How to add bootIT UEFI item in UIEFI boot order

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How to add bootIT UEFI item in UIEFI boot order

Post by SyR »

Hello to all!

I have new Panasonic CF-54 mk 3 laptop with pure UEFI bios on it!
And I've bought BootIT UEFI to do my dual boot on GPT dick! And I killed almost a week trying to make that thing work!

So my BIG problem is that I can't add BootIt UEFI item in my UEFI boot order no matter what I do!

This laptop comes with Win 10 preinstalled! With TeraByte I was able to clone that Windows! with "partition work" Im able to manage my SSD properly! So the story short
I am capable now restore as many Windows as I want! There is EFI 260 mb partition and Windows Partition! You just divide your disk by 2 extra partitions to recover another Windows in it! So that's not a problem. Just don't forget to change the appearance of that EFI 260 partition to regular fat-32 and your compter does not boot from there naturally anymore but you still can boot throgh BIU. Remeber only one EFI partition on the disk.
So I have one extra partition 500mb at the very beginning for install BIU on it! that partiotion goes right after Windows Reserve Partiotion 16mb.
So Im installing The BIU into that 500mb partition it goes all good with installation(Or installing into EFI windows partition it does not make any difference )! But the in bios and only the selection appears on Exit screen and only under(after I press "Load defaults items") under "Boot Override TAB"! if I press that BootIt UEFI selection Im getting into installed BootIT and I can add Boot Items there and navigate them to my many Windowses! That's not a problem!
Problem is that there is no Selection appears under boot screen! So there is no selection apprers for UEFI boot order! Or it could appear only once right after instalation of bootIT with strange names like: UEFI_BOOT_3. But if you put that selection on the top I mean make it first to boot from it will never boots naturaly and if you go bios again it will disapper!
No matter what I do install the with Secure Boot Enable or disable Or put that Secure Boot onto Setup State no Matter what other modification I do with Bios it's all the same!
And you know the Panosnic laptops are professional laptops have ability to change hard drive on the fly! Well if I just remove the ssd and put it back on the BootIt UEFI selection disapers even from "Boot Override TAB" it's so unstable!
So at this point you have to reinstall BootIt UEFi again which so annoying!

I think the BootIt UEFI is not fully made! it works but half way!

Please help!

Im tring to add some picture of bios but maximum size is 256kb for a pic. No way i can mange that......
Last edited by SyR on Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How to add bootIT UEFI item in UIEFI boot order

Post by SyR »

Just extra discover! If I install BootIt UEFI on SD card Im getting my selection in UEFI boot order(which is like what?)! And it appears seems like under right name "BootIT UEFI" but will never boots into naturally or manually!
Bob Coleman
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Re: How to add bootIT UEFI item in UIEFI boot order

Post by Bob Coleman »

As recently noted in viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3423&view=next , I never got BIU working correctly. Your experience sounds eerily familiar.

I don't know if BootIt UEFI is not fully made or if some computers are not fully made, but I do reiterate that it doesn't always work.

More on my failed attempts: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2876 .

More here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3032 .
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Re: How to add bootIT UEFI item in UIEFI boot order

Post by SyR »

That's sucks Bob. I see you moved back to MBR or EMBR! That's good for you bro. But no way for me!
Brian K
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Re: How to add bootIT UEFI item in UIEFI boot order

Post by Brian K »


You didn't say so I thought I'd ask. Did you install BIU using the default method and allow BIU to select the partition?
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Re: How to add bootIT UEFI item in UIEFI boot order

Post by SyR »

I said actually! Both you know I spend a week with it :) either Im installing it to my prepared partition or to Windows EFI partition or it's choosing it on it's own! It's all no matter no difference!

It's got to be some kinda thing either with that digital signature or something with those script files. It's hard to believe there is no way!
Bob Coleman
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Re: How to add bootIT UEFI item in UIEFI boot order

Post by Bob Coleman »

SyR wrote:
> That's sucks Bob. I see you moved back to MBR or EMBR! That's good for you
> bro. But no way for me!

Because your system doesn't have legacy boot?
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Re: How to add bootIT UEFI item in UIEFI boot order

Post by SyR »

Alright! It's done! I wish I could upload some of the picks here to show!

This post should be some kinda instruction even for myself if I forget on how to do it and I defiantly will in the month!

My laptop is new new in 2020! According to technical support of Tera The 2020 bioses is way to much secure! Whatever!

Ok first of all this new UEFI bios or it's just UEFI system is seems so unpredictable and out of control! Everything you do in it, change something, looks like doesn't make any sense and differences! Just get one thing for yourself - this bios is NO MAKE ANY SENSE and that's fine!

I was you know look in that UEFI boot order and bitching about why I can't get that BootIt UEFI selection in there! And whatever you do in it just don't work!
But actually it does work and here is secret how - you have to make sure there is NO(like no no no) any other partition or place to boot from! Like you don't give to your computer any choise but only one of yours! This the winning idea! And f that bios! Don't even look in there, because finally in my boot order! on Selection 1 - there is like nothing there nothing! But computer boots! And it does naturally!

First of all do this if you in same situation So do this test!

1) In completely wiped SSD initialize it in "partition work" as GPT! It should create partition 0 16mb one called "Microsoft Reservt"
2) Then create another partition of 260mb name it "SYSTEM" and for file system chose EFI partition same as Windows boot partition and set it as active! Done! Make sure you name it SYSTEM I don't why it does not work for me otherwise! Maybe there is a few name bios will look for....
3) And then install in defaults BIU into that partition!
4) And just reboot! Then see if you getting into BIU! Im in and it stable finally!

And you know what there is no still any selection in UEFI boot order! Like none! Where you would normally see Windows Boot Manger or Recavery or whatever else.
But the computer boots into BIU naturally no problem there is no other choose for computer to boot in! Im tailing you TeraByte didn't completely make this product all the way through! I think they should put themselves into work hard instead of saying your bios sucks!

So like I said there is no for computer any other chose to boot into but the one you created and you have to keep it that way!

So here is how Im doing it now:
I installed the Windows 10 on other SSD whatever I actually imaged the one which come with this laptop! in BIU you have that image utilite.
Windows 10 has 2 partitions :
EFI system 260 mb one
and main Windows one of 120GB lets says!
Now with those images you can put as many Windowses as you want!
After my first boot partition Im creating 3rd one called STORAGE for cross windowses access and I thing it's a best place for it! and after that partition folow your 2 partitions from your image!
So here is how it would look like:

Microsoft rerserved partiotion--------------16Mib______microsoft Reserved
SYSTEM----------------------------------------260Mib______EFI System --- it's where you would install your BIU
STORAGE-----------------------------------49000Mib______Normal Data Partiotion --- This for cross access
SYSTEM----------------------------------------260MIb______FAT32 ------------------------------------------ WIN
WINDOWS---------------------------------120000Mib______Normal Data Partiotion ------------------------------------------- 1
SYSTEM----------------------------------------260Mib______FAT32 ------------------------------------------ WIN
WINDOWS---------------------------------120000Mib______Normal Data Partiotion ------------------------------------------- 2

Right after you recover your image you go to partition work and go to BCD table of EFI 260 mb partition for Windows to fix up you boot properties like OS device and .....
Then right after that and here the other secret comes: - you have to go to properties and change the partition file system to Normal Data! It can not be EFI System, otherwise you gonna get WINDOWS BOOT MANAGER in those f UEFI BOOT ORDER ! you see! But the BUI still uses boot from that partition! That's how you keep your only one bootable item for your computer! After you change that it should look like FAT32 ! Check that you can't access to BCD table anymore on that partition so as your BIOS!
And then just add you boot item and link it to a second or 3rd SYSTEM partition. You have to do it all at onse before you reboot otherwise you gonna get that Windows boot manager and it may mess up with your custom boot.

DONE! and it works finally! it's 4.38 AM I still remember it today :)
TeraByte support please add your suggestions and better modifications of this method!
Спасение утопающего! Дело рук самого утопающего!
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