Boot Menu in UEFI system

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Brian K
Posts: 2326
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Boot Menu in UEFI system

Post by Brian K »

I have multiple bootable partitions on HD1 (a GPT disk) which can be booted with this menu. See screenshot at the bottom of this post. Win10 is on HD0.

Menu.cmd is...

@echo off

CD /d F:\_AUTOrestoreUEFI\Boot_items

echo Please Select From The Options Below:

echo 1. Boot Active @
echo 2. Boot EasyUEFI
echo 3. Boot IFL
echo 4. Boot Mint Cinnamon
echo 5. Boot PartWork
echo 6. Boot PESE
echo 7. Boot TBOSDT UEFI
echo 8. Boot TBWinPE
echo 9. Boot TBWinRE
echo A. Boot Windows Boot Manager
echo B. Exit

choice.exe /c 123456789ab /m "Your choice "

if errorlevel 11 goto Exit
if errorlevel 10 goto WBM
if errorlevel 9 goto TBWinRE
if errorlevel 8 goto TBWinPE
if errorlevel 7 goto TBOSDT
if errorlevel 6 goto PESE
if errorlevel 5 goto PartWork
if errorlevel 4 goto Mint
if errorlevel 3 goto IFL
if errorlevel 2 goto EasyUEFI
if errorlevel 1 goto Active

echo This is Active @

echo This is EasyUEFI

echo This is IFL

echo This is Mint Cinnamon

echo This is PartWork

echo This is PESE

echo This is TBOSDT UEFI

echo This is TBWinPE

echo This is TBWinRE

echo This is Windows Boot Manager

echo This is Exit
goto exitbatch


tbwinpe.cmd is...

@echo off
CD /d %~dp0
set TBOSDT=C:\Program Files (x86)\TeraByte Drive Image Backup and Restore Suite\TeraByte OSD Tool Suite Pro\win
shutdown -r -t 0 is...

set uefi bootnext 0x0008

The remaining scripts are variants of the above two scripts.

MENU.PNG (12.63 KiB) Viewed 25010 times
Brian K
Posts: 2326
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Location: NSW, Australia

Re: Boot Menu in UEFI system

Post by Brian K »

You can add other items to the menu. Such as IFW backups and IFL auto restores of the OS partition.
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Re: Boot Menu in UEFI system

Post by Eric »

Why would this be needed? On my computer (if pressing F9) I can choose which partition (and even file) I want to boot.
Brian K
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Location: NSW, Australia

Re: Boot Menu in UEFI system

Post by Brian K »

I previously used the UEFI BIOS Boot Menu too. This method does the same thing (boots the partition) but initiated from Windows. I find it's faster.
Brian K
Posts: 2326
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Location: NSW, Australia

Re: Boot Menu in UEFI system

Post by Brian K »

The menu can include entries for offline auto-backups and auto-restores.
Posts: 114
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Re: Boot Menu in UEFI system

Post by Yottabytes »

I realize this topic is old and may not be monitored but are you saying it is possible to create a boot menu on a GPT disk with and IFL or IFW entry that will allow you to restore the window or linux partition on that very GPT disk? I've been doing this with an external USB disk as I thought it was impossible to intiate a recovery from the very disk you are trying to restore. However, I see your path is "F:\_AUTOrestoreUEFI\Boot_items". So can you walk me through this?
Brian K
Posts: 2326
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Location: NSW, Australia

Re: Boot Menu in UEFI system

Post by Brian K »

Yottabytes wrote:
> I realize this topic is old and may not be monitored but are you saying it
> is possible to create a boot menu on a GPT disk with and IFL or IFW entry
> that will allow you to restore the window or linux partition on that very
> GPT disk? I've been doing this with an external USB disk as I thought it
> was impossible to intiate a recovery from the very disk you are trying to
> restore. However, I see your path is
> "F:\_AUTOrestoreUEFI\Boot_items". So can you walk me through
> this?


My original post has been superceded by BootIt UEFI.

Let's say you have 5 partitions on your GPT disk.

EFI System partition
Win 10

You can create a backup image of the first 4 partitions and write the image to the Backup partition. The first 4 partitions can be restored from the image.

However, it's not a good idea to have the backup image on the same disk as the OS. If the disk fails you lose everything.
Posts: 114
Joined: Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:50 pm

Re: Boot Menu in UEFI system

Post by Yottabytes »

So, if I had a Linux distro installed as your "Backup" partition, for instance, could I boot to that, run IFL and restore an offline image that overwrites the first three partitions? Or does Linux rely on some information in the system partition to boot properly after the changes are made?
Brian K
Posts: 2326
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:11 am
Location: NSW, Australia

Re: Boot Menu in UEFI system

Post by Brian K »

Yottabytes wrote:
> So, if I had a Linux distro installed as your "Backup" partition,
> for instance, could I boot to that, run IFL and restore an offline image
> that overwrites the first three partitions? Or does Linux rely on some
> information in the system partition to boot properly after the changes are
> made?

Yes. From Linux you can restore any or all the first 4 partitions and from Windows you can restore the Linux partition.
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