Terabyte 3.60 Restore gives Hard Drive Error

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Terabyte 3.60 Restore gives Hard Drive Error

Post by n4af »

Lately, IFW fails using online restore function of a 20Gb partition of my samsung ssd.
Scan and samsung diag are a-ok.

---> Tip off may have been that booting standalone ifw allows restore to works ok.

The error is something to the effect of
'A hard drive error occurred when writing 3960 sectors to LBA...'
This error appears -IMMEDIATELY- after activating the Restoring Image screen.

Between the immediate failure and , more importantly, it working when booting IFW stand alone, I started taking down tasks.

Bottom line, GOOGLE DRIVE app was enqueued on my 'D' drive. Interestingly I only tell gdrive to keep tabs on my c:/documents, but taking GOOGLE DRIVE down and all is well. (PAUSE syncing did not help)
A lot of other tasks like NetGear vault/genie and Sync Center were not a problem.

I am hoping this post may be useful to someone else receiving this error on restore.
disk-err-ifw-restore.png (116.47 KiB) Viewed 1763 times
TeraByte Support
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Re: Terabyte 3.60 Restore gives Hard Drive Error

Post by TeraByte Support »

what's the ifw.log say?
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