Mouse not working

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Mouse not working

Post by grisu70 »

today i changed my MB and i installed a ASUS P8Z68V PRO with intel I7 2600K
i found no way to let the mouse working in BIBM.
Legacy support is enable.
I tried to change USB port and nothing changed.

Naturally once installed the OS the mouse is working.
Also in the BIOS setup the mouse is working.
ANy suggestion

B. regards
Bob Coleman
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Re: Mouse not working

Post by Bob Coleman »

TeraByte Support
Posts: 3738
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: Mouse not working

Post by TeraByte Support »

It doesn't have USB legacy support for keyboards. Although, you could try
updating the BIOS firmware.

"grisu70" wrote in message news:1387@public.bootitbm...

today i changed my MB and i installed a ASUS P8Z68V PRO with intel I7 2600K
i found no way to let the mouse working in BIBM.
Legacy support is enable.
I tried to change USB port and nothing changed.

Naturally once installed the OS the mouse is working.
Also in the BIOS setup the mouse is working.
ANy suggestion

B. regards

Posts: 183
Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:13 am

Re: Mouse not working

Post by a1pcfixer »


> today i changed my MB and i installed a ASUS P8Z68V PRO with intel I7 2600K
> i found no way to let the mouse working in BIBM.
> Legacy support is enable.
> I tried to change USB port and nothing changed.
> Naturally once installed the OS the mouse is working.
> Also in the BIOS setup the mouse is working.
> ANy suggestion

See the lenghty msg thread over here for more detail........

Subject: BING and USB
In the "bootitng" msg section.

One msg I posted on......
> Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 14:51:21 PST
.....list all the known keyboard commands

You and another Asus MoBo user (HighSierra) in that thread might want to
compare notes. got yourself a rather awesome MoBo!
I'm waiting for 'Thunderbird' tech to come out (Q2) with Ivy Bridge Intel

Jim L.
Using - Virtual Access(OLR) Windows Vista Service Pack 2 build 6002

Posts: 26
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Re: Mouse not working

Post by grisu70 »

Dear Terabyte support,
in my bios i have following options :
Legacy USB support (Disabled/Enabled/Auto)
Legacy USB 3.0 Support (Enabled/Disabled)
Ehci Hand-off (Enabled/Disabled)

as the mouse is on a usb 2.0 port, i did not do any test

But i did with all the other 2 settings (Legacy USB support and EHCI hand-off) and tried various combination, withou any help.

Unfortunatley for this mobo there is no other firmware to install.
I can try to contact directly ASUS, but can you tell me something more specific to say to them ?
Otherwise, probably, they will reply that it your software problem, not their .

And anyway, why don't you contact directly asus? surely as a softwarehouse you have more "power" that a group of single user.

Hope to hear something from you soon.

Many thanks in advance
Posts: 183
Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:13 am

Re: Mouse not working

Post by a1pcfixer »


> Otherwise, probably, they will reply that it your software problem, not their .

Too late, they're already blaming each other.

> And anyway, why don't you contact directly asus?

Theirs the gist of it, neither side is talking TO the other.

For far more detailed info on the very same issue your having, head to this
section and read more on it......

Subject: BING and USB
In the "bootitng" msg section.

Just for you, info on keyboard navigation of TB BiNG/BIBM/IFD....

What keyboard combinations are used across all 3 products?

Some info I've gotten from (incomplete);

Although it is not necessary to press the Alt key when accelerator keys
are used if the area of the interface containing the accelerator key
already has focus, it is not a bad habit to always use the Alt key when
invoking accelerator keys. For example, you could use Alt+S on the
BootIt NG desktop to access the BootIt NG Settings dialog.

Radio Buttons and Check Boxes

To select a check box using the keyboard, press the Tab key until the
desired check box is marked with the selection rectangle. Then, press
the Space Bar to toggle the check box.

The method for selecting a radio button is similar to that for a check
box. The difference is that to select a particular radio button, you
press the Tab key until the group of radio buttons is marked with the
selection rectangle, and then you use the arrow keys to select the
desired radio button. Finally, the Space Bar can be used to activate
the radio button.

F12=Capture screen shot and save to A: drive
Delete/Del=Delete or Clear (on Partition Work window)
Alt+0=Shut down
Ctrl+Alt+Del= reboot
Tab=next field
Insert/Ins=Add, Create, or Fill (on Partition Work window)
Spacebar=activate selected item

Alt + Down arrow?
Alt + Up arrow




the IFD/IFL have all the hot keys highlighted wizard like and enter is
always ok (or next) and escape to back up or close. The special function
keys are listed at the bottom. delete key is available to delete files from
file dialog.

The alt-arrow keys are used when you need to move something like an entry in
mbr details or in view mbr.


oh for BING the only one that may be a little confusing is radio boxes ...
you tab to the group then need to use the arrow key to select the item
(dashes) and spacebar to select it.


When you have multiple items in your boot menu, highlight one...

Hold down SHIFT Key while clicking the BOOT button.

That will push the partition layout(s) into the partition table(s) on the

Regardless of what you may have cleared or loaded into the partition tables
manually while "Working With Partitions"

That is useful for many situations, particularly removable media ie.
Flashdrives that appear as HD's etc.

Jim L.
Using - Virtual Access(OLR) Windows Vista Service Pack 2 build 6002

TeraByte Support
Posts: 3738
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: Mouse not working

Post by TeraByte Support »

"a1pcfixer" wrote in message news:1422@public.bootitbm...


>> Otherwise, probably, they will reply that it your software problem, not
>> their .

>Too late, they're already blaming each other.

No, it's just a fact that that motherboard and BIOS version does not provide
USB legacy support for mouse.

What you're referring to is a user reporting that a single level one support
tech at Asus (not a BIOS software engineer) said that the mouse moving every
4 seconds wasn't the motherboards fault. The original BIOS didn't offer
USB mouse support, they offered it in an update, but that update has the
mouse moving issue. As explained, it is most likely the motherboard BIOS at
fault and not the mouse itself.

Posts: 183
Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:13 am

Re: Mouse not working

Post by a1pcfixer »


> No, it's just a fact that that motherboard and BIOS version does not provide
> USB legacy support for mouse.

Why should they? As noted in the other thread, Asus has already fixed it to
their satisfaction, and users have reliable access to their BIOS settings via
USB mice & USB keyboards and it provides both USB mouse & keyboard support in
order to get their users into the OS. Job done, plain & simple.

> What you're referring to is a user reporting that a single level one support
> tech at Asus (not a BIOS software engineer) said that the mouse moving every
> 4 seconds wasn't the motherboards fault.

Like it or not, those Level 1 tech's are also a first line of defense to keep
the frivolous BIOS update requests (such as TB & others 'legacy apps') to a
minimum, and to keep their programmers focused on their paying job.

I don't condone such an approach, but I do understand & accept it.

Asustek sold an estimated 21.6 million own-brand motherboards in 2010
Gigabyte managed a similarly impressive 18 million.
ASRock sold 8 million own-brand motherboards
MSI and ECS each shipped about 7 million branded motherboards in 2010

With such sales in the MILLIONS, it would take HUNDREDS of complaints to get
USB mouse support cures the attention it deserves. As much as so many of us
love TB products, no uprising of adequete size will be happening to get those
MoBo' BIOS coders to fix a USB mouse issue for TB users alone. A rare very few
might get some small attention, but overall it's HIGHLY unlikely.

What exasperates this issue further is that for many users of TB products,
they're using MoBo's that might be older than 1 year, and BIOS updates will
NEVER be forthcoming for them.

Repeating the canned response of "update your BIOS" simply doesn't cut it.

A much better response might go something like this;

USB support for USB mice in TB BiNG/BIBM/IFD products in many cases requires a
BIOS update. For many users that's not possible, but feel free to contact the
maker of your MoBo. Therefore we strongly recommend you follow the use of
keyboard keystroke's outlined in this TB kb article - {not yet created}
http://www.terabyte unlimited. com/kb/article.php?id=xxx

Create the kb article for each app (or a combined KB article) and be done with
this issue.

Jim L.
Using - Virtual Access(OLR) Windows Vista Service Pack 2 build 6002

TeraByte Support
Posts: 3738
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: Mouse not working

Post by TeraByte Support »

"a1pcfixer" wrote in message news:1425@public.bootitbm...

>> No, it's just a fact that that motherboard and BIOS version does not
>> provide
>> USB legacy support for mouse.
>Why should they? As noted in the other thread, Asus has already fixed it to
>their satisfaction, and users have reliable access to their BIOS settings
>USB mice & USB keyboards and it provides both USB mouse & keyboard support
>order to get their users into the OS. Job done, plain & simple.

To comply with standards and keep their motherboards useful for all. You
keep stating an opinion as a fact and giving them excuses. I don't think
Asus would be happy with motherboards or BIOSes that aren't complete. If
they are, just move to another mobo maker like GigaByte which has in the
past been very receptive of updating their BIOS on request from any user.

There is plenty of room for a new mobo manufacture to come to market and
create mobos that are complete (including options for serial ports, parallel
ports and floppy drives) and comply with all standards - plus extras beyond
just mouse/keyboard/disk legacy support like perhaps emulated serial or
parallel ports so all the specialized software running much of the world
that needs those ports can talk to newer devices through USB.

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Re: Mouse not working

Post by DrTeeth »

On Sat, 11 Feb 2012 09:30:26 PST, just as I was about to take a herb,
"TeraByte Support" disturbed my
reverie and wrote:

>I don't think
>Asus would be happy with motherboards or BIOSes that aren't complete. If
>they are, just move to another mobo maker like GigaByte which has in the
>past been very receptive of updating their BIOS on request from any user.

Perhaps TBU could be more proactive in this area? After all, you guys
could probably tell them exactly what is wrong rather than an 'it does
not work' from an end-user.

Perhaps one could lay blame at the peripherals companies? As I have
mentioned before, I have had situations where one USB mouse works and
another one does not.


We may not be able to prevent the stormy times in
our lives; but we can always choose to dance
in the puddles (Jewish proverb).
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