How to use ProtectIt?

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How to use ProtectIt?

Post by chileverde »

I would like to try using ProtectIt with IFW. I uninstalled and reinstalled IFW 3.20 and checked the box to enable ProtectIt. I confirmed that ProtectIt was installed by seeing that the file ProtectIt.inf is present in the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeraByte Drive Image Backup and Restore Suite". (The file is not in that folder on another computer on which I did not select ProtectIt during installation.)

Since I was not asked to designate a location for the folder \TeraByte_TBI_Backups, am I correct in assuming that any folder I create with that name will be protected by ProtectIt?

Does it have to be in the root directory of a drive?

Since I have more than one USB drive which I use for backups, can I create a \TeraByte_TBI_Backups folder on each, and they will all be protected?

The backups which I have already made with IFW are in folders with different names. If I rename that folder \TeraByte_TBI_Backups, will they then be protected, or it is better to create a new folder called \TeraByte_TBI_Backups and move the old backups there?
TeraByte Support
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Re: How to use ProtectIt?

Post by TeraByte Support »

Correct, and yes has to be root.

The program will create the dir for you when you select the target
folder/name. Just type it in.

"chileverde" wrote in message news:15251@public.image...

I would like to try using ProtectIt with IFW. I uninstalled and reinstalled
IFW 3.20 and checked the box to enable ProtectIt. I confirmed that ProtectIt
was installed by seeing that the file ProtectIt.inf is present in the folder
"C:\Program Files (x86)\TeraByte Drive Image Backup and Restore Suite". (The
file is not in that folder on another computer on which I did not select
ProtectIt during installation.)

Since I was not asked to designate a location for the folder
\TeraByte_TBI_Backups, am I correct in assuming that any folder I create
with that name will be protected by ProtectIt?

Does it have to be in the root directory of a drive?

Since I have more than one USB drive which I use for backups, can I create a
\TeraByte_TBI_Backups folder on each, and they will all be protected?

The backups which I have already made with IFW are in folders with different
names. If I rename that folder \TeraByte_TBI_Backups, will they then be
protected, or it is better to create a new folder called
\TeraByte_TBI_Backups and move the old backups there?

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Re: How to use ProtectIt?

Post by chileverde »

I just did a full BU using VSS. I selected the root directory of the large partition on my G-Drive. (It also has a small TBWINRE partition at the beginning, so I can boot from it if I don't have my USB flash drive available.) IFW did not create a \TeraByte_TBI_Backups folder. I have sent you the log by e-mail.

I am happy to create the folder myself, but you said the program would create it, so I suspect there is a problem.

Once I have a folder called \TeraByte_TBI_Backups, I will move the existing backups there, unless you instruct otherwise.
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Re: How to use ProtectIt?

Post by chileverde »

Your e-mail reply said I have to include the folder name in my path. Since I am working with the GUI, not command line, it's easier for me to just create the folder in Windows Explorer and select it in IFW. If I do it that way, will the contents be protected? And I can just move the old backups to the \TeraByte_TBI_Backups folder in the partition's root directory?
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Re: How to use ProtectIt?

Post by chileverde »

Now I see that in setting up the backup in the GUI, after I select the drive and click Next, there is a place to click Windows/Network Browse, after which I can browse to that drive, then click New Folder, and name it \TeraByte_TBI_Backups.

Or after I click Next, instead of clicking on Windows/Network Browse, I can click on the drop-down box to the right of Windows/Network browse to select the partition, and then in the field for Filename I can prepend "\TeraByte_TBI_Backups\", and when I click Next, IFW will (finally) ask me if I want it to create the folder. I guess this is what you meant by including the folder name in my path (Whew!).

But I would still like to know whether, if I just create the folder in Windows Explorer ahead of time and select it in the GUI, the contents will be protected.
TeraByte Support
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Re: How to use ProtectIt?

Post by TeraByte Support »

it doesn't matter how it's created or when created.

"chileverde" wrote in message news:15263@public.image...

Now I see that in setting up the backup in the GUI, after I select the drive
and click Next, there is a place to click Windows/Network Browse, after
which I can browse to that drive, then click New Folder, and name it

Or after I click Next, instead of clicking on Windows/Network Browse, I can
click on the drop-down box to the right of Windows/Network browse to select
the partition, and then in the field for Filename I can prepend
"\TeraByte_TBI_Backups\", and when I click Next, IFW will (finally) ask me
if I want it to create the folder. I guess this is what you meant by
including the folder name in my path (Whew!).

But I would still like to know whether, if I just create the folder in
Windows Explorer ahead of time and select it in the GUI, the contents will
be protected.

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Re: How to use ProtectIt?

Post by ostapvoip »

Can not understand anything.
How to assign a folder for protection?
From what and how does it protect?
There is nothing in aid. I quietly delete files or a folder and do not see any protection or warning.
Can you show on the 2 minute video how it works?

Regards, Viktor.
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Re: How to use ProtectIt?

Post by chileverde »

Here is my understanding. I hope TB Support will correct me if anything is wrong:

1. Create a folder called \TeraByte_TBI_Backups\ in the root directory (folder) of your drives (or partitions) where you intend to place backup files. If you use more than one drive or partition, you may have a \TeraByte_TBI_Backups\ folder on each one. I found it easier to use Windows Explorer to create the \TeraByte_TBI_Backups\ folders.
2. When you create backups, use a \TeraByte_TBI_Backups\ folder as the destination. If you already have backup files which you wish to protect, move them to a \TeraByte_TBI_Backups\ folder.
3. If you installed IFW with ProtectIt enabled, the contents of \TeraByte_TBI_Backups\ folders can be altered only by IFW. Windows Explorer cannot delete them or even move them. (On one drive I created subfolders of \TeraByte_TBI_Backups\, one for each user. I think I can create a new BU and have it placed in the subfolder, but after I moved an old backup to \TeraByte_TBI_Backups\, I could not use Windows Explorer to move it to the subfolder. IFW does not seem to be able to move files, just delete them.)
4. I believe the purpose of ProtectIt is to prevent malware, e.g., ransomware, from deleting or encrypting or otherwise modifying backups.

I agree with you that how to use ProtectIt is not covered in the IFW User Manual. I hope it will be covered in a future version.
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Re: How to use ProtectIt?

Post by chileverde »


I realize I did not answer your question about how ProtectIt protects files. I believe it changes permissions of anything in the folder so that only IFW has permission to modify the folder's contents.
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Re: How to use ProtectIt?

Post by ostapvoip »

Thank you. I'll try again. Is the folder name critical?
It's strange that there is nothing in the help file...

Does the type of file system matter?
Can I use an existing folder?
How can I check if the protection works?
More questions than answers ...
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