Defaults not saved

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Defaults not saved

Post by rustleg »

I am using IFW from TBWinRE in Windows 10. When I choose the backup options I click on Save Defaults but next time it still reverts to the old standard options. Is it possible to fix this?
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: Defaults not saved

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

If you're setting the defaults when booted to TBWinRE (or TBWinPE) they will only be saved for that session. If you want the settings to be set when you boot you need to include a version of ifw.ini that has them set. To do this, place the custom ifw.ini file into the TBWinRE build folder. It will be used for the build instead of the one in the IFW installation folder. Note that if you want the defaults to be the same in Windows, you can just set them with IFW in Windows and let the build go ahead and use the ifw.ini file from the installation folder.
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Re: Defaults not saved

Post by rustleg »

I don't understand what you mean by the build folder. Does this mean I have to rebuild TBWinRE? It was installed with the IFW install not as a separate download and install, maybe this is what I need to do now?

I have set the options on a run of IFW from Windows and copied the resulting changed ini file from the Program Files (x86) Terabyte V2 folder, but I don't know where to put it. Windows doesn't give access to the other system partitions.
TeraByte Support(PP)
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Re: Defaults not saved

Post by TeraByte Support(PP) »

Yes, you would have to rebuild TBWinRE to add the custom ifw.ini file.

The build folder is the folder with the TBWinRE files. In the case of the installed IFW location it would normally be:
C:\Program Files (x86)\TeraByte Unlimited\Image for Windows\V2\tbwinre

Copy the custom ifw.ini file into that folder. You should be prompted for access since it's a program folder. Otherwise, you can do it from an administrator Command Prompt. Another option, and one I prefer for custom builds, is to use a standard user folder for the build (this avoids permission issues). For example, you could copy the entire "tbwinre" folder to "C:\TBWinRE" and run then run TBWinPE.exe from there to create the build.

If booting from a UFD, you could also create a more customized build that would copy the ifw.ini file from the UFD into the booted WinRE before IFW starts. Then you could just edit the file on the UFD to make changes and not need to rebuild. If you're not making frequent changes, though, it's probably not really necessary.
Posts: 136
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:01 pm

Re: Defaults not saved

Post by rustleg »

Got it sorted now thanks. I downloaded TBWinPE, unzipped into a temporary directory, added the ifw.ini from the IFW V2 folder and ran the exe. The options were now correctly defaulted. I wouldn't have bothered except I'm setting up the laptop for a friend and I'd rather not have the problem of him forgetting to change the settings.
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