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Need a help

Post by Kasey00 »


I am looking for a way to backup a single drive partition. I have a large Raid 5 drive.

I have partitioned part of the drive and have assigned it Drive W: I need to modify my backup script to backup just the drive W: partition. I assume that an IFWPARM needs to be modified but I cannot find the manual on the web site. Can someone tell me where the Scripting manual is?

It seems to be well hidden

Last edited by Kasey00 on Wed May 19, 2021 10:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
TeraByte Support
Posts: 3738
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: Need a help

Post by TeraByte Support »

You don't need a scripting manual, IFWPARAM are parameters to Image for
Windows, so you'd adjust that based on the Image for Windows command
line. See the /d option in the IFW manual.

On 10/17/2019 1:27 AM, Kasey00 wrote:
> Hi!
> I am looking for a way to backup a single drive partition. I have a large Raid 5 drive.
> I have partitioned part of the drive and have assigned it Drive W: I need to modify my backup script to backup just the drive W: partition. I assume that an IFWPARM needs to be modified but I cannot find the manual on the web site. Can someone tell me where the Scripting manual is?
> It seems to be well hidden.
> Thanks.

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