set RunAfterAlways11=
set RunAfterAlways12=
set RunAfterAlways13=
set RunAfterAlways14=
set RunAfterAlways15=

:: Note: The use of "\BackupChildDir\" below (rather than "\%BackupChildDir%\") is correct and intentional.
:: It works because delayed variable expansion is used for the applicable RunAfterCondXX variable.
:: Please refer to the :RunIFW section of the IFWv3.cmd script to see where this takes place.

set RunAfterCond01=
set RunAfterCond02=
set RunAfterCond03=
set RunAfterCond04=
set RunAfterCond05=
set RunAfterCond06=
set RunAfterCond07=
set RunAfterCond08=
set RunAfterCond09=
set RunAfterCond10=
set RunAfterCond11=
set RunAfterCond12=
set RunAfterCond13=
set RunAfterCond14=
set RunAfterCond15=

:: ########################################################################################################
:: Do not make routine changes below this line.

sc stop protectit
set CalledFromProfile=1
if not defined IFWScriptPath (call %0\..\IFWv3.cmd) else (call "%IFWScriptPath%")
if not defined IFWScriptFound (echo The main IFW script was not found. Please configure the IFWScriptPath setting in %0.) & (MsgBox "The main IFW script was not found. Please configure the IFWScriptPath setting in the profile script." "Image for Windows Scripts" 4 1)

sc start protectit
:: <---- END OF PROFILE ---->

:: Copyright (c) 2008 TeraByte, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

:: End of script
TeraByte Support(PP)
Posts: 1682
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:51 am

Re: ifwbatv3 not making space?

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

I assume ProtectIt is running on the system since you're using the TeraByte_TBI_Backups folder.

You could try using "net stop protectit" and "net start protectit" instead of the "sc" commands and see if that helps. Those commands are located on the very end of what you posted (between the ######## line and END OF PROFILE line), just edit and replace "sc" with "net" to switch it.

Otherwise, do you see the same issue in a normal (non-protected) folder? Any errors reported by the script?
Posts: 20
Joined: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:27 pm

Re: ifwbatv3 not making space?

Post by Beau »

Hi Paul
I will run some test
and get back with what I find
Posts: 20
Joined: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:27 pm

Re: ifwbatv3 not making space?

Post by Beau »

Hi Paul,
I was able to get a good backup of both drives using the net command
I am not sure the older files are being removed is there a way I can test that?
thanks, beau
TeraByte Support(PP)
Posts: 1682
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:51 am

Re: ifwbatv3 not making space?

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

In your post above, you have the Space option set to "oldest" which means the script should be deleting the oldest backup when it's run. For example, if you only have one backup created it will delete that backup and then run IFW to create the new one.

Otherwise, you would need to check the backup folder/sub-folders before the backup and afterwards to see if it had removed the oldest backup per the space requirements set.
Posts: 20
Joined: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:27 pm

Re: ifwbatv3 not making space?

Post by Beau »

ok I will keep an eye on it and what it does
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