image win10 from HDD to SSD but still boots HDD image

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image win10 from HDD to SSD but still boots HDD image

Post by serendipity »

I have win 7 on SSD AND WIN 10 on a HDD. I made a partition on the SSD same size as win 10 on HDD. Then I used Image for windows under my win 7 OS to copy the win 10 HDD image to the SSD. I then added the win 10 SSD image to Bootlg. Everything seems to work except when I try to boot the new win 10 SSD image it is still booting the win10 HDD image. How do I get it to boot the new win 10 SSD? Is this simple to fix and if so can someone help me out. Thanks JAM
Brian K
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Re: image win10 from HDD to SSD but still boots HDD image

Post by Brian K »


I assume you now have three Boot Items. Check the Boot Item for the SSD Win10. Make sure "Swap" isn't ticked and Win10 on HD0 is selected. In the MBR Details section for HD1, Hide the entry for the old Win10. I assume you are limiting Primaries.
Bob Coleman
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Re: image win10 from HDD to SSD but still boots HDD image

Post by Bob Coleman »

serendipity wrote:
>Then I used Image for windows under my win 7 OS to copy the win 10 HDD image to the SSD.

I assume you RESTOREd the image. Correct?
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Re: image win10 from HDD to SSD but still boots HDD image

Post by serendipity »

correct I used Image to restore the win 10 HDD image to the newly created partition on the SSD for win 10. But now when I add the new partition to Bootlt with what I believe are the correct parameters it seems to always boot the HDD copy. The original entry for win 10 on the HDD is still in Bootlt and seems to work fine. I don't want to erase the HDD copy until the SSD copy is booting.
Brian K
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Re: image win10 from HDD to SSD but still boots HDD image

Post by Brian K »

When you try to boot Win10 on the SSD does Win10 use the C: drive letter when it boots? Or another drive letter?
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Re: image win10 from HDD to SSD but still boots HDD image

Post by serendipity »

The C: drive is how I figured its booting the incorrect drive. I put a file only on the C: drive of the SSD. When win 10 comes up, that file is not there rather its on the Z: drive I mounted as the old win10 hdd drive. Thus its still using the HDD drive as C: Also performance should greatly improve if on SSD and it has not.
TeraByte Support
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Re: image win10 from HDD to SSD but still boots HDD image

Post by TeraByte Support »

you should be using BootIt BM not BootIt NG for one thing.

"serendipity" wrote in message news:14473@public.bootitng...

I have win 7 on SSD AND WIN 10 on a HDD. I made a partition on the SSD same
size as win 10 on HDD. Then I used Image for windows under my win 7 OS to
copy the win 10 HDD image to the SSD. I then added the win 10 SSD image to
Bootlg. Everything seems to work except when I try to boot the new win 10
SSD image it is still booting the win10 HDD image. How do I get it to boot
the new win 10 SSD? Is this simple to fix and if so can someone help me
out. Thanks JAM

Brian K
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Re: image win10 from HDD to SSD but still boots HDD image

Post by Brian K »

Can you try this test? Disconnect the power and data cables from the HD. Try to boot Win10 on the SSD using BING. Does Win10 boot to a black screen?
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Re: image win10 from HDD to SSD but still boots HDD image

Post by serendipity »

First, not sure what "BING" is, I may know what it is but not by that buzz word. Second, yes I thought about actually disconnecting the cables to make sure it can't get to the HDD, but I really don't want to open up my PC at this point and start playing with the hardware and risk breaking something else. I'd rather remove the drive from the BIOS but I think I'm past that point anyway, I already confirmed its booting the HDD and not SSD. Besides so I disconnect the HDD and confirm its trying to boot from there, then what. Can we just assume it is? then what is the next step?
Brian K
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Re: image win10 from HDD to SSD but still boots HDD image

Post by Brian K »

I suspect you broke the second cloning rule. You let the new OS see the old OS on the first boot. The web page below is old but it still applies to later OS.

When WinXP boots with an incorrect drive letter you see a blue screen. When Win10 boots with an incorrect drive letter you see a black screen. This needs to be confirmed before you correct the drive letter issue.