Please explain this error

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Please explain this error

Post by DrTeeth »

I have transferred some PCs from my main PC to my children's PC. Whe displaying partitions in BIBM's 'work with partitions', some partitions produce an error (when checking their properties) "Invalid Head and SPT values exist in BFB. Fix it?". I click 'yes', but the errors do not go for ever. They recur. The drives worked fine in the old PC with BIBM and are otherwise working fine in their new home. What are these errors and how can I get rid of them forever?


TeraByte Support
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Re: Please explain this error

Post by TeraByte Support »

The heads/sectors per track values in the BPB of the partition don't match
the BIOS geometry. Probably because your partitions are not cylinder
aligned and you are using BIOS auto mode. So the easiest is to disable BIOS
auto mode if possible, otherwise, in BootIt, enable the Align on 2K sectors
option, then boot a couple times, then fix the values and they should stay
"fixed". But those values only matter for the boot partition (data
partitions it doesn't matter).

"DrTeeth" wrote in message news:3073@public.bootitbm...

I have transferred some PCs from my main PC to my children's PC. Whe
displaying partitions in BIBM's 'work with partitions', some partitions
produce an error (when checking their properties) "Invalid Head and SPT
values exist in BFB. Fix it?". I click 'yes', but the errors do not go for
ever. They recur. The drives worked fine in the old PC with BIBM and are
otherwise working fine in their new home. What are these errors and how can
I get rid of them forever?



Posts: 1289
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:58 pm

Re: Please explain this error

Post by DrTeeth »

When I was investigating this, I found that all three drives show in
the BIOS and show up in the OSs, but no longer show in BIBM partition
work, only HD0 does. They did show yesterday as I used BIBM to set
them up.

How can I get them showing again?

I never limit primaries, but I did notice that in BIBM settings, Limit
Primaries *is* ticked, but greyed out. I imaged all partitions on HD0
last night so if major surgery is needed, I'm ready ;-).


We may not be able to prevent the stormy times in
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Posts: 1289
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:58 pm

Re: Please explain this error

Post by DrTeeth »

Don't know if this additional info will help.

All three drives are visible in IfD (BIBM). HD0 + 2 are accessible,
however HD1 cannot be accessed, gives error.


We may not be able to prevent the stormy times in
our lives; but we can always choose to dance
in the puddles (Jewish proverb).
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