How to install BIU w/o using MakeDisk; can I use MakeHDD?

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How to install BIU w/o using MakeDisk; can I use MakeHDD?

Post by dnlathrop »

I have an existing BIU install that I'd like to upgrade to the latest version, or I can wipe clean and do a new install, but I no longer have a Windows system. I have only Linux. I could not find any way to make BIU install media without using MakeDisk, which of course requires Windows.

MakeHDD can be used to make install media for IFL. Can it be used to make install media for BIU? Will MakeDisk run successfully under WINE / CrossOver (I'm asking before trying just in case someone knows)?

To express the question differently, how can BIU be installed without Windows? Someone else asked this same question but there were no replies. I am hoping someone can provide an answer.
TeraByte Support
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Re: How to install BIU w/o using MakeDisk; can I use MakeHDD?

Post by TeraByte Support »

Start with uefiboot.dat as the base image that you can copy (dd) to a
UFD or loop mount. May want / need to resize it to target. Then create
an \efi\bootit Folder and copy the files like makedisk.exe does. Below
the addX lines are the files to add, from listed first, then target:


Below are the optional items selected by default. The optX items have
the various files to copy listed first and the target drive after the
comma (the /efi/bootit folder).

for UEFI

We can probably add a script to do this... If someone already has one
and wants to donate it, send it along.

On 4/12/2020 2:22 PM, dnlathrop wrote:
> I have an existing BIU install that I'd like to upgrade to the latest version, or I can wipe clean and do a new install, but I no longer have a Windows system. I have only Linux. I could not find any way to make BIU install media without using MakeDisk, which of course requires Windows.
> MakeHDD can be used to make install media for IFL. Can it be used to make install media for BIU? Will MakeDisk run successfully under WINE / CrossOver (I'm asking before trying just in case someone knows)?
> To express the question differently, how can BIU be installed without Windows? Someone else asked this same question but there were no replies. I am hoping someone can provide an answer.

Posts: 47
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:21 pm

Re: How to install BIU w/o using MakeDisk; can I use MakeHDD

Post by dnlathrop »

Thanks for the very quick response.

The thought of using WINE or CrossOver to run MakeDisk did not occur to me until I was posting my question. I already had CrossOver Linux (ver 19.0.1) installed so I tried it and it worked.

I used MakeDisk to write an .iso image to disk and then used USB Image Writer to write the image to a USB stick.

I appreciate the answer because that method may be useful for other needs.
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