TBiMount not being invoked properly?

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Bob Coleman
Posts: 790
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TBiMount not being invoked properly?

Post by Bob Coleman »

I just replaced a computer due to hardware failure. I installed the entire TeraByte suite. Everything seems OK except that when I (double) click a TBI file, I get window giving the syntax of the TBIMount command. If I enter at a command prompt a proper TBIMount command as described in that window, it works, so I have to assume that (double) clicking a TBI file results in an invalid TBIMount command, but I have no idea why.
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: TBiMount not being invoked properly?

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

Normally, TBIView will come up when you double-click on a .tbi file, not TBIMount. The option to mount should show up in the menu if you right-click on the file.

You could try uninstalling and reinstalling. Maybe something didn't install quite correctly. Make sure to restart afterwards.
Bob Coleman
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Re: TBiMount not being invoked properly?

Post by Bob Coleman »

On my previous computer, clicking a file brought up TBIMount, but I had probably caused that somehow.

On the new computer, things probably behaved as you say they should and my trying to change the default to TBIMount via Windows 10 Open With probably corrupted something.

I do, as you say, still have a "Mount as a Drive Letter" entry in the right click context menu. I can live with that for now.
Bob Coleman
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Re: TBiMount not being invoked properly?

Post by Bob Coleman »

Just for information, I did uninstall and reinstall and still have the same result (popup window of command syntax when clicking a TBI file).

I still suspect that my attempt to change the default from TBIView to TBIMount via Open With left something invalid in the registry, so I'll use the right click context menu.
TeraByte Support(PP)
Posts: 1662
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Re: TBiMount not being invoked properly?

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

There are additional command line parameters that aren't accounted for when you change it that way. Since they're not specified the program displays usage information.

If you don't mind making registry changes, you can easily change the command so TBIMount is used for the default "Open" instead of TBIView. To do this, run Regedit and copy the command string from the "(Default)" item of the [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TBIViewFile\shell\Mount as Drive Letter\command] key to the "(Default)" item of the [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TBIViewFile\shell\open\command] key.

An example of the command line that you would copy is shown below:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\TeraByte Drive Image Backup and Restore Suite\TBIView\tbimount.exe" mount * "%1"

Note that this change would be lost when you reinstall IFW or the TBIView program and TBIView would once again be the default "Open" command.
Bob Coleman
Posts: 790
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Re: TBiMount not being invoked properly?

Post by Bob Coleman »

I did that, but it didn't change anything. I'm still getting the command syntax popup, so TBIMount must still be getting an invalid command from somewhere.

Thinking about it, this can't be expected to work because before I made that change, the "(Default)" item of the [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TBIViewFile\shell\open\command] key contained a TBIView command.

I think you'd expect it to based on your comments that TBIView is the default, but I seemingly was getting TBIMount, albeit with incorrect parameters, invoked rather than TBIView, so the command must be coming from somewhere else.
Bob Coleman
Posts: 790
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Re: TBiMount not being invoked properly?

Post by Bob Coleman »

I found the invalid command

"C:\Program Files (x86)\TeraByte Drive Image Backup and Restore Suite\TBIView\tbimount64.exe" "%1"

at HKEY-USERS\S-1-5-21-2008285327-3312692890-2783504114-1002\SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\tbimount64.exe\shell\open\command

I changed it to

"C:\Program Files (x86)\TeraByte Drive Image Backup and Restore Suite\TBIView\tbimount64.exe" mount * "%1"

Now it works the way I had hoped it would.

I probably initially tried to set the default application to tbimount64.exe via Open With, but I'm not sure at this point exactly what I did.
Bob Coleman
Posts: 790
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:58 pm

Re: TBiMount not being invoked properly?

Post by Bob Coleman »

Hopefully, this might be the last word on this.

I deleted the aforementioned registry value. That seemed to restore control of the actions to the registry entries cited by Paul.

Then I uninstalled and reinstalled. This resulted in the expected default of TBIView. Rather than copy one registry value to another which I think I could have done, I used FileTypesMan (http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/file_types_manager.html) to set "Mount as Drive Letter" rather than "open" as the default action which gives me the result I want. I presume this must set a flag of some sort somewhere in the registry, but I don't (yet?) know where.
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