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BIBM MBR details truncates volume label

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 11:00 am
by CyberSimian
I am using BIBM 1.59. I wanted to use a volume label of the form:


This is accepted in the "Properties" dialogue of "Partition Work", and is displayed correctly as the boot partition on the left side of the "Boot Edit" panel. But in the "MBR details" section on the right side of the "Boot Edit" panel, the last character in the volume label is omitted. This seems strange as there is plenty of blank space either side of the volume label in that column.

The boot item does work correctly. I also notice that IFD displays the volume label correctly too, although it only just fits (one blank between the last character in the volume label and the first character in the next column).

-- from CyberSimian in the UK

Re: BIBM MBR details truncates volume label

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 8:44 am
by CyberSimian
CyberSimian wrote:
> I am using BIBM 1.59. I wanted to use a volume label of the form:
> 7P-REF3-20190917
> This is accepted in the "Properties" dialogue of "Partition Work".

...but not accepted in the "Copy Partition" dialogue. So it is necessary to copy the partition with the name of the copy being one character less, and then go to the "Properties" dialogue to add the missing character to the name.

-- from CyberSimian in the UK