TBI notify

User discussion and information resource forum for TeraByte Drive Image products, including TBNetManage.
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Re: TBI notify

Post by DrTeeth »

On Thu, 29 Sep 2016 04:09:50 PDT, just as I was about to take a herb,
DrTeeth disturbed my reverie and wrote:

>>it already does have a limit and it's adjustable via a Max dword value in
>>the slog registry key. Default is 60, max 180.
>Thanks for that.

That only changes the number of items displayed, it does not seem to
remove items from the registry. I changed the Max value to 10, and 10
items showed. I increased it to 20 and still 10 items show. When
looking in the registry key, all the MRRR?? items are still present.


"If you want to find out what is wrong
with democracy, spend five minutes with
the average voter." - Winston Churchill
Ed Smith
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Re: TBI notify

Post by Ed Smith »

I don't know about you but I see something strange in my log.
I only have three at this time.
They all have the correct date and time but when I click on "open full log"
to view each one, all three logs are the same.
They all have have the same info as the first one.


"DrTeeth" wrote in message news:12583@public.image...

On Thu, 29 Sep 2016 04:09:50 PDT, just as I was about to take a herb,

disturbed my reverie and wrote:

>>it already does have a limit and it's adjustable via a Max dword value in
>>the slog registry key. Default is 60, max 180.
>Thanks for that.

That only changes the number of items displayed, it does not seem to
remove items from the registry. I changed the Max value to 10, and 10
items showed. I increased it to 20 and still 10 items show. When
looking in the registry key, all the MRRR?? items are still present.


"If you want to find out what is wrong
with democracy, spend five minutes with
the average voter." - Winston Churchill

TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: TBI notify

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

Ed Smith wrote:
> I don't know about you but I see something strange in my log.
> I only have three at this time.
> They all have the correct date and time but when I click on "open full log"
> to view each one, all three logs are the same.
> They all have have the same info as the first one.

That opens the IFW.LOG file, so it's normal that they're all the same.
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Re: TBI notify

Post by Yottabytes »

Another script (this time AutoIt) to re-set TBI Log, with message box notification and application completion logging. I run this as a Windows scheduled task every couple of weeks or so. If anyone wants an executable that doesn't need the AutoIt program to run, let me know. CODE:

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AutoIt Version:
Script Function: Reset TBI Notify
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

MsgBox(48, "ClearTBI", "Re-setting TBI Notify. . .", 3)
RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\TeraByte Unlimited\Image\SLog")
$LogFile = FileOpen("C:\PATH TO YOUR LOG FILE\ClearTBI.log", 1)
FileWriteLine($LogFile, "Clear TBI Log was erased on: >>> " & @MDAY & "/" & @MON & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & @CRLF)
Posts: 43
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Re: TBI notify

Post by Hadron »

Thanks, Yottabytes.

I have always thought that this should be built-in functionality.
I usually go into the Registry and delete it manually.

I'll accept the offer of a standalone executable.

Thank you.
Posts: 84
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Re: TBI notify

Post by Scott »

That's better or easier than simply running

reg.exe delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\TeraByte Unlimited\Image\SLog" /f

...from a shortcut or command script?
TeraByte Support
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Re: TBI notify

Post by TeraByte Support »

Um why empty it when the program automatically handles it? For the most part, you shouldn't mess with it. If you want a different number of entries you can set a DWORD value named "Max" to set the max number of entries (180 is upper limit, 60 is default). It won't delete existing entries when making the change.
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Re: TBI notify

Post by Yottabytes »

@Hadron. I can provide an executable if you let me know the directory IFW is installed in on your PC, i.e., C:\Program Files (x86)\

@Scott My Windows 8.1 won't allow batch scripts to be run by task scheduler. I believe it was deprecated and it may likely run reg.exe with the switch as a raw commmand. I had used a nifty utility called SilentCMD.exe to get around that limitation but decided to use Autoit so I could get a screen message confirmation and a log that my executable had run successfully.

@TeraByte Support. While IFW is a terrific piece of software that I have used for more than a decade, I've always subscribed to the view that vendors should listen to their customers.
Posts: 43
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Re: TBI notify

Post by Hadron »


IFW is installed in the default location of:
C:\Program Files (x86)\TeraByte Drive Image Backup and Restore Suite
Posts: 114
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Re: TBI notify

Post by Yottabytes »

@Hadron. Here you go. Zip archive with two executables:

1. ClearTBI_noLOG.exe clears TBI notification and flashes a four second message of successful reset with no log
2. ClearTBI_withLOG.exe clearsTBI notification, flashes a four second message of successful reset and saves a log of the action to your desktop.

You can put the executable in any directory you want and make a shortcut to run it from your start menu or you can run it regularly as a Windows Task.

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