Unable to execute tbosdt.efi

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Unable to execute tbosdt.efi

Post by odos »

For some reason if I’m running under UEFI I cannot run any scripts from the hard drive, either my own or those built into BootIt. If I try to run any script at all from the hard drive I get the error

Unable to execute tbosdt.efi.

I can run scripts no problem from USB or if I run my computer in Bios instead of UEFI. Is this a known problem with a standard solution or is it simply the vagaries of UEFI and that’s how things are with my particular setup?
TeraByte Support
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Re: Unable to execute tbosdt.efi

Post by TeraByte Support »

did you install scripting? there would be an icon on the BootIt desktop.
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Re: Unable to execute tbosdt.efi

Post by odos »

Yes I installed scripting and the icon is there. Clicking on it opens a window which lists all the scripts available. When I click on one of those listed scripts I get the above error message, then dumped back into BootIt desktop. Twice I made a new USB installation stick and re-installed BootIt UI with exactly the same resuts.

One thing of note thugh I don't know if it has any bearing on the subject but I have to use the "
UEFINoRemount=1" option to get BootIt UI to run on my machine under UEFI.
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Re: Unable to execute tbosdt.efi

Post by TeraByte Support »

If you run it with "runtbs scriptname.tbs" from scripting does it work? By clicking, I presume from the "run" menu?
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Re: Unable to execute tbosdt.efi

Post by odos »

Sorry, yes I tried running the scripts from the run menu.

As you suggested I have just tried clicking the script icon and typing in the script command window

Runtbs tbexplo.tbs

which resulted in the error

Unable to run tbexplo.tbs file.

I then tried using fixboot.tbs with exactly the same result. These files do exist in the directory and the error is not that it couldn’t find them but that it couldn’t run them.

Any ideas of anything else I could try?
TeraByte Support
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Re: Unable to execute tbosdt.efi

Post by TeraByte Support »

if you run "dir" do you see the files? Can you "type bootit.ini" and get output? It may be same issue you see with needing UEFINoRemount=1, you could mount the drive yourself and run it ... in tbosdt "help mount" for parameter .. i.e. mount 0: 0 1 .. then 0: is the drive that is mounted, you can 0: then run the script or runtbs 0:\name.tbs to run it.
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Re: Unable to execute tbosdt.efi

Post by odos »

Just tried your suggestions and the results are

“dir” produces nothing, no list of files or error messages.

“bootit.ini” gives the error of “invalid command”.

“Mount 0: 0”

Runtbs 0:\fixboot.tbs

Works perfectly and runs fixboot.tbs no problem.

So as I want BootIt to automatically run a script without me having to manually enter tbostd and mount the drive each time what do I have to do to achieve that? Or is it not possible with my computers configuration?

Oh one other thing which may help point to the problem. When running tbsodt my keyboard becomes very unresponsive. I have to press a key two or three times before the character appears on screen, makes it very slow to type anything in.
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