Windows 7 Pro x64 to Windows 10 Pro x64 Upgrade

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TeraByte Support
Posts: 3738
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Windows 7 Pro x64 to Windows 10 Pro x64 Upgrade

Post by TeraByte Support »

I upgraded my main system from Win7 Pro X64 to Windows 10 Pro X64 this
weekend and it went fairly well. I started it, left for a while, came
back and it was done. Interestingly it left BootIt BM active which is
good. However, after upgrading you should reinstall the TeraByte Drive
Image Backup and Restore Suite to ensure the proper (intended) drivers
are installed, reboot to enable new drivers.

Minor issues here was getting the system back on a static IP so I could
get out to the Internet. For whatever reason it didn't want to take it
via the ugly win10 settings interface, but did via the old style setting
for IP4, however things still weren't working correctly. Upon trying
Win10 interface again, it was happy.

Found that the Live Mail 2011 nor 2012 work for newsgroups (gets
headers, but trying to get body didn't work, hence, I'm now writing this
from Thunderbird (I prefer a NNTP client to web based when it can be used)).

This worst thing is that I can't run Virtual PC 2007 SP1 even with work
arounds. It complains something to the effect that the incorrect
virtual machine manager version is installed. VPC was a favorite for
testing under DOS / Win9x since it supported shared folders under those
platforms. VirtualBox and VMWare doesn't / didn't support any additions
for DOS that would allows shared folders to easily transfer data between
environments / platforms. If anyone knows of a VM that works well under
Win10 x64 for DOS / Win9x with shared folder type support, let me know.

A couple other pieces of software had problems and needed to be upgraded.

But overall, it worked out better than I expected.

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