Booting to WIN 7 on Toshiba laptop

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Booting to WIN 7 on Toshiba laptop

Post by stevieg »

Hallo BINGERS, we've been using BING on a laptop with WIN XP for 4 years now and had only one minor hiccup. And doing a weekly full-system back-up, we've been able to recover from a few attacks and blue screens within the hour. So BING has served us well.
This week we bought a Toshiba Satellite P770-118 laptop, which of course has all the Toshiba extras, i.e. 2 extra partitions.
It has the active boot partition, then WIN 7, then the recovery partition. I had every intention of installing BING, especially after having seen the horror stories on the Toshiba user forums, because if the Toshiba recovery process has to be used the machine is returned to day 1 status. (It might not be possible to employ the WIN 7 restore point.) Imagine having to re-input 4 years of installations and customisations on 3 accounts. So practically BING is my only approach.

I installed BING on Tosh and after booting, quickly ran into WIN blue screens. I can't detail what happened, but I'm assuming that it should be straightforward to set up BING correctly.
I've assumed that the boot process is BIOS > BING Boot Menu > EMBR > active partition > WIN 7.
If that is correct, then I can only assume I haven't set up parameters in BING correctly.

Assuming I've got the 'Add Menu Item' set up ok, does anybody have suggestions as to what else I might be missing?
As a for instance, the first time, boot to the active partition from the boot menu OR to reboot from the BIOS?

(As an afterthought to all this, BING gets installed in disc space between WIN 7 and Recovery partitions. So BING would appear 3rd in the Partitions list initially. Would it be necessary to move the Recovery partition up one place in the list, moving BING to 4th? We don't want to fool Tosh.)

AND, has anybody else had problems with the Toshiba extras?

Thanks for any wise suggestions(!), Steve. :)
TeraByte Support
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Re: Booting to WIN 7 on Toshiba laptop

Post by TeraByte Support »


However, you'd be better off updating to BIBM for all this.

"stevieg" wrote in message news:812@public.bootitng...

Hallo BINGERS, we've been using BING on a laptop with WIN XP for 4 years now
and had only one minor hiccup. And doing a weekly full-system back-up, we've
been able to recover from a few attacks and blue screens within the hour. So
BING has served us well.
This week we bought a Toshiba Satellite P770-118 laptop, which of course has
all the Toshiba extras, i.e. 2 extra partitions.
It has the active boot partition, then WIN 7, then the recovery partition. I
had every intention of installing BING, especially after having seen the
horror stories on the Toshiba user forums, because if the Toshiba recovery
process has to be used the machine is returned to day 1 status. (It might
not be possible to employ the WIN 7 restore point.) Imagine having to
re-input 4 years of installations and customisations on 3 accounts. So
practically BING is my only approach.

I installed BING on Tosh and after booting, quickly ran into WIN blue
screens. I can't detail what happened, but I'm assuming that it should be
straightforward to set up BING correctly.
I've assumed that the boot process is BIOS > BING Boot Menu > EMBR
> active partition > WIN 7.
If that is correct, then I can only assume I haven't set up parameters in
BING correctly.

Assuming I've got the 'Add Menu Item' set up ok, does anybody have
suggestions as to what else I might be missing?
As a for instance, the first time, boot to the active partition from the
boot menu OR to reboot from the BIOS?

(As an afterthought to all this, BING gets installed in disc space between
WIN 7 and Recovery partitions. So BING would appear 3rd in the Partitions
list initially. Would it be necessary to move the Recovery partition up one
place in the list, moving BING to 4th? We don't want to fool Tosh.)

AND, has anybody else had problems with the Toshiba extras?

Thanks for any wise suggestions(!), Steve.

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Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:30 am

Re: Booting to WIN 7 on Toshiba laptop

Post by stevieg »

Thanks for the info TB support. I've read the article and I understand what is being suggested with the BCD edit function of BM.

Before I say more, I was surprised when I saw the partition sizes after I'd installed BING. I'd resized WIN 7(64-bit) to allow 16MB for BING, but BING was only recorded as having used the first 5MB. On our XP macine it used 8MB.
Also, in my BING Settings on our XP I didn't tick Align 2048. That option isn't in my hard copy of the manual, so I don't know if this is significant, because I wouldn't have ticked it on the Tosh disc.

Surely using BCD edit would mean bypassing the preloaded Toshiba boot partition, and, as I don't know what it does, I'm wary. Provided the boot item list is set up correctly, BING would just be inserted into the chain of links between the BIOS and MBR0. What happens after that is up to the Toshiba software. (Please understand, I'm debating this for my greater clarity, not to win points!). From my initial use of BING to boot this disk, I could see that the first partition was called MBR0, active, and that it was about 1.4GB. But if it contains vital software, like OEM drivers, I'm reluctant to bypass it. Ideally I would like to delete the 2 extra partitions and just have WIN7 and personal partitions on disk. The trouble with that is if anything goes horribly wrong I was not supplied with any installation disks.

I'd be happy to upgrade to BM if I was convinced that the BCD edit option would solve the problem, especially as there may be any number of reasons why the system crashes, including my incorrect set-up! Are there any Tosh users out there who've overcome this problem?

One final idea, as I don't want to experiment too much in case I really screw things, what would be really useful is running BING, or rather BM now, without installing, so as to be able to 'Image' the whole disc as an initial back-up. Then I could experiment quite happily. If only OEMs would still supply installation discs!!!

Regards to David F, if he's still there, and thanks for any further comments. Steve
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:30 am

Re: Booting to WIN 7 on Toshiba laptop

Post by stevieg »

:oops: To the Support team, I must eat humble pie! I was looking through all the help files on the Tosh and found a 'System Image' function. It will back-up every partition on the disk, and, allied with a System Repair dvd, I can recover the system in the same way as I could using BING. So I won't be pursuing this thread, although I will continue using BING on our WIN XP.
Please accept my apologies for using up your valuable time. And if Toshiba are eavesdropping, 'you're not so bad after all!'
All's well that ends! Thanks, Steve. :D