IFL using SMBv1?

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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:31 pm

Re: IFL using SMBv1?

Post by timg11 »

Thanks for your help. I have updated my scripts for IFL appropriately. I'll be watching for a future IFL update with SMBtree v4.x - that will be needed as I sometimes use the interactive mount tool.

netloginscript (as revised)

#! /bin/bash
mkdir /mnt1
mount -t cifs -o vers=2.1,user=IFL_Backup,password=******** // /mnt1

As I did all this testing by running Makedisk, writing USB, and then booting into IFL from USB, I found it takes quite a while. I was wondering if you have internally created a way to build IFL boot media directly to a .vdi or .vmdk virtual image so they could be tested within your main development environment, rather than booting back and forth?
TeraByte Support
Posts: 3738
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: IFL using SMBv1?

Post by TeraByte Support »

you'd just test the script in linux (booted from IFL boot disk is fine),
then mount the ufd and copy it out before rebooting since that is running
from a ram drive.

"timg11" wrote in message news:13970@public.image...

Thanks for your help. I have updated my scripts for IFL appropriately. I'll
be watching for a future IFL update with SMBtree v4.x - that will be needed
as I sometimes use the interactive mount tool.

netloginscript (as revised)

#! /bin/bash
mkdir /mnt1
mount -t cifs -o vers=2.1,user=IFL_Backup,password=********
// /mnt1

As I did all this testing by running Makedisk, writing USB, and then booting
into IFL from USB, I found it takes quite a while. I was wondering if you
have internally created a way to build IFL boot media directly to a .vdi or
..vmdk virtual image so they could be tested within your main development
environment, rather than booting back and forth?

Posts: 264
Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:31 pm

Re: IFL using SMBv1?

Post by timg11 »

Has this been fixed in the 3.11 release of IFL? Specifically, has the version of SMBtree used by the IFL tools been updated so it can work with SMB v2?
TeraByte Support
Posts: 3738
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: IFL using SMBv1?

Post by TeraByte Support »

The script was changed a while back to try V2 if V1 mount fails.

as far as what smbtree finds, the linux tools can be flaky, as it is now, if
it doesn't find servers it used to, you may need to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf
and remove the max protocol line. But you can manually enter the name
still. The version used is the last one that actually partial works, the
latest versions don't work well at all.

"timg11" wrote in message news:14208@public.image...

Has this been fixed in the 3.11 release of IFL? Specifically, has the
version of SMBtree used by the IFL tools been updated so it can work with
SMB v2?

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