Need some help writing image to DVD drive

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Re: Need some help writing image to DVD drive

Post by Mykro »

Brian K wrote:
> Michael, no success yet but you are getting close. I suggest trying IFL GUI
> as it could work better with your optical drive. Maybe.


Ok... I'll give it a try...

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Re: Need some help writing image to DVD drive

Post by Mykro »

Brian K wrote:
> Michael, no success yet but you are getting close. I suggest trying IFL GUI
> as it could work better with your optical drive. Maybe.


See attached image.. What option do you think I should choose...?

Thanks Michael
IFLgui.jpg (44.82 KiB) Viewed 4631 times
Brian K
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Re: Need some help writing image to DVD drive

Post by Brian K »

I choose the third option, Custom.

In further screens choose what you used in IFD. IFL is one of my favourite apps.
TeraByte Support
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Re: Need some help writing image to DVD drive

Post by TeraByte Support »

On newer systems you should be using IFL or IFW (and probably external
hard drive or BD) but for IFD see:

On 3/28/2020 8:40 AM, Mykro wrote:
> Brian K wrote:
>> Try this. Boot into IFD and then remove the boot disk as it's not needed
>> anymore. Now try the backup.
> Hello Brian,
> That worked... Except the next window that came up said that it was "Gathering Information" Which lasted for over 10 minutes, I thought the program had become unresponsive, but it wasn't... The next window asked me to insert a blank DVD for Vol. 1. The very next window (see attached image) did become unresponsive. I let it go for over an hour to see what would happened and there was no response from the program, so I removed the blank DVD and re-booted back into windows 10.
> I don't know what to do anymore, this shouldn't be so hard to do... It seems to me there needs to be more work done on the program.. For now I can't use this program.
> Michael

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Re: Need some help writing image to DVD drive

Post by Mykro »


It worked pretty slick... I wasn't expecting it to write on just one DVD..
I have a Samsung 850 EVO SSD 120GB with only a couple of extra apps loaded for a total of 29.3 GB used.
IFL condensed it down to 4.37GB. in my mind I was expecting at least 3 DVD's to be used up not 1 DVD...
I'm happy..!

In the past , I use to re-format the hard drive once a year and load Windows from scratch just to have a fresh install .. this makes it easy..

Should I test it out and restore to see if it works.? Or just wait until I really need to restore..?

I'm stumped to know why IFL worked and IFD did not..?

Bob Coleman
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Re: Need some help writing image to DVD drive

Post by Bob Coleman »

I guess I'm late here and probably wasted a lot of time this afternoon, but I came to say:

It's been a long time since I used either IFD or DVDs, but I tried what was initially described here and, to my surprise, got the same result (a hang). I tried the same thing with IFL and it worked fine.

My personal opinion is when creating boot media do NOT choose simple operations.
Bob Coleman
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Re: Need some help writing image to DVD drive

Post by Bob Coleman »

Mykro wrote:

> Should I test it out and restore to see if it works.? Or just wait until I
> really need to restore..?

That's been debated at some length in other threads. I don't know if there is a good answer.

It's frightening to do a test restore on to a working system in case it doesn't work, but how do you know it will work in the future if you don't test it?

I guess you just have to decide which is a bigger risk in your mind. I think most of us who are regular users of these programs have a high degree of confidence that restores will be successful, but still there's the nagging thought "How do I really know if I don't try it".
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Re: Need some help writing image to DVD drive

Post by Mykro »

Bob Coleman wrote:
> Mykro wrote:
> > Should I test it out and restore to see if it works.? Or just wait until I
> > really need to restore..?
> That's been debated at some length in other threads. I don't know if there is a good
> answer.
> It's frightening to do a test restore on to a working system in case it doesn't work,
> but how do you know it will work in the future if you don't test it?
> I guess you just have to decide which is a bigger risk in your mind. I think most of
> us who are regular users of these programs have a high degree of confidence that
> restores will be successful, but still there's the nagging thought "How do I
> really know if I don't try it".

Given the fact I just went through re-formatting and re-installing windows and all the drivers.. Browser, Bookmarks, Tweaking windows to how I like it etc.. etc..
If down the road I need to restore my computer and the disk does not work, I'll deal with it then... I'll have no choice... :D

Brian K
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Re: Need some help writing image to DVD drive

Post by Brian K »


You mentioned previously writing an image to a hard drive. What was the size of that image? DVD size?
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Re: Need some help writing image to DVD drive

Post by Mykro »

Brian K wrote:
> Michael.
> You mentioned previously writing an image to a hard drive. What was the
> size of that image? DVD size?

That Image you are talking about I had already deleted from the hard drive... I don't know the size..

The image IFL wrote to the DVD was 4.37GB out of used space of 29.3GB on the Samsung SSD..

Thank you for all your help and insight.. I wouldn't have figuered it out without your help.. :D Thank You...

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