Scripts in OSD1.58 coded?

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Vault Dweller
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:39 pm

Scripts in OSD1.58 coded?

Post by Vault Dweller »


I've just downloaded newest update and cannot read scripts placed in [scripts] catalog. Just few lines are readable and then goes // [.code.] and random characters. In 1.57 I could go through procedures, functions etc. Is it intentional?

PS. I'm not using the scripts in OSD (I'm rather Bare BM user) so the answer could be obvious to power users but I'm just curious.

TeraByte Support
Posts: 3655
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: Scripts in OSD1.58 coded?

Post by TeraByte Support »

yes, intention. reduce size and keep the copiers guessing. If you do edit
the readable section, ensure you use something that won't convert zeros
(null bytes) to spaces. I know notepad++ works properly, notepad doesn't.

"Vault Dweller" wrote in message news:9526@public.tbosdt...


I've just downloaded newest update and cannot read scripts placed in
[scripts] catalog. Just few lines are readable and then goes // [.code.] and
random characters. In 1.57 I could go through procedures, functions etc. Is
it intentional?

PS. I'm not using the scripts in OSD (I'm rather Bare BM user) so the answer
could be obvious to power users but I'm just curious.


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