Full cron backup with makeGRUB works. Not changes though.

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Full cron backup with makeGRUB works. Not changes though.

Post by badams_ios »

When I boot from a CD, mount a network share, tell IFL to run a changes only backup then view and save the settings, these are the settings it tells me to use.

/tbu/imagel --b --base:"/tbu/net1/Backups/myimage" --f:"/tbu/net1/Backups/Backup-l1-chg-\$~YYYY\$-\$~MM\$-\$~DD\$-\$~HHMM\$" --comp:15

I try this in my script to run via a cron job using makeGRUB:

iflcmd1[1]="-b --d:l1"
iflcmd2[1]="--base:--f:$mountpoint/Backups/myimage" --f:"$mountpoint/Backups/Backup-l1-chg-\$~YYYY\$-\$~MM\$-\$~DD\$-\$~HHMM\$" --comp:15
iflcmd3[1]="--vb --uy"
iflmessage[1]="Creating image myimage"

It fails. How should this read?
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Re: Full cron backup with makeGRUB works. Not changes though

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

The ifl.log file would show what's happening. You would need to copy it out, though, since it would normally be lost on the reboot (or check it before rebooting).

I would assume it's having an issue with the --d:l1 parameter. It's not allowed for differential backups (the base image tells it what to back up).
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Re: Full cron backup with makeGRUB works. Not changes though

Post by badams_ios »

Hi, Paul... You work for TeraByte? Support team? Look, I don't WANT to learn scripting. I don't WANT to figure it out myself! I want to make a backup. I paid for your software. I've been using it for Windows since version 1. It's simple to schedule a backup in Windows. I've been making manual backups of linux using the CD for just as long. I'm tired of making manual backups so I thought I'd ask for some support to automate it. I've recommended your software to everyone I know. But then I never needed any support before.

I have no interest in being a linux guru. Linux is fast. It's been more stable than Windows for me. That's why I like it. What I AM interested in is building model wooden ships. I'm old. I'm retired. I'd rather spend time with my granddaughter than analyse some cryptic - go figure it out for yourself, answers. I bet you KNOW the answer.

Please HELP me. Give me some support! I've attached a picture of my granddaughter and my current model ship. Which would YOU rather spend time on?!

20151208_002819.jpg (227.13 KiB) Viewed 23630 times
1.jpg (134.21 KiB) Viewed 23630 times
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Re: Full cron backup with makeGRUB works. Not changes though

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

The log information can be extremely helpful in determining what is causing the issue. Particularly, it would indicate if there was an issue with how the parameters are being passed to and seen by IFL. Without it it's just guessing. In any case, given the information you posted, the following should work. Make sure you get the quotes correct (they should only be at the beginning and end).

iflcmd2[1]="--base:$mountpoint/Backups/myimage --f:$mountpoint/Backups/Backup-l1-chg-\$~YYYY\$-\$~MM\$-\$~DD\$-\$~HHMM\$ --comp:15"
iflcmd3[1]="--vb --uy"
iflmessage[1]="Creating image myimage"
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Re: Full cron backup with makeGRUB works. Not changes though

Post by badams_ios »

Excellent. Still not working, but now is where the logs would be handy. How do I get them to be produced, and where will they be?

Right now it's not even loading IFL. Cron reboots and brings up the screen with all the menu's at the top, but the popup to actually make the image never appears.

It's the exact same scrip for my full backup which works fine, except the iflcmd(s) are as you propose.

It's as if time, date...etc. root /usr/local/bin/iflreboot doesn't see scriptname after iflreboot.

35 17 * * * root /usr/local/bin/iflreboot differentialbackup

I looked in /boot/ifl/initrmfs.gz and the correct script is there.

ALSO, What's the fasted way to make a backup. I have plenty of room so I'm not worried about compression. Should I use --comp:15
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Re: Full cron backup with makeGRUB works. Not changes though

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

After the cron job boots to IFL, the ifl.log file would be in the /tbu folder. It will be lost on the reboot so you have to look while still booted to IFL. The "differentialbackup" script should be in the /tbu/scripts folder. If necessary, you can open a Terminal and attempt to run the script directly (there may be something helpful in the terminal output). For example (assuming you're in the /tbu folder): ./scripts/differentialbackup

Usually, --comp:14 will be the fastest (it's the default). Also, if your full backup isn't using --hash (speed up changes only backup) you could add that to it.
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Re: Full cron backup with makeGRUB works. Not changes though

Post by badams_ios »

Seems I lied. The backup DID take place, but the system did not reboot when it was done. It ran from a cron job via makeGRUB, rebooted, made the backup as it was supposed to, but didn't reboot. It DID automatically go to the IFL job in grub like it's supposed to. After I manually rebooted it, it DID go back to the default and booted up Linux.

Hope that makes sense. The cron job from makeGRUB rebooted on time, ran the differential backup but didn't reboot afterwards. As I understand it, iflreboot is supposed to set IFL as the default menu option, run the script, then reset the default menu option back to Linux. It did that, it just didn't reboot after the job finished.
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Re: Full cron backup with makeGRUB works. Not changes though

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

Add the reboot parameter: --rb:4

iflcmd3[1]="--vb --uy --rb:4"
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