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Scheduled Image Copy

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 9:43 pm
by GordonM
As referred to in a BING forum post, I have been considering setting up a RAID 1 array with two drives. However, I am not sure yet whether my motherboard will support the two PATA drives that I have available. As an alternative, I am wondering whether to schedule unattended automated copying (image) of the system partition to a backup drive. What I am uncertain about, because I haven't found it in the Image for Windows manual, is whether I can automatically do an unattedned delete of the old backup partition before placing the new image on the backup drive. Can anyone answer this?

I also have a small concern that, if I make daily copies (40GB) of the system partition will I rapidly "wear out" the drives :-)

Thank you.


Re: Scheduled Image Copy

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:22 am
by pusaqall
GordonM wrote:
> I also have a small concern that, if I make daily copies (40GB) of the
> system partition will I rapidly "wear out" the drives :-)
> Thank you.
> GordonM

I don't exactly get what you mean by this one..