Elevate command ?

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Elevate command ?

Post by tas3086 »

There is not much documentation on the elevate and iselevated commands. Am I missing some documentation?

Additionally, now that your scripts are coded, it is impossible to see how the scripting commands can be used. While your scripts are coded for "size" purposes, can you make the source available so we can tweak them, or use for education purposes?
TeraByte Support
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Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: Elevate command ?

Post by TeraByte Support »

Elevate is in the manual as is IsElevated() .. for the first one you can
just do "help elevate". They are windows only and just a easy way to have
users run scripts unelevated and elevate when needed (adding the "ready to
run scripts" to the start group). Didn't want to force elevation for
those that may have scripts existing that don't need elevation.

unfortunately, these scripts have been used by others to copy the
copyrighted scripts and put in .exe form and market them as their own.
There was no real active community extending the scripts or coming up with
new scripts, etc. I can see providing some sample scripts again to show
how to create the menu system, etc..

"tas3086" wrote in message news:9706@public.tbosdt...

There is not much documentation on the elevate and iselevated commands. Am
I missing some documentation?

Additionally, now that your scripts are coded, it is impossible to see how
the scripting commands can be used. While your scripts are coded for "size"
purposes, can you make the source available so we can tweak them, or use for
education purposes?
Posts: 322
Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:15 pm

Re: Elevate command ?

Post by tas3086 »

Thank you. Could you document the format of the PARMS parameter. Is it similar to the parameters used in the run command?
If run from a not elevated tbscript to relaunch the tbscript elevated, would the format be: ext("ELEVATE PARMS("#ARG(1)#")")

For those interested, the 2 functions are documented on page 25 and 72 of the tbosdt manual. The elevated help text is as follows:

"Relauch application elevated if not alredy elevated."
TeraByte Support
Posts: 3738
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: Elevate command ?

Post by TeraByte Support »

Something like this:

Ext("Elevate ^"^"^"" # arg(0) # "^"^"^"")

You have to add the extra quotes or they get lost...

"tas3086" wrote in message news:9708@public.tbosdt...

Thank you. Could you document the format of the PARMS parameter. Is it
similar to the parameters used in the run command?
If run from a not elevated tbscript to relaunch the tbscript elevated, would
the format be: ext("ELEVATE PARMS("#ARG(1)#")")

For those interested, the 2 functions are documented on page 25 and 72 of
the tbosdt manual. The elevated help text is as follows:

"Relauch application elevated if not alredy elevated."

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