P2V in Qemu

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P2V in Qemu

Post by userX »

I watched one of your video tutorials about using the OSDT program to convert a TBI backup image of a Windows XP OS into a vhd image, which was then modified with drivers in order to run within a Windows-based vm. These modifications were made also within a Windows environment. I would like to be able to do a similar procedure within a Linux environment and make the vhd to run from within Qemu. In other words, I want to convert the TBI backup image of a Windows OS to a vhd, and then I want to create a vm in Qemu for running the Window OS. Can this be done with these same tools? Specifically, will the TBOSDTS run in Linux?
TeraByte Support
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Re: P2V in Qemu

Post by TeraByte Support »

Off the top of my head, yes, should be about the same -

"userX" wrote in message news:6976@public.tbosdt...

I watched one of your video tutorials about using the OSDT program to
convert a TBI backup image of a Windows XP OS into a vhd image, which was
then modified with drivers in order to run within a Windows-based vm. These
modifications were made also within a Windows environment. I would like to
be able to do a similar procedure within a Linux environment and make the
vhd to run from within Qemu. In other words, I want to convert the TBI
backup image of a Windows OS to a vhd, and then I want to create a vm in
Qemu for running the Window OS. Can this be done with these same tools?
Specifically, will the TBOSDTS run in Linux?

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Re: P2V in Qemu

Post by userX »

What I am doing with the OSDTS Pro procedure and tutorial at this point is to watch a portion of it and pause it, then to go into the real data files and to apply the steps to see whether I can accomplish the same. I am also referring back to the manual as need be for clarification. This helps in that I am using different applications, ie., not VMware but Qemu. I have a couple of questions.

(1) In the tutorial at the beginning a step is made to "Add Virtual Drive" and then the physical computers hard drive is copied to it. When creating this drive, a choice is made to use type "VMDK - Monolithic Sparse (SCSI)". Since I already have a good backup file in TBI format, can I get the same result by creating the same sort of VHD and simply choosing to Restore to the Virtual Drive, instead of copying the whole thing again. Seems like I would get to the same point?

(2) In the manual it mentions in several places the existence of a Linux version of TBOSDT. I may need that one. As I have the Pro Suite version, does it come in Linux flavor too? Where is it as I do not see it listed among the download options for my account?

(3) During the actual running of the OSDT Script, the first step is to decide which drivers to remove if any. On what factors are we to base this decision: whether to remove all, all but the storage drivers, or only CPU drivers.

(4) In the tutorial the new drivers are obtained from a subfolder made by the VMware Workstation program, which, I assume are appropiate as the choice because this VM will be run in that program. On the other hand, in my case where the VM will be run in KVM/Qemu, I can obtain and use the Windows drivers from here: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/WindowsGu ... ad_Drivers. Please take a glance at that page to see what I am referring to, and let me know whether I seem to be "on the right track" in this regard.

(5) While testing the procedure of installing drivers, in one instance the driver installation failed with error code 76. How should one fix that issue?

(6) One of the steps in the tutorial, right after all the drivers have been replaced, is to change which HAL to be used, among which several are listed. When I get to this point with my real data, the script says that "AMD64 only uses a single HAL file". I assume that this would be true in my case too even though I intend to use it as a guest with a Linux host; that is to say, the difference is irrelevant and only one HAL would be used in this case too. Therefore, I can disregard this step. Is that so?
TeraByte Support
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Re: P2V in Qemu

Post by TeraByte Support »

"userX" wrote in message news:6982@public.tbosdt...

What I am doing with the OSDTS Pro procedure and tutorial at this point is
to watch a portion of it and pause it, then to go into the real data files
and to apply the steps to see whether I can accomplish the same. I am also
referring back to the manual as need be for clarification. This helps in
that I am using different applications, ie., not VMware but Qemu. I have a
couple of questions.

(1) In the tutorial at the beginning a step is made to "Add Virtual Drive"
and then the physical computers hard drive is copied to it. When creating
this drive, a choice is made to use type "VMDK - Monolithic Sparse (SCSI)".
Since I already have a good backup file in TBI format, can I get the same
result by creating the same sort of VHD and simply choosing to Restore to
the Virtual Drive, instead of copying the whole thing again. Seems like I
would get to the same point?

>> You can do that, CopyP2V already has the option to do that for you.

(2) In the manual it mentions in several places the existence of a Linux
version of TBOSDT. I may need that one. As I have the Pro Suite version,
does it come in Linux flavor too? Where is it as I do not see it listed
among the download options for my account?

>> DOS/Windows/Linux/UEFI versions are all included in the download

(3) During the actual running of the OSDT Script, the first step is to
decide which drivers to remove if any. On what factors are we to base this
decision: whether to remove all, all but the storage drivers, or only CPU

>> How different the system is.

(4) In the tutorial the new drivers are obtained from a subfolder made by
the VMware Workstation program, which, I assume are appropiate as the choice
because this VM will be run in that program. On the other hand, in my case
where the VM will be run in KVM/Qemu, I can obtain and use the Windows
drivers from here:
http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/WindowsGu ... ad_Drivers

.. Please take a glance at that page to see what I am referring to, and let
me know whether I seem to be "on the right track" in this regard.

>> Isn't that an old tutorial you're looking at? Anyway, you only need a
>> special driver if within the VM environment can't use the standard
>> windows drivers. CopyP2V takes care of most of that for you.

(5) While testing the procedure of installing drivers, in one instance the
driver installation failed with error code 76. How should one fix that

>> what was the exact messages that preceded that?

(6) One of the steps in the tutorial, right after all the drivers have been
replaced, is to change which HAL to be used, among which several are listed.
When I get to this point with my real data, the script says that "AMD64 only
uses a single HAL file". I assume that this would be true in my case too
even though I intend to use it as a guest with a Linux host; that is to say,
the difference is irrelevant and only one HAL would be used in this case
too. Therefore, I can disregard this step. Is that so?

>> Yes, if it's an X64 OS, you only have the one.

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Re: P2V in Qemu

Post by userX »

>On what factors are we to base this
>decision: whether to remove all, all but the storage drivers, or only CPU

>> How different the system is.

Uh, yea, I got that part. :) Different in what respects was what I meant. Can you kindly provide me an example?

>> Isn't that an old tutorial you're looking at? Anyway, you only need a
>> special driver if within the VM environment can't use the standard
>> windows drivers. CopyP2V takes care of most of that for you.

I didn't see a date on the tutorial, and I didn't find another one to make a comparison. Perhaps you could point it out with a link? I would like to look at the most recent one available.

>> what was the exact messages that preceded that?

"INF: Unknown directive characteristics
Operation failed with error code 76."

>> Anyway, you only need a
>> special driver if within the VM environment can't use the standard
>> windows drivers.

When I use TBOSDT and reach to menu option that says, "Keep storage drivers and remove all other installed drivers", how can I get a list describing exactly what "all other" drivers would be removed? That way I can make an informed decision about which drivers to replace.
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Re: P2V in Qemu

Post by userX »

TeraByte Support wrote:
> ...
> (2) In the manual it mentions in several places the existence of a Linux
> version of TBOSDT. I may need that one. As I have the Pro Suite version,
> does it come in Linux flavor too? Where is it as I do not see it listed
> among the download options for my account?
> >> DOS/Windows/Linux/UEFI versions are all included in the download

I just checked again, and, actually, it was not included in my download. Although "a" version of it downloaded with the rest of my programs, in order to get "all" the various OS versions, I have to download the TBOSDT Suite separately. Now I have it.
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Re: P2V in Qemu

Post by userX »

In the tutorial the new drivers are obtained from a subfolder made by
the VMware Workstation program, which, I assume are appropiate as the choice
because this VM will be run in that program.

>>Anyway, you only need a
>> special driver if within the VM environment can't use the standard
>> windows drivers. CopyP2V takes care of most of that for you

When you say that "CopyP2V take care of most of that for you", I am left wondering what all is done by it exactly. Does it simply remove "all" drivers, or does it remove all drivers and then add some others? If so, which others?
Posts: 119
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Post by userX »

Never mind with the previous unanswered questions in this thread as I have this working well now once I fiddled around with the settings and figured out what I was doing wrong. I have successfully used TBOSDT to make a P2V copy of 64-bit Win7 and booted it in KVM/Qemu using virtio drivers and storage. Then I installed the Spice drivers to tweak the graphics and mouse response.

TeraByte Support
Posts: 3738
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: P2V in Qemu

Post by TeraByte Support »

Can you email your .inf file or indicate which driver it is...

"userX" wrote in message news:6985@public.tbosdt...
>> what was the exact messages that preceded that?

"INF: Unknown directive characteristics
Operation failed with error code 76."

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Re: P2V in Qemu

Post by Eric »

userX wrote:
> When you say that "CopyP2V take care of most of that for you", I am left
> wondering what all is done by it exactly. Does it simply remove "all"
> drivers, or does it remove all drivers and then add some others? If so, which others?

This is mainly true for Vista/Win7/Win8 were VM drivers are already provided in them, and installed automatically by CopyP2V when needed. For XP, you need to provide the driver.

Concerning the HAL file, CopyP2V takes care of it automatically for all systems (it depends on the system and the type of vhd).

Decision to remove all or not (all meaning to remove all third party drivers, keeping of the course all the standard and basic ones) is allways made by the human.
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