[Solved]Little more help

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[Solved]Little more help

Post by RFSndrs »

I just got a new Dell laptop and after going many, many issues am now ready to install BIU. I ask your indulgence because while I’m computer literate and have been using BING and BIBM for many years I am not proficient in UEFI or GPT. I have been using MBR until now.
I have made backup images of my boot hard drive and now want to install Linux Mint (my OS of choice) and Windows 10 (which I use on occasion).
BTW, my Dell has a 250GB M.2 SSD and a 2TB HD.
Here are the steps I took:
Installed BUI selecting BUI to manage the directories.
Shrunk the Windows 10 OS to approximately 100GB. Deleted the backup and restore folders as I had imaged them.
Created a Linux Mint file for the root (/)
Created a Linux Mint file for home (/home)
Created a Linux Mint file for swap (Lswap)
I know about installing Linux using "do something else" while installing Linux but do I create an EFI file in /boot ? (I did not create a /boot folder)
Created menu item titled Linux Mint using the existing EFS folder as the boot folder for LM? (not sure if this is right)
Did the left shift boot on Linux Mint (to make it active?)
Installed Linux Mint to the / and /home partitions. Selected the EFS partition to install the boot loader. (again not sure if this is right)
Everything seemed to install correctly.
When I rebooted it booted straight into Linux Mint – no grub menu. I thought I just have to reactivate BIU. When I reactivated it it booted into BUI. If I select Windows on the boot menu, it will boot into Windows (as it should) but if I select Linux Mint it boots into BIU. I have tried to change the boot item in the Linux Mint menu from BootIt.efi to boot64.efi to imageu.efi. They all just boot into BIU.
I’m reasonably sure I just have to change some menu item but what do I change?
My last update, after almost a week without support I finally mucked it out myself.
I am VERY disappointed with the lack of support from this forum.
Bob S
Brian K
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Re: [Solved]Little more help

Post by Brian K »

Bob, I see you have the answer to getting Mint to boot. Did you choose shimx64.efi?
Posts: 106
Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:42 pm

Re: [Solved]Little more help

Post by RFSndrs »

No, I simply started from scratch and reimaged and reinstalled BIU and Mint several times until I got it right. I really don't remember the last way except it booted.
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