Seeking PCX image template to share

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Seeking PCX image template to share

Post by Yottabytes »

My monitor's native resolution is 2560x1440 and I've made numerous .PCX images from 1024x768 to 1280x768 to 1920x1200, the later of which seems the best aspect radio. The problem is my image shifts lightly to the right. And despite cropping the picture on the left, I still can't get it centered. Anybody have any ideas? Also, is there an easier way to mount the EFI folder in either Linux or Windows. (Currently I'm using Window's diskpart commands to accomplish this.)
TeraByte Support
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Re: Seeking PCX image template to share

Post by TeraByte Support »

If you can match the resolution used in the program it should work, otherwise it will attempt to tile it, but that should be off to the left a little.

As far as mounting, you can directly access it via tbosdt mount command (enable locking) or run tbexplor from bootit itself.
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Re: Seeking PCX image template to share

Post by Yottabytes »

Yes, I stand corrected, It's shifting to the left. I'll give it another try.
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Re: Seeking PCX image template to share

Post by Yottabytes »

OK. So after further experimentation: 1280x1024 gives me the best resolution but image is not centered,it's off to the left a little; 1024x768 puts the image dead center but at that resolution the graphic tiles to the bottom and top. I guess the compromise is some odd-ball ratio I haven't yet tried.
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Re: Seeking PCX image template to share

Post by odos »

If you have image editing software something like Photoshop or Paintshop Pro you could try doing as I do.

• Select your full sized image.
• Resize image to 1024 x 768 BUT DO NOT MAINTAIN ASPECT RATIO.
• Save resulting image as a .pcx file.

The resulting image will look odd but once it’s displayed and resized to your monitors dimensions in BootIt then it will appear normal and centered, or at least that’s how it works for me.
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Re: Seeking PCX image template to share

Post by odos »

Sorry in my previous post I think I misunderstood your setup and thought you were using 1024x768 as the display res in BootIt. What I suggest you try is to start with an image the same res as your monitor then resize it to whatever setting your running BootIt but don’t maintain aspect ratio when you resize. Hopefully that should work.
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Re: Seeking PCX image template to share

Post by fileant »

Can you still put pcx images and a reg.txt file in the extracted contents of somewhere to have them installed in the bootit partition?
Posts: 114
Joined: Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:50 pm

[SOLVED] Re: Seeking PCX image template to share

Post by Yottabytes »

I'm a little late in acknowledging this but the solution posted by @odos worked for me.
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