Error 0x80070522

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Error 0x80070522

Post by RFSndrs »

I keep my tax OS on a separate drive which I restore every year and boot up to do our taxes. This year when I restored it, I can't write to the C: drive and get this message:
"ERROR: 0x80070522: A required privilege is not held by this client."
What did I do wrong? I haven't had this problem in the past.
I'm using the BIBM v1.28a. OS is Windows 7 Premium and up-to-date.
Any ideas?
Bob Sanders
TeraByte Support
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Re: Error 0x80070522

Post by TeraByte Support »

Looks like a Windows permissions issue. Check that C: is C: and the
permissions of where you want to save. Also run chkdsk /f on it.

"RFSndrs" wrote in message news:9336@public.bootitbm...

I keep my tax OS on a separate drive which I restore every year and boot up
to do our taxes. This year when I restored it, I can't write to the C: drive
and get this message:
"ERROR: 0x80070522: A required privilege is not held by this client."
What did I do wrong? I haven't had this problem in the past.
I'm using the BIBM v1.28a. OS is Windows 7 Premium and up-to-date.
Any ideas?
Bob Sanders

Posts: 106
Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:42 pm

Re: Error 0x80070522

Post by RFSndrs »

Verified it is drive C: and I ran chkdsk /f on it and rebooted. No errors. I set ownership to Bob (my user name) and rebooted. It came back as ADMINISTRATOR-BOB. Still can't save any files to it. Same error message.
I made the image with BIBM also as I have had permissions problems with IFW in the past .
Any other ideas? No apparent help from Google.
Bob S
TeraByte Support
Posts: 3650
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: Error 0x80070522

Post by TeraByte Support »

Windows gives you an option to test permissions on a folder / file -
properties, security, advanced, effective permissions.

"RFSndrs" wrote in message news:9342@public.bootitbm...

Verified it is drive C: and I ran chkdsk /f on it and rebooted. No errors. I
set ownership to Bob (my user name) and rebooted. It came back as
ADMINISTRATOR-BOB. Still can't save any files to it. Same error message.
I made the image with BIBM also as I have had permissions problems with IFW
in the past .
Any other ideas? No apparent help from Google.
Bob S

Posts: 106
Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:42 pm

Re: Error 0x80070522

Post by RFSndrs »

I'm not sure exactly how to test permissions, but I ran across an article on Google and did the procedure below substituting c: for d:

How to fix Error 0x80070522: A required privilege is not held by the client in Windows 7
Error 0x80070522: A required privilege is not held by the client


1. Reboot into Safe Mode.

2. Log on as Administrator.

3. Click Start

4. Type the three letters cmd

5. Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter

6. Run the process as Administrator.

7. Type the following commands and press Enter after each:

takeown /f d:\ /a /r /d y
cacls d:\ /t /c /g administrators:F System:F everyone:F
(Answer "yes" when prompted "Are you sure?")

The commands will make you the owner of drive D: and will give full access to everyone to all of its folders.

Still made no difference.
Bob S
Posts: 106
Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:42 pm

Re: Error 0x80070522

Post by RFSndrs »

Problem solved!! It was operator error. I keep my data and tax apps in a separate file on the C:\ drive encrypted by TrueCrypt. Since TrueCrypt is now defunct, I switched to VeraCrypt which was opening my data and apps file as a read-only partition. To test my C:\ drive, was simply copying a file to the root which Windows won't let you do unless it is done with administrative rights and giving me the error message. When I realized what I was doing, I simply ran VeraCrypty as an administrator and the partition opened as a read-write partition and I was back in business. :oops: :oops:

I am posting this as an aid to someone else that may have the same (or similar) problem.

Thanks for your input and thoughts.

Bob S
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