Restore BIU partitions

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Restore BIU partitions

Post by RFSndrs »

In an earlier post I stated I wanted to change my main hard drive from MBR to UEFI. Brian K was helping me and it sort of got waylaid because my wife and I took a trip to California to spend Thanksgiving with our son and his family.
Anyway, so now I have converted my MBR programs to EFI. I used this technique. I have a spare 128GB SDD. I disconnected all other drives, and set the SSD to MBR. I then created a 250 MB partition with fat32 and restored my Windows 10 MBR partition just after the 250MB partition. I created the rest of the SSD to fat32 just to take up space. I then deleted the 250MB partition so I had 250MB of unallocated space on the drive. This was done with my BIBM flash drive. The SSD didn’t have BIBM on it. I then booted a flash drive with GParted Live on it. I got this from: I used the terminal in GParted Live to change the MBR to GPT by using “sudo gdisk /dev/sdb” CLI command. I did nothing with the GUI part except to verify the SSD identity. Then I booted into a Win10.iso flash drive and entered the cmd mode in the repair setup. restore-repair-deleted-efi-boot-partition-in-windows-10-8-7 - Method 2. It worked fine. I then installed BIU on the SSD and verified that it booted OK. I then imaged it using the installed BIU to my separate image drive. The BIU was installed having BIU EFI control everything.
I now have 3 EFI images and want to put them all on a single 1TB SSD using BIU to select. How do I restore them? Do I copy the EFI partition along side of the BIU EFI? Do I replace the BIU EFI with the Windows EFI or just not copy the EFI partition. I can’t seem to find how to restore EFI partitions in BIU anywhere on the website.
Thanks in advance.
TeraByte Support
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Re: Restore BIU partitions

Post by TeraByte Support »

One way is to just restore them to the new drive individually then run "fixboot.tbs" script for each of them to create the boot items. Another is to manually copy over the \efi\microsoft folder over (say using tbexplo.tbs), use bcdedit to update it to point to the copy on the new drive, and setup the boot item to use it.
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