Slow IFW Launch

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Slow IFW Launch

Post by Pee »

WIndows 7 Pro 64x SP1
IWF(64) v3.42
Problem: Slow Launch

All my programs, including all the Terabyte utilities, e.g., TBIMount, launch quickly. Typical time required to launch any app on my machine is < 2 seconds. But when I launch IFW the case is very different. The UAC modal dialog appears immediately but the consequent IFW64 dialog box takes forever to appear, 30-40 seconds being typical. Other programs requiring UAC approval launch immediately. My machine is not overloaded. System Idle Process is seldom < 98%.

This version ran perfectly on this machine until I had to reformat my drive and reinstall apps, including FW. All my other apps that I had to reinstall work great, just as they always did.

Might anybody have an idea what the problem is and/or how to solve it?

TeraByte Support
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Re: Slow IFW Launch

Post by TeraByte Support »

maybe have sectors going bad or av program slowing it down during scan? Maybe uninstall, run chkdsk /r on your drive, the reinstall. Or if not done installing all your windows updates and such, install al updates to windows and AV programs.
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Re: Slow IFW Launch

Post by Pee »

At that point in my installation process I had installed only three programs of note; Thunderbird, Firefox, and Sysinternals suite. My AV had not yet been installed so it was a pretty virgin system. I followed your direction of checking my hard disk for errors. I ran both chkdsk and sfc and the results were unremarkable. I further heeded your suggestion and uninstalled/reinstalled IFW. The outcome was the same: The UAC dialog comes right up, but it takes ~30-40 second for the IFW screen to appear. The only thing of note in reinstalling IFW was the program icon. While the shortcut icon was fine, the icon for imagew64 (and imagew) had been some generic icon and not TB icon. Reinstalling the software restored the TB icons, for what little that might be worth.

In the end I find IFW64's slugabed behavior to be inconvenient but as is said of many inconveniences, the wheel may be crooked but it's the only wheel in town. I thank you for your suggestions. I shall meander about and if I find anything useful I shall post it my findings.

Brian K
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Re: Slow IFW Launch

Post by Brian K »


Out of interest, are both imagew64.exe and imagew.exe slow to load?
TeraByte Support
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Re: Slow IFW Launch

Post by TeraByte Support »

what is the list of storage devices or drive letters on the system? It would scan the drive letters on startup and build a list of them, so perhaps something with some device or drive letter?
TeraByte Support
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Re: Slow IFW Launch

Post by TeraByte Support »

what is the list of storage devices or drive letters on the system? It would scan the drive letters on startup and build a list of them, so perhaps something with some device or drive letter?
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Re: Slow IFW Launch

Post by Pee »

Geeesh! I don't know why I didn't think to check imagew64 v. imagew, and I certainly appreciate your bringing it to mind. The results were the same; it takes 30-40 seconds for the program to launch.

I used Sysinternals Process Monitor and followed the path as best I could. In short, Imagew64 process was created right away. It mapped .DLLs, poked about in the registry and then went away for several seconds. Except for the long naps this is unsurprising stuff. Rinse and repeat. After several iterations it had slept a total of >30 seconds and had changed PID several times.

Disclaimer: First, there's a ton of stuff going on in the midst of this. Process Monitor told me that in the course of that thirty second scenario other programs had made >90K system calls. I couldn't possibly follow all of it in any reasonable detail. Second, it has been many, many years since I did Windows programming so I'm flying a mite, read, totally blind. To this end I'm thrilled w/ the help I'm getting. You folks are terrific.

Re: drive letters, I have three HD, each of which has two partitions.
Drive 0: partitions C and E
Drive 1: partitions F and G
Drive 2: partition H and I

Then I have my CD-ROM: D
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